Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (2024)

This portal leads to dozens of my most delicious and nutritious backpackingrecipes.

You'll find complete instructions for how to dehydrate homemade backpacking meals, how to store and pack them, and how to rehydrate and cook dehydrated meals on the trail.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (1)

Backpacking Recipes Table of Contents

Types of Homemade Backpacking Meals

Newest Backpacking Recipes

Readers' Choice Recipes

Rice Recipes

Tofu Recipes

Tuna Recipes

No-Cook Recipes

Bark Recipes

Tomato Sauce Recipes

Ramen Noodles Recipes

Enhanced Boxed Products Recipes

50+ Reader-Shared Backpacking Recipes

Types of Homemade Backpacking Meals

  • Complete Meals. Cook a whole meal, like chili or stew, dehydrate it, and divide into individual servings.
  • Assembled Meals. Dehydrate vegetables,meats, beans, tofu, rice, pasta, and potatoes separately, then assemble them into a wide varietyof meals.
  • Enhanced Boxed-Product Meals. Use products like Knorr’sPasta Sides, Zatarain's Spanish Rice, or Far East Couscous as the base for the meals and add moredried meats and vegetables.
  • Bark Backpacking Meals. Run starchy foods like potatoes,beans, or creamed corn through a blender; then dehydrate them into bark. Bark rehydratesinto a delicious sauce to surround the other ingredients in trail meals.
  • Saucy Backpacking Meals. Dehydrate tomato sauce for Italian-stylemeals, or curry paste for Thai-style meals.

Newest Backpacking Recipes

Turkey Chili

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (2)

Thisturkey chili recipe uses oven-roasted turkey breast which you shred with agrater to ensure that it rehydrates well in backpacking meals. Use leftoverturkey from Thanksgiving dinner or purchase thick-cut oven roasted turkey fromthe deli.

See Turkey Chili Recipe.

Thai Peanut Noodles

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (3)

ThisThai peanut noodle recipe uses low-fat peanut butter powder, so you candehydrate it for a light-weight backpacking meal. Rehydrates with either hot orcold water.

See Thai Peanut Noodles.

Readers' Choice Backpacking Recipes

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (4)

Based on letters from readers, these are the three most favorite backpacking dinners enjoyed on the trail:

Cook a big batch, dehydrate, and divide into meal sizeportions.

Ground beef, beans, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and rice in a zesty cheddar cheese sauce with taco seasoning.

Unstuffed Peppers

Ground beef, bell peppers, and rice in tomato sauce.

Backpacking Mac & Cheese Recipes

Shells in Cheesy Tomato Sauce

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (5)

Servings:1 Large


  • ¾ cup dried shells (70 g)
  • ⅓ cup dried ground beef (40 g)
  • ⅓ cup dried mixed vegetables (20 g)*
  • 2 Tbsp. cheddar cheese powder (12 g)
  • 1½ Tbsp. milk powder (9 g)
  • ⅓ cup tomato sauce leather (25 g)
  • 2¼ cups water to rehydrate (532 ml)

* For mixed vegetables, try a combination of driedbell peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, and onions.


Pack cheese and milk powders together in one smallbag, tomato sauce leather in another small bag, and enclose with otheringredients in a larger Ziploc bag.

Onthe Trail:

Combine allingredients except cheese and milk powders with water in pot, and soak fiveminutes. Light stove, bring to a boil, and simmer for one minute. Remove fromstove and stir in cheese and milk powders. Insulate pot and wait 15 minutes.

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (6)

Macaroni and Cheese Recipes

Macaroni and Cheese with added meatsand vegetables. Ham and Cheese, Kickin' Veggie Mac & Cheese, Taco Mac 'nCheese, Tuna Mac & Cheese, and more. Plus instructions for dehydratingmacaroni.

Backpacking Rice Recipes

Thai Green Curry

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (7)

Photo: Thaigreen curry ingredients: dried jasmine rice, green curry paste, ground chicken, andmixed vegetables. Dried tofu may be substituted for chicken.

Prepare this Thai Green Curry recipe with chicken,or make it vegan by using dehydrated tofu.

