College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (2024)

Table of Contents
College Enrollment Statistics College Enrollment by Degree College Enrollment by Institution Type College Enrollment by Race or Ethnicity Nonresident Non-citizen Enrollment College Enrollment by Sex or Gender College Enrollment by Age Percentage of High School Graduates That Go to College State College Enrollment Statistics College Enrollment in Alabama College Enrollment in Alaska College Enrollment in Arizona College Enrollment in Arkansas College Enrollment in California College Enrollment in Colorado College Enrollment in Connecticut College Enrollment in Delaware College Enrollment in the District of Columbia College Enrollment in Florida College Enrollment in Georgia College Enrollment in Hawaii College Enrollment in Idaho College Enrollment in Illinois College Enrollment in Indiana College Enrollment in Iowa College Enrollment in Kansas College Enrollment in Kentucky College Enrollment in Louisiana College Enrollment in Maine College Enrollment in Maryland College Enrollment in Massachusetts College Enrollment in Michigan College Enrollment in Minnesota College Enrollment in Mississippi College Enrollment in Missouri College Enrollment in Montana College Enrollment in Nebraska College Enrollment in Nevada College Enrollment in New Hampshire College Enrollment in New Jersey College Enrollment in New Mexico College Enrollment in New York College Enrollment in North Carolina College Enrollment in North Dakota College Enrollment in Ohio College Enrollment in Oklahoma College Enrollment in Oregon College Enrollment in Pennsylvania College Enrollment in Puerto Rico College Enrollment in Rhode Island College Enrollment in South Carolina College Enrollment in South Dakota College Enrollment in Tennessee College Enrollment in Texas College Enrollment in Utah College Enrollment in Vermont College Enrollment in Virginia College Enrollment in Washington College Enrollment in West Virginia College Enrollment in Wisconsin College Enrollment in Wyoming International Student Population & Enrollment Statistics Study Abroad Enrollment Statistics Sources References

Last Updated: January 10, 2024


Fact Checked

Report Highlights. College enrollment totaled 15.44 million undergraduate students nationwide in fall 2021, a 21% decline year-over-year (YoY).

  • The number of total enrolled post-secondary students declined by 4.9%from 2019 to 2021, the most significant rate of decline in enrollment since 1951.
  • 17% of all post-secondary students are in graduate programs.
  • Preliminary data indicate that total post-secondary enrollment in Spring 2022 fell to 16.2 million; this would be a 14.7% &decline from Fall 2020.
  • 19.6% of the student population is Hispanic or Latino, an 850% increase from 1976.
  • The rate of female college attendance has nearly doubled since 1976, increasing by98.1%.

College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (1)

A further 364,013 students attend post-secondary institutions that do not, at the time of publication, grant degrees; most of these institutions are transitioning to higher levels of education. Students at these institutions are excluded from this report unless noted otherwise. When including these students, the nationwide total number of post-secondary students climbs to 19.36 million.

Related research reports include Student Loan Debt Statistics | College Graduation Statistics | College Dropout Rates | Average Cost of College | Student Loan Refinancing

College Enrollment Statistics

College enrollment statistics indicate that more Americans are forgoing higher education; some may be putting off college attendance to build savings.

  • Enrollment peaked in 2010 at 21.02 million.
  • Since 2010, enrollment has declined 9.8%.
  • 11.51 million or 61% of all students, graduate, and undergraduate, are enrolled full-time.
  • 4.1 million or 20.7% of students graduate annually.
  • 61.8% of high school (or equivalent) graduates go on to post-secondary study.
  • The rate of enrollment among new high school graduates declined 7.3% YoY.
  • Since 1960, the rate of enrollment among high school graduates increased by 37% in total.
  • Among first-time, first-year college students, 82.0% are full-time students.
  • As many as 15% of American adults are currently enrolled in college as part-time or full-time students.
  • In the 2019-2020 academic year, 914,095 enrolled students were foreign-born.
Total College Enrollment (Undergraduate & Graduate Students) from 1950 to 2023, Selected Years
YearTotal Enrollment% Public Institution Enrollment














































































































































































College Enrollment by Degree

College enrollment statistics indicate that, whether they earn their degree or drop out, most undergraduate students make one attempt to complete their college education.

  • 73.0% of college students at all education levels attend public institutions.
  • Among the 5.1 million undergraduates who attend private institutions, 80.3% attend nonprofit schools.
  • 49.2% of graduate students attend public institutions.
  • 61.7% of undergraduates are full-time or full-time equivalent (FTE) students.
  • 4.49 million college students graduated in 2021†.
    • 26.3% received associate’s degrees.
    • 48.6% received bachelor’s degrees.
    • 20.3% earned master’s degrees.
    • 4.6% earned doctorates or professional degrees.
  • 52.1% of all bachelor’s degrees are in 5 fields.
    • 18.2% in business
    • 12.9% in health professions and related studies.
    • 7.7% in social sciences and history.
    • 6.1% in psychology.
    • 6.3% in biological and biomedical sciences.
  • 50.8% of associate degrees conferred are in 3 fields.
    • 24.9% are in general studies and/or humanities.
    • 14.7% in health professions and related.
    • 11.2% in business.

