Can You Correct A Bunion Without Surgery? | Foot & Ankle Institute (2024)

Can You Correct A Bunion Without Surgery? | Foot & Ankle Institute (1)

One of the most common foot deformities is bunions. They come in all shapes and sizes – from a slight bump at the base of the big toe with the toe relatively straight to a large bump with the big toe that causes it to turn horizontally.

A person of any age can develop a bunion, although it is more common among adults. While wearing tight-fitting shoes can accelerate the formation of a bunion, its root cause is often hereditary, with children demonstrating the start of bunion formation as early as birth. Other causes include trauma or neuromuscular disease.

Whatever the cause, the bottom line is that bunions are not only an unsightly imperfection in the structure of your foot, but they can also cause pain and make wearing shoes more difficult. The only question is, how do you get rid of a bunion without resorting to surgery?

Treatment Options for Bunions

Bunions can cause foot pain for a number of reasons. They can compress a nerve that causes burning or numbness in the big toe. They can also irritate the big toe’s bursa, a fluid-filled sac near most joints, thereby causing bursitis. There is also arthritis of the bunion, which occurs when cartilage deteriorates, resulting in bone-on-bone grinding and pain, limiting your ability to lead an active lifestyle and making bunion correction more complicated. Most bunion treatments involve resolving symptoms and slowing down the progression of bunion formation.

One solution for painful bunions is orthotics, custom shoe inserts designed to correct poor foot mechanics and, in the process, stop or slow the progression of a bunion. Professionally prescribed orthotics can reduce deformities by controlling the inward rolling of your foot and supporting the first metatarsal, the bone in your foot just behind your big toe.

Other non-surgical treatments for bunions include injections of cortisone or oral anti-inflammatory medication and wearing custom-made shoes that accommodate the bunion deformity. Both help provides comfort and relieve pain, but do not reduce the abnormal angles that underlie the bunion deformity.

The only definitive solution for removing a bunion and correcting the foot’s structures is a bunionectomy, a surgical procedure that moves toes back into their correct position. Although bunion surgery is highly successful in most cases, you should discuss the risks involved with your surgeon. Also, note that it can take many weeks to recover from bunion surgery and that physical therapy may be recommended to help restore strength and motion in your foot.

Bunion Correction in Rhode Island and Massachusetts

Bunion treatment, including surgery, must be tailored to your specific situation, your overall health, your preferences, and your doctor’s recommendation. A successful outcome requires the skill and expertise of a surgeon well-versed in bunionectomy and other treatments.

At the Foot & Ankle Institute of New England, our board-certified podiatrists and surgeon have the expertise in medical and surgical podiatric care, as well as comprehensive podiatry services and solutions to help patients of all ages suffering from a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including bunions.

For the best possible care for your foot or ankle issues, you can schedule a consultation with one of our foot and ankle experts by calling the nearest office of the Foot & Ankle Institute of New England in Warwick or Middletown, Rhode Island, or Fall River, Massachusetts. Or, if you prefer, simply request an appointment online.

Can You Correct A Bunion Without Surgery? | Foot & Ankle Institute (2024)


Can You Correct A Bunion Without Surgery? | Foot & Ankle Institute? ›

In most cases, bunions can be treated nonsurgically. One of the podiatrists from our team can examine your bunion(s) and recommend a conservative treatment which includes one or more of the following: Custom shoe orthotics (inserts) that relieve pressure on the joint and align your weight in a more beneficial way.

Has anyone corrected a bunion without surgery? ›

Other non-surgical treatments for bunions include injections of cortisone or oral anti-inflammatory medication and wearing custom-made shoes that accommodate the bunion deformity. Both help provides comfort and relieve pain, but do not reduce the abnormal angles that underlie the bunion deformity.

Is there a non surgical bunion corrector? ›

Orthotics. Molded shoe inserts that you can buy at your local pharmacy can help correct the mechanics that cause a bunion to form. Custom orthotics made specifically for your feet may be the next step if OTC products don't work.

