10 Surprising Health Benefits of Foot Spa (2024)

We all know that a foot spa can be therapeutic in many ways, especially after a long, tiring day. But besides helping us relax and relieve achy muscles, foot massage has other health benefits, too.

What are the benefits of foot massage?

1. Improves blood circulation

Because most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle, the muscles in our feet rarely get exercise. And tight or uncomfortable shoes don’t help with circulation. Massage stimulates blood flow, and a 10-20 minute daily session before going to bed can significantly improve circulation in the legs and feet. This is particularly beneficial for people with diabetes.

2. Lowers blood pressure

In recent years, high blood pressure has become pretty common, often caused by stress, poor diet, genetics or environmental factors. Placing pressure on the acupressure points over the sole of the foot can help relieve much of the tension that builds up there. Studies have shown that people in high-stress jobs benefitted from regular 10-minute foot massages each week, which resulted in lower blood pressure, less anxiety and improved mood.

3. Encourages better sleep

Just as with any massage, a few minutes of foot massage before bed can help you relax and improve your quality of sleep.

4. Reduces the effects of anxiety and depression

In addition to relaxing you during the massage, frequent sessions of foot massage can have longer lasting effects as well. Some studies have shown that regular foot massage can help reduce anxiety by as much as 50%.

5. Speeds recovery in foot injuries

Massage can aid recovery after an injury, both helping the foot to heal and keeping the foot and ankle strong and flexible. Regular foot massage can also help prevent the types of ankle and foot injuries common among athletes or people who do high-intensity workouts.

6. Reduces edema during pregnancy

Pregnant women often suffer from edema, which is swelling in the feet and ankles caused by fluid retention. Massaging the feet on a daily basis with firm yet gentle strokes can help combat edema, as does drinking plenty of water and getting sufficient rest.

7. Boosts energy levels

According to some studies, foot massage can also reduce fatigue and help elevate your mood. By improving circulation and nerve functions, a regular foot massage can help you combat feelings of grogginess and aid in concentration.

8. Improves immune function

Regular foot massage can improve your immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells that help your body fight infections and other diseases. Massage also reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol that is often the culprit of various health issues.

9. Improves sex drive

The stress relief that comes with massage can also put you and your partner in the mood. Giving and receiving a foot massage can be effective foreplay in the bedroom, as the massage can lead to mild arousal.

10. Keeps your feet in healthy condition

Frequent massage gives you a chance to check for any foot problems before they get worse, such as:

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Foot Spa (2024)


10 Surprising Health Benefits of Foot Spa? ›

A foot spa provides a tranquil and soothing experience, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Warm water and massage promote muscle relaxation, reducing tension and fatigue. It can stimulates the release of endorphins, leading to an improved mood and a sense of overall well-being.

What are the benefits of a foot spa? ›

A foot spa provides a tranquil and soothing experience, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Warm water and massage promote muscle relaxation, reducing tension and fatigue. It can stimulates the release of endorphins, leading to an improved mood and a sense of overall well-being.

Does soaking feet in hot water help blood circulation? ›

Improved circulation – Soaking your feet in warm water helps blood vessels vasodilate (become bigger) which gets more blood to the legs and feet. This can reduce pain and swelling. Softening – Foot baths can help soften the skin and nails. It can also help remove unwanted skin that builds up or causes pain.

When not to use foot spa? ›

Do not use a foot spa if your skin has any open wounds such as bug bites, bruises, scratches, cuts, scabs, poison ivy, etc. Open wounds appear on the skin of feet and legs. Initially they may look like insect bites, but they increase in size and severity over time, and sometimes result in pus and scarring.

What happens if we keep your feet in hot water? ›

Moreover, soaking your feet in hot water helps you strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation and antibacterial. Treatment of chronic diseases Regular hot water footbath combined with acupressure is a method of treating a number of diseases such as: Diabetes, endometriosis, musculoskeletal diseases.

Do foot spas help arthritis? ›

Alternating cold and warm water footbaths can stimulate circulation in the foot. Cold footbaths or a cold compress alone can help decrease inflammation and swelling. Comfortable, supportive shoes can make walking more comfortable.

How does foot massage affect the brain? ›

Foot massaging activates your nervous system, which increases feel-good endorphins in the brain. In one study, people who received a foot massage after surgery to remove their appendix reported having less pain and using fewer painkillers.

What draws toxins out of feet? ›

Foot detox recipes
  • Epsom salt foot soak. Add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a footbath containing warm water to make this foot soak. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar soak. Some people drink apple cider vinegar to encourage detoxification. ...
  • Baking soda and sea salt soak. ...
  • Bentonite clay foot mask. ...
  • Olive oil foot scrub.

Why do Chinese soak their feet? ›

Foot baths are a common treatment in China for digestive support, hormone regulation and pain.

What does soaking your feet in vinegar do? ›

Benefits of soaking your feet in vinegar. Vinegar can protect against bacteria, fungi, and other harmful microbes. Soaking the feet in a 1-part vinegar, 2-part water solution may help manage odor and infections. Vinegar can have a variety of uses, such as in cooking, cleaning, or alternative medicine.

Can you put Epsom salt in a foot spa? ›

Fill a basin or foot spa with enough warm water to cover the feet up to the ankles. Add half or three-quarters of a cup of Epsom salt to the water. Place the feet in the soak for about 20 to 30 minutes. Dry thoroughly after the soak and then moisturize the feet.

What happens when you massage the bottom of your feet? ›

Just like your neck, back, and shoulders, your feet can also benefit from a regular rubdown. Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems.

Who Cannot use a foot spa? ›

Use of a foot spa is not recommended for patients with Diabetes. Test the temperature of the bath water before you put your foot in the bath; it should not exceed 37oC (body temperature). Do not wear new shoes on holiday. In hot weather your feet will swell in the heat and new shoes may not accommodate the swelling.

Is baking soda good for your feet? ›

Relaxing in a baking soda foot bath will help to soften hard, dry calluses and reduce their appearance over time, and is a much easier method than painfully scrubbing away at them with an abrasive pumice stone or foot file.

When should you not soak your feet? ›

People with poor circulation or decreased sensation in the feet, such as diabetic neuropathy, are better off not soaking at all, however. Not sensing the temperature from water that is too hot or too cold from an icy foot bath can lead to either scalding or cold injuries to the skin.

How long should you sit in a foot spa? ›

Fill a basin or foot spa with enough warm water to cover the feet up to the ankles. Add half or three-quarters of a cup of Epsom salt to the water. Place the feet in the soak for about 20 to 30 minutes. Dry thoroughly after the soak and then moisturize the feet.

How often should I get foot spa? ›

The frequency of foot spa use depends on individual preferences and needs. Some people may use a foot spa daily, while others may use it only once or twice a week. It's important to listen to your body and not overdo it, as too much use of a foot spa can lead to dryness and irritation of the skin.

Can foot spa remove cracked heels? ›

Dr. Niketa says, “Pedicures definitely do help in healing and repairing dry feet and cracked heels to a great extent. They help in eliminating dead skin cells, moisturising and nourishing your feet.

What does foot massage do to your body? ›

Regular foot massages can revitalize your body and increase your energy levels. By stimulating specific pressure points in the feet, a foot massage can help balance the body's energy flow. This can lead to increased vitality, better focus, and a general sense of well-being.


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