College Enrollment by Institution Type

Most post-secondary students attend degree-granting 4-year public institutions.

  • Among new high school graduates, 18.5% enroll in 2-year colleges; 43.3% enroll in 4-year programs.
  • 13.9 million or 74.9% of all college students attend 4-year institutions.
  • 4.6 million or 25% of all students attend 2-year institutions.
  • 13.5 million or 72.5% of all post-secondary students attend public institutions.
  • Among the 5.1 million or 27.4% of post-secondary students who attend private institutions, 80.3% attend nonprofit schools while 19.6% attend for-profit institutions.
Fall Post-secondary Enrollment (Undergraduate & Graduate) from 1959 to 2023, Selected Years
Year%Public Institution Enrollment%Full-Time Enrollment








































































College Enrollment by Race or Ethnicity

Demographic statistics are imperfect because many people do not fit easily into just one category. Not all races are represented, and some data, especially when it is historical, use obsolete definitions and terminology. The language of this report conforms to the language used in available data sets.

  • 53.4% of college students are White or Caucasian.
  • 55.5% of White or Caucasian students enroll at 4-year institutions.
  • As a percentage of the entire student population, nonwhite student attendance has increased by 125.5% since 1976.
  • Black and African American students make up 3.5% more of the student population than they did in 1976.
  • 55.3% of post-secondary students were white males in Fall 2021.
  • 61.7% of graduate students were white males.
  • Enrollment among Hispanic females increased 1,174% from 1976 to 2021, faster than other ethnic and ethnic demographics.
  • American Indians and Alaska Natives had the lowest enrollment rates among ethnic and racial demographics, having increased 59.1% since 1976.
  • American Indian and Alaska Native participation in graduate programs has increased 120%since 1976.

College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (2)

American Indian or Alaska Native Enrollment

Post-secondary attendance among American Indian or Alaska Native students has been in decline since 2010.

  • 0.7%of students identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • Attendance among students of this demographic has increased by 59.1%since 1976.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native students saw their highest rate of attendance in 2000 and 2010.
  • 76.9%of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 65.%of American Indian or Alaska Native students attend 4-year institutions.

Asian or Asian American Enrollment

Post-secondary attendance among Asian or Asian American students has steadily grown since 2010; attendance rates prior to 2010 combine Asian and Pacific Islander student populations.

  • 7.6%of students identify as Asian or Asian American.
  • Attendance among students of this demographic has increased 11.1%since 2010.
  • 74.3% of Asians or Asian Americans attend public institutions.
  • 75.8%of Asian or Asian American students attend 4-year institutions.

Black or African-American Enrollment

Post-secondary attendance among Black or African American students was on the rise until 2010; since then, it has declined.

  • 13.1% of students identify as Black or African American.
  • Attendance among students of this demographic has increased by 125.5%since 1976.
  • 67.5%of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 71.9%of Black or African American students attend 4-year institutions.

Hispanic or Latino Enrollment

Post-secondary attendance among Hispanic or Latino students has skyrocketed in the last 50 years and continues to grow annually.

  • 20.6%of the college student population identifies as Hispanic or Latino.
  • Attendance among this demographic has increased by 264.8%since 1976.
  • 80.3%of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 65.3%of Hispanic or Latino students enroll in 4-year colleges.

Pacific Islander Enrollment

As with the Asian or Asian American category, attendance rates prior to 2010 are unavailable.

  • 0.3%of the college student population identifies as Pacific Islander.
  • Attendance among this demographic has declined by 26.4%since 2010.
  • 61.9%of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 71.7%of Pacific Islander students enroll in 4-year colleges.

Multiracial Enrollment

Students who identify as two or more races are categorized as multiracial. Data prior to 2010 is unavailable.

  • 4.3% of the college student population identifies as multiracial.
  • Attendance among multiracial students has increased by 133%since 2010.
  • 74.1%of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 74.5%of multiracial students enroll in 4-year colleges.
Fall Post-secondary Enrollment (Undergraduate & Graduate) from 1976 to 2021, Selected Years
Year%Racial or Ethnic Minority Enrollment%Black or African American Enrollment

































Nonresident Non-citizen Enrollment

The word “non-citizen” differentiates this student demographic from nonresident students (that is, U.S. citizens or permanent residents attending a U.S. school outside their state of residence).