This recipe is simplified for easy preparation athome and on the trail. Thai green curries typically include Thai basil andkaffir lime leaves. Since those ingredients may be hard to find, the mainflavor drivers in this backpacker’s version are dehydrated Thai green currypaste and coconut milk powder.

I used the Thai Kitchen brand of green curry paste.Ingredients: green chili pepper, garlic, lemongrass, spices, salt, shallot& lime peel.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (8)

Photo: Contents of onejar of Thai Kitchen green curry paste on dehydrator tray. Crumbles by hand whendry.

Dehydrating Green Curry Paste

Optional Ingredients: ½ teaspoon fresh gratedginger, ½ teaspoon fish sauce. Stir these into the curry paste before drying.

Spread green curry paste (¾ cup, 200 g) thinly ondehydrator tray using nonstick sheet.

Dehydrate at 135°F (57°C) until crumbly, about 6–7hours. There is no need to grind the dried curry paste intopowder—hand-crumbled is fine.

Dried Yield: ¾ cup (52 g)

Thai Green Curry Ingredients (One Serving)

  • ½ cup precooked & dried rice* (60 g)
  • ¼ cup dried ground chicken ** (30 g)
  • ¼ cup dried mixed vegetables*** (15 g)
  • ¼ cup dried green curry paste (15 g)
  • 3 Tbsp. coconut milk powder **** (20 g)
  • 2 cups water to rehydrate

* Jasmine rice precooked in chicken broth was used,but any long-grain rice will work. See Dehydrating Jasmine Rice.

** Ground Chicken mixed with ground oats rehydrateswell with excellent texture. See Dehydrating Chicken.

*** Any combination of dried vegetables may be used.This recipe included red and orange bell peppers, carrots, onions, and greenbeans. Another excellent choice is dehydrated baby corn.

**** Native Forest brand of coconut milk powder wasused.

Pack coconut milkpowder in a separate bag.

Shop Amazon: Native Forest Coconut Milk Powder and Thai Kitchen Curry Paste.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (9)

Photo: Rehydrated Thai Green Currywith Chicken.

Onthe Trail:

Combine all ingredients with water in pot. Soak 5minutes, then bring meal to a boil. Transfer pot to insulating cozy and wait 15minutes.

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (10)

Backpacking Recipes with Rice

Hamwith Rice & Vegetables, Curry Shrimp & Rice, Easy Cheesy Rice &Beans, Hawaiian Shrimp & Rice, and more. Learn how to dehydrate rice forflavorful meals.

Backpacking Recipes with Tofu

Thai Red Curry

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (11)

Photo: Dried Thai redcurry ingredients: jasmine rice, red curry paste, tofu, and mixed vegetables.Dried chicken may be substituted for tofu.

Prepare this Thai Red Curry recipe with tofu, ormake it meaty by using dehydrated ground chicken.

I used the Thai Kitchen brand of red curry paste.Ingredients: spices, red chili pepper, garlic, lemongrass, salt, shallot, corianderroot, kaffir lime peel.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (12)

Photo: Contents of onejar of Thai Kitchen red curry paste on dehydrator tray. Crumbles by hand whendry.

Dehydrating Red Curry Paste

Optional Ingredients: ½ teaspoon fresh gratedginger, ½ teaspoon soy sauce. Stir these into the curry paste before drying.

Spread red curry paste (1 cup, 225 g) thinly ondehydrator tray using nonstick sheet.

Dehydrate at 135°F (57°C) until crumbly, about 6–7hours. There is no need to grind the dried curry paste intopowder—hand-crumbled is fine.

Dried Yield: 1 cup (81 g)

Thai Red Curry Ingredients (One Serving)

  • ½ cup precooked & dried rice* (60 g)
  • ¼ cup dried tofu ** (25 g)
  • ¼ cup dried mixed vegetables*** (15 g)
  • ¼ cup dried red curry paste (15 g)
  • 3 Tbsp. coconut milk powder **** (20 g)
  • 2 cups water to rehydrate. (473 ml)

* Jasmine rice precooked in vegetable broth was used,but any long-grain rice will work. See Dehydrating Jasmine Rice.

