10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (2024)

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (1)

1. Do your homework

There’s no need to study up on the entire season or memorize the roster, but you should at least know which teams are playing, the names of a few key players, and have a limited knowledge of how the game works. Seriously, don’t bother the diehard fans with dumb questions during tense parts of the game. Save that stuff for pre-season. Pro-tip: If you’re super clueless but want to appear to be in-the-know, call your Dad or ask your football loving friend if they can teach you some cool phrases to say during the game; works like a charm.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (2)Source

2. Don’t paint your face

If you’re at the game, it’s one thing. If you’re at home or at a friends house, it’s messy and will end up getting all over the couch. Be a fan, not a fanatic.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (3)Source

3. Do wear a team jersey

But it has to be the jersey of one of the teams playing. You’ll look like a poor sport if you wear the jersey of a team that didn’t make the big game, and no one likes a poor sport. Also, don’t drop $100 on a jersey just for the party. It looks thirsty. You can always use your student discount and pick up something NFL sporty from Under Armour.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (4)Source

4. Don't save your seat

Beer and the bathroom go hand in hand, but don't expect that seat right in front of the TV to be free when you return — i.e., don't get into a fistfight with your buddy who 'stole' your seat. Pro tip: If you volunteer to go on a beer run and come back with three cases, then you deserve to get your prime spot back. No questions asked.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (5)Source

5. Don’t make stupid comments during commercials

Fact: Some people are there just for the commercials and halftime show. We, as a nation, have an understanding that the commercials “just haven’t been the same” in recent years, but we really don’t need you to remind us of this every commercial break. Give up those great seats in front of the TV for commercial lovers, it’s just common courtesy.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (6)Source

6. Do eat buffalo wings

This is probably the most important DO on this list. The Super Bowl is all about putting your diet aside for the night and indulging on the uber cheesy and meaty. We’ve been really good all of January and we deserve this. We are firm believers that the only green thing that should be served at a Super Bowl party is guac. Go HAM on the wings, bro.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (7)Source

7. Don’t touch the Remote

Unless you’re the host.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (8)Source

8. Don’t get so drunk you forget the game

Do accompany those buffalo wings with a few brewskis (if you’re of age!) but don’t black out. This is the rookiest mistake of all. Take it easy! Pro-tip: Don’t drink or serve tequila-- just take our word for it.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (9)Source

9. Don’t hate the game

You might just be there for Justin Timberlake and chicken wings, but this is football people’s Academy Awards. Let them have their night! Try and follow along the best that you can and hold out for those commercials.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (10)Source

10. Do cheer

There’s nothing quite like watching the game with your friends and bonding over sick plays, epic high fives and some good old-fashioned booing. Casual chitchat is perfectly acceptable, though preferable if it’s about the game. Try to avoid announcing everything or getting too intense about how poorly the coach is doing. Like we said earlier: Be a FAN not a FANATIC.

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (11)Source

Bonus 11. Do watch Justin Timberlake slay

He’s bound to put on an amazing show!

10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (12)Source

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10 Super Bowl party do's and don'ts | THE EDIT (2024)


What to wear to a Super Bowl party when your team isn't in it? ›

Non-NFL fans — aka those just coming for the company, snacks, and halftime show — have it the easy; with no strings attached (save for a friendly wager or two), you can wear pretty much anything and everything as your Super Bowl party outfit — loungewear, denim, funky prints, or a dress. It's all fair game.

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Keep the friendly competition going with a few party games, like football team and city trivia, or football bingo. Popular card games like Cards Against Humanity, Exploding Kittens and Anomia are always a hit no matter the occasion, so it's always a safe bet to have one or two of these laying around.

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1 In 7 Americans Order Take Out

"But what are people ordering for their Super Bowl watch parties?" is a question you may ask yourself because you're looking to create a game day menu. The three most popular Super Bowl dishes people order are pizza, chicken wings, and chips with dips.

How can I make my party more fun? ›

Fun Party Ideas For Your Next Bash!
  1. Signature co*cktails are fun and can be hard or soft.
  2. These brats were delish! ...
  3. Offer guests something unique, like an outdoor movie experience.
  4. Games are always a great way to entertain guests, young or old!
  5. Chalk drawing brings the creative out of everyone!

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Tips for Hosting a Fun Party
  1. Choose a Creative Theme. A well-thought-out theme can set the tone for your party and make it more engaging. ...
  2. Plan Interactive Activities. ...
  3. Hire Live Entertainment. ...
  4. Make It a Foam Party. ...
  5. Offer a Variety of Food and Drinks. ...
  6. Create a Comfortable and Inviting Atmosphere. ...
  7. Set the Stage for Socializing.
Jul 18, 2023

What are the rules to host a Super Bowl? ›

The NFL's general requirements to host the Super Bowl include interest from the local football team, stadium quality, hotel inventory, a media center, corporate and community support, and approval from three-quarters of the league's owners.

What is the most popular Super Bowl snack? ›

Tortilla chips took the top spot for the No. 1 must-have snack during a game day party, followed by cola, cheese dips and salsas.

What is the most popular food item to serve during the Super Bowl? ›

#1- Wings. According to the National Chicken Council, 1.45 billion chicken wings are expected to be consumed for Super Bowl Sunday. They're an easy, shareable food item that comes in many different options, such as garlic parmesan, lemon pepper, cajun, and many many more.

Why do people eat wings during the Super Bowl? ›

So what's the link to football? The buffalo chicken wing got lots of coverage during the early 1990s when the Buffalo Bills played in the SuperBowl for four consecutive years. Today, chicken wings are a staple of the SuperBowl experience.

What do people do at the Super Bowl party? ›

Stereotypical Super Bowl parties use tablecloths, paper plates, and temporary decor pieces with standard football stadium designs. They typically serve wings, burgers, and/or pizza. There's usually a lot of beer involved and plenty of shouting at the television.

How do you throw a good football party? ›

How Do You Make a Football Party Fun?
  1. Create a theme that revolves around the playing teams.
  2. Make snacks and drinks inspired by the two teams.
  3. Use football-related decorations and festive props.
  4. Host a betting pool or create a prediction board.
  5. Create an upbeat playlist for before and after the game.
Dec 12, 2023

How do you make a Super Bowl drinking game? ›

Have a sip when…
  1. The coin toss happens to start the game.
  2. There's an interception made by either team.
  3. The camera cuts to Taylor Swift watching the game.
  4. Another celebrity in the crowd gets highlighted on camera.
  5. Usher brings out a guest during his halftime performance.
Feb 5, 2024


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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