Is there a bunion corrector that actually works? ›

Unfortunately, there is no medical research or data to support the claim that bunion correctors straighten the big toe.

What happens if you never get bunion surgery? ›

If left untreated, a bunion can cause arthritis, especially if the joint in the big toe has sustained extensive, long-term damage.

What is the alternative to Bunionectomy? ›

Alternatives to bunion surgery
  • wearing supportive shoes with a wide toe box.
  • avoiding high-heeled shoes.
  • using bunion pads or shoe inserts, which are available over the counter, to reduce pressure on the toe.
  • taping or splinting the toe into its correct position.
Oct 19, 2018

What is the new technology to remove bunions? ›

Lapiplasty has been called a “paradigm shift ” in bunion correction surgery. The surgeon no longer has to cut freehand. A patented instrument holds the metatarsal bone in correct position in all three dimensions at the same time before the surgeon makes any cuts.

What is the device to fix bunions without surgery? ›

Caretras Bunion Corrector

It helps relieve discomfort, pressure, and inflammation by constantly applying gentle pressure when on. For the best relief and effectiveness, wear the corrector for 20 minutes each day and gradually increase your usage until you can comfortably wear it for two to three hours.

How to dissolve bunions naturally? ›

Our 10 top tips on treating bunions without surgery:
  1. Massage and exercise your feet.
  2. Take a paracetamol.
  3. Soak your feet in a foot bath.
  4. Ice your feet.
  5. Put your feet up!
  6. Try castor oil.
  7. Try bunion pads.
  8. Try bunion splints.
Jul 20, 2022

What is the best thing to fix bunions? ›

The only way to permanently remove bunions is surgery, sometimes called a bunionectomy. There are a few different ways to surgically remove a bunion, and all are common. Your podiatrist will take a look at your foot to determine the best approach to help you find permanent bunion relief.

Is it worth getting a bunion corrector? ›

Perhaps the term of “bunion correctors” is slightly misleading as they do not actually correct bunions, rather prevents it from getting worse. The only way to really correct a bunion is by surgery. In most cases, this is a last resort for people who are in great pain and have severe deformity.

Why avoid bunion surgery? ›

While this procedure is often used to reduce pain and improve the appearance of the foot, it can also lead to permanent changes in the natural shape and alignment of the bones in your foot/feet, which will affect the biomechanics of your feet and how they absorb pressures when you walk, stand, climb, run, etc.

Can you straighten a bunion without surgery? ›

In most cases, bunions can be treated nonsurgically. One of the podiatrists from our team can examine your bunion(s) and recommend a conservative treatment which includes one or more of the following: Custom shoe orthotics (inserts) that relieve pressure on the joint and align your weight in a more beneficial way.

Does Vicks help bunions? ›

Sounds crazy, right? But, according to the NIH, menthol and camphor — two of the active ingredients in Vicks VapoRub — may help soothe inflamed joints and muscles by acting as a topical anesthetic. Treating bunions with Vicks may provide temporary, superficial pain relief.

Is tailor's bunion surgery covered by insurance? ›

Tailor's bunion surgery is usually fully or partially covered by insurance if it is painful for you.

How can I shrink my bunions naturally? ›

By following these steps and incorporating them into your daily routine, you can take charge of your foot health and enjoy greater comfort.
  1. Step 1: Assess Your Footwear. ...
  2. Step 2: Use Bunion Pads and Splints. ...
  3. Step 3: Incorporate Toe Exercises and Stretches. ...
  4. Step 4: Apply Ice and Heat Therapy. ...
  5. Step 5: Consider Custom Orthotics.
Feb 15, 2024

Does bunion taping really work? ›

Taping bunions can reduce the bunion pain and stress brought on during the day by most shoes, standing and walking. Taping is often used to provide support, stability or rehabilitation to athletes suffering from bunion pain including runners, dancers, bikers and skiers.

Can you reshape a bunion? ›

Bunion surgery is done to reduce the pain and correct the deformity caused by a bunion. A bunion (hallux valgus) is an enlargement of the bone or tissue around a joint at the base of the big toe or at the base of the little toe.


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