** See Dehydrating Tofu. Dried ground chicken may beused in place of tofu.

*** Any combination of dried vegetables may be used.This recipe included red and orange bell peppers, carrots, onions, and greenbeans. Another excellent choice is dehydrated baby corn.

**** Native Forest brand of coconut milk powder wasused.

Pack coconut milkpowder in a separate bag.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (13)

Photo: Rehydrated ThaiRed Curry with Tofu.

Onthe Trail:

Combine allingredients with water in pot. Soak 5 minutes, then bring meal to a boil.Transfer pot to insulating cozy and wait 15 minutes.

ThaiRed Curry-Coconut Soup

Use the same quantities of ingredients as the Thai Red Curry mealabove, but increase water to 2¾ cups (650 ml). Fills one 24-ounce capacitythermos food jar for 1 large or 2 small servings.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (14)

Photo above: Thai RedCurry-Coconut Soup rehydrated in 24-oz thermos food jar.

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (15)

Tofu Recipes

How to dehydrate tofu with seasonings. Recipes include Tofu Noodles with Vegetables & Rice, Tofu Vegetable Soup, Spicy Tofu Tortillas, and Curry Tofu & Vegetables.

Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes

Green-Lentil Stew

This vegetarian backpacking recipe is cooked as a whole meal,dehydrated, and divided into individual servings for the trail.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (16)

Servings: 4


  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 cups leeks, chopped
  • 1–2 carrots, diced
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ lb.mushrooms, sliced (250 g)
  • 1⅔ cups green lentils (300 g)
  • 2½ cups vegetable broth (591 ml)
  • Handful chopped parsley
  • 1 Tbsp. cooking oil
  • 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (17)

Cooking Green-Lentil Stew

Lubricatea stockpot with ½ tablespoon of cooking oil. Cook onions, leeks, and garlic for10 minutes on medium heat. Add carrots, tomatoes, and bell peppers, andcontinue cooking a few more minutes. Hold back the mushrooms and parsley.

Addlentils, and cook another 5 minutes.

Add vegetable broth, andbring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for 30 minutes, covered.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (18)

In aseparate, minimally lubricated pan, cook sliced mushrooms and chopped parsley.Add 2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar or a splash of wine if desired.

Add cooked mushrooms tocooked lentils in stockpot, and simmer another 5 minutes. Remove from stove,and allow to cool for dehydration.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (19)

Dehydrating Green-Lentil Stew

Spreadstew on dehydrator trays covered with nonstick sheets. For this recipe, 3Excalibur Dehydrator trays were used.

Dehydrateat 135°F (57°C) for 10–12 hours or until all components of the steware dry. Check the mushrooms to make sure they are dry on the inside.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (20)

Photo: DehydratedGreen-Lentil Stew (left), Rehydrated (right).

On theTrail (One Serving):

  • 1 cup dried stew
  • 1⅓ cup water to rehydrate or a little more.

A littleextra water is fine with this meal, as it creates a gravy. Rehydrated greenlentils remain firm and chewy.

Pot Cooking: Combine all ingredients in pot with water.Soak 5 minutes, and bring to a boil for 1 minute. Transfer pot to an insulatingcozy for 15 minutes.

Thermos Cooking: Use an extra ¼–⅓ cupwater, depending on the serving size. Add boiled water to ingredients inthermos food jar, and wait 20 minutes, up to several hours.

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (21)

Backpacking Recipes with Lentils

Vegan and vegetarian backpackingrecipes include vegetarian unstuffed peppers, French-inspired ratatouille,Moroccan-spiced root bark stew, hearty green-lentil chili, and curry-carrotsoup; plus meals with textured vegetable protein, and many more vegetarian backpacking meals from Chef Glenn’snewsletter.

Tuna Backpacking Recipes

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (22)

Explore More: Tuna Backpacking Recipes

Pasta with Tuna Sauce, Tuna Mac & Cheese, Tuna & Rice with Vegetables, Tuna Zuppa, Tuna & Pasta San Marzano, Tuna Salsa Salad, and Tuna Snack Pack.

No-cook Backpacking Recipes

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (23)

Explore More: No-cook Backpacking Recipes

Sushi Rice Bowl, Peach Salsa Rice Salad, Tuna & Pasta San Marzano, Quinoa & Bean Cilantro Salad, Couscous Salad with Cucumber-Salsa Dressing, Overnight Couscous Salad, Shrimp co*cktail Tortillas, Gazpacho, Overnight Bircher Muesli, and Peach Crunch Breakfast.

Bark Recipes

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (24)

Explore More: Bark Recipes

Blend and dehydrate starchy vegetables and beans into bark, and use it tomake flavorful, saucy backpacking meals such as Mashed Potatoes withMeat & Vegetables, BBQ Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Porridge, BBQ Bean Bark Stew, Black Bean & Salsa Bark Stew, Corn BarkStew, Crab Chowder, and more.

Backpacking Recipes with Tomato Sauce

Macaroni with Beef & Vegetables in Tomato Sauce

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (25)

Servings: 1


  • ½ cup
  • ¼ cup dried ground beef
  • ¼ cup dried vegetables (Try a mix of driedbell peppers and dried olives)
  • 2 Tbsp. tomato sauce powder
  • 1½ cups water to rehydrate

Pack all ingredients in a Ziploc bag for trip. Optional: Include a packet ofparmesan cheese for a topping.

On the Trail:

Combine all ingredients with water in pot andsoak for 5 minutes. Light stove, bring to a boil, and continue cooking withthe lid on for 1 minute. Place pot in an insulating pot cozy and wait 15 minutes. Top with parmesan cheese when serving.

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (26)

Tomato Sauce Leather Recipes

Italian-style backpacking meals likePasta & Cheesy Tomato Sauce, Seafood Raminara, and Unstuffed Peppers.

Learn how to make tomato sauceleather and tomato powder using sauce from a jar or with Chef Glenn's homemadetomato sauce recipe.

Ramen Noodles Recipes

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (27)

Explore More: Ramen Noodles Recipes

Ramen Noodles & Kraut, Cheese-O-Rama,Vegetarian Ramen Noodles, and more.

Easy Backpacking Meals

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (28)

Explore More: Easy Backpacking Meals

Add dried veggies and meat to popular boxed products from Zatarain's, Near East, and Annie's Organic. These enhanced backpacking meals include Spanish Rice with Beef & Tomatoes, Red Beans & Rice with Vegetables, Pine Nut Couscous with Meat & Vegetables, and several Cheesy Pasta backpacking recipes.

Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (29)

Explore More: 50+ Shared Backpacking Recipes.

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Chef Glenn's Books and Guides

Action Guide: Dehydrating 31 Meals

Recipes for Adventure II: The Best of Trail Bytes

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (31)

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Backpacking Soup Recipes

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Backpacking Recipes: Chef Glenn’s Full Collection (2024)


Are backpacking meals really 2 servings? ›

2) One meal = 2+ servings.

That's convenient, but it does not necessarily mean that they are adequate for two people; on the contrary, the general rule in the mountains is that one 2-serving pouch makes one dinner for one person.

Are backpacking meals healthy? ›

For backpackers focused on optimizing caloric intake while minimizing pack weight, freeze-dried meals offer an ingenious solution. Their reduced moisture content translates to a lighter load and a lower calorie density, strategically meeting the energy needs of hikers and campers.

What food should I pack for backpacking? ›

Banana chips, no-bake energy bites, chocolate-covered cashews or almonds, spicy nuts, dried fruit (apples, mangos, cranberries), fruit leather, string cheese, crackers, fig bars, peanut butter pretzels, cookies, Chex mix, sesame sticks, pumpkin seeds, gummy bears, licorice and candy bars are just a few choices.

How to dehydrate red curry paste? ›

Transfer the curry onto the dehydrator trays in a thin and consistent layer. Once the dehydrator is full, turn it on and set the temperature. I usually use 160F and set it for about 20 hours. This meal usually takes 12-18 hours to fully dehydrate on my dehydrator.

Why are backpacking meals so expensive? ›

The Cost of Ingredients.

They are packing the meals full of real meat. And more exotic vegetables. Cheaper meals use a lot more carbs, and less meat/vegetables. They also use thickeners, so the meal tends to remind you of Chef Boyardee cans, rather than real food.

How much does 5 days of backpacking food weight? ›

For lightweight and ultralightweight backpackers, the combined weight of food and water will regularly exceed that of all the gear they are carrying. For example, five days food equates to approximately 10 lbs (4.5 kg). Half a gallon of water is roughly 4 lbs (1.8 kg).

What is the most calorie dense food for backpacking? ›

The Highest Calorie Trail Foods
  • 200 calories/ounce: Macadamias, Pecans. 190: Brazil nuts, Walnuts. 180: Hazelnuts. 170: Peanuts. 160: Almonds, Cashews, Pine Nuts, Pistachios.
  • Next up are various seeds.
  • Finally, for breakfast, consider granola (120-150 calories/ounce) instead of oatmeal (80-100 calorie).

Can you lose weight backpacking? ›

Hiking in itself will help you lose weight—you can burn up to 250 calories per hour if you walk at a pace of 2.5 miles an hour. You can further accentuate this by leveraging the slopes and inclines on your trails. Try hiking uphill as fast as you can.

How much does 4 days of food weigh backpacking? ›

Many ultralight backpackers aim for about 1½ to 2 lbs. of food (or 2,500 to 4,500 calories) per person per day, depending on many factors such as their size, weight, intensity of exercise, exertion level or how many days they'll be out.

What is the best meat and cheese for backpacking? ›

Best meats and cheeses to pack:

Hard salami. Beef or turkey jerky. Summer sausage. Salmon, chicken, or tuna in foil packets.

What to do with food at night when backpacking? ›

Food Storage in a Campground
  1. During the day, keep all your food secured in your cooler or car, even if you're sitting nearby or on a short jaunt to the outhouse, and especially if you're away on a hike.
  2. At night, place any loose food, plus a cooler if you have one, inside a metal bear box if there is one.

Is red curry paste the same as garam masala? ›

In summary, Thai red curry paste and Indian masala powder (garam masala) are spice blends from different culinary traditions. Thai red curry paste is used as a base for Thai curries, while Indian masala powder or garam masala is a finishing spice blend used in a variety of Indian dishes.

What happens if you add too much curry paste? ›

If you added too much of curry paste it will increase the spiciness and pungent smell of the gravy. Add ground coconut paste and simmer in Sim flame. Add a little tamarind juice and cook for 5 minutes. Add salt if needed.

Is red curry paste really hot? ›

The spiciest option, red curry paste is rich and fiery. Green curry paste is often considered the most popular of the three because it offers a mild, balanced flavor that is both rich and herbaceous. Yellow curry paste is heartwarming and slightly sweet and its spiciness can vary depending on the types of chilies used.

Are there single serving backpacking meals? ›

Enjoy all of our single serve freeze-dried food and dehydrated meals, made from wholesome ingredients. Lightweight, nutritious, and ready for all your solo adventures, or whenever you just don't want to share! Just add water for these one serving meal options.

Is Peak Refuel really 2 servings? ›

Peak Refuel Nutrition

Like most backpacker meals that claim 2 servings, after a long day, someone with a decent appetite could definitely house a whole 2-serving package by themselves.

What does 2 servings per container mean? ›

To see how many servings a container has, look at the top of the label. “Servings per container” is listed right above “Serving size.” In the example below, a frozen lasagna serving size is 1 cup. But the container has four servings. If you want to eat 2 cups—or half the package—you'd be eating two servings.

How much food do I need for a 2 day backpacking trip? ›

1.5 Pounds per Day | “Regular” Hiking Food

This is for warm season backpacking with up to 12 miles per day (possibly more) with some off-trail travel. If I am going for killer trips, like 10-12 solid hours of hiking per day it will be more like 1.8 pounds of food per day.


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.