  • 5.0% of enrolled college students are nonresident non-citizens.
  • The attendance rate among these students declined 1.5% YoY.
  • Attendance among these students has increased by 149.3% since 1976.
  • Since 2010, attendance is up 47.3%.
  • 61.2% of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 91.9% of nonresident, non-citizen students enroll in 4-year colleges.
Fall Post-secondary Enrollment (Undergraduate & Graduate) from 1976 to 2021, Selected Years
Year%Female Enrollment%Female Racial or Ethnic Minority Enrollment

































College Enrollment by Sex or Gender

Limited data makes no significant representation of genders beyond the standard binary. Updates to data collection policies may make these statistics available in the future.

  • 65.2%of American women aged 25 years and older have pursued higher education.
  • 50.4%of women 25 and older have at least one degree.
  • 61.1%of men aged 25 years and older have pursued higher education.
  • 46.1%of men 25 and older have at least one degree.
  • Women are 6.71%more likely to enroll in higher education than men and 9.33%more likely to earn a degree.
  • 74%of male college students attend public institutions; 25.9%attend private schools.
  • 71.5%of female students attend public institutions; 28.4% attend private schools.
  • Women are 151%more likely to attend public institutions.
  • 41.6% of post-secondary and postgraduate students are men.
  • 38.7% of graduate students are men.
  • In 1960, 41.2%of college students were women.
  • 34.1%of American males aged 18 to 24 years are enrolled in college or graduate school.
  • 34.4%of American females aged 18 to 24 years are enrolled in college or graduate school.
  • Among first-time, full-time bachelor’s degree-seekers, females are 7%more likely to complete their degree at the first institution they enrolled in and within six (6) years.
  • Women earn 58%of bachelor’s degrees.
  • Among women associate’s and master’s degree holders, they are composed of 61.6% and 61.8%, respectively.
  • 56.9%of doctorate degrees conferred belong to women.

College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (3)

College Enrollment by Age

Most college students first enroll in their late teens as full-time students. Part-time students are more likely to be older.

  • Among Americans aged 25 years and older, 62%have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • 66.6%of college students are aged 24 years and under.
  • 38%of American 18- to 24-year-olds are enrolled in college or graduate school.
  • 74.5% of all 18- and 19-year-olds are enrolled in schools of any type.
  • 30.0%of 20- to 24-year-olds are enrolled in school.
  • 6.95%of Americans aged 25 to 29 years are enrolled.
  • 4.19% of 30- to 34-year-olds are enrolled in post-secondary education.
  • 2.83%of 35- to 39-year-olds are enrolled.
  • 1.69% of 40- to 49-year-olds are enrolled.
  • Among people aged 50 to 64, 0.54%are enrolled.
  • 0.10% of people aged 65 years and older are enrolled in post-secondary education.
  • Students enrolled in Fall 2021 were 48.3%more likely to be between the ages of 18 and 24 than students enrolled in Fall 2005.
  • Among all post-secondary students, the rate of 30- to 64-year-old enrollees declined by an average of 13.3%between 2005 and 2021.

College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (4)

Percentage of High School Graduates That Go to College

The percentage of high school graduates (referred to sometimes as completers) who enroll in either 2-year or 4-year institutions following graduation is referred to as the immediate college enrollment rate.

  • In Spring 2021, 2.7 millionstudents graduated from high school, a 14%decline from the Class of 2018 (the largest graduating class).
  • 62.7% of the Class of 2020 enrolled in post-secondary institutions in Fall 2021.
  • Among the Class of 2020, 18.5%enrolled in 2-year institutions in Fall 2021.
  • 42.8% of the Class of 2021 enrolled in 4-year institutions.
  • Among males who graduated high school in 2021, 54.9%immediately enrolled in college.
  • Females in the Class of 2021 had a 69.5%immediate matriculation rate.
  • Among the Class of 2021, female students were 26.5% more likely to immediately matriculate.
  • 2021 female high school graduates were 42.1%more likely to immediately enroll in 4-year institutions compared to graduating males.
  • Among immediately college-bound members of the Class of 2020, female students were 79.8%more likely to attend 4-year institutions.College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (5)

State College Enrollment Statistics

College enrollment statistics indicate that many students are willing to travel out of their home state for their college education.

  • California has the highest number of enrolled college students at 2.580 million, a 105.2%increase since 1970.
  • Florida, New York, and Texas are the only other states with more than a millioncollege students enrolled.
  • Alaska has the smallest student population with 22,106 students enrolled; that’s a 133.4%increase since 1970.
  • Wyoming, Montana, and Vermont all have fewer than 50,000 enrolled college students.
  • New Hampshire and Utah have seen the largest increases in enrollment rates since 2010 at 149.6% and 54.7%, respectively.
  • 45 states have seen a decline in post-secondary enrollment since 2010.
  • Iowa and Alaska saw the most significant declines in enrollment since 2010, losing 42.9% and 32.9%of their respective student populations.
  • Iowa and Alaska also saw the most significant YoY declines, losing 45.5% and 36.5%of their respective student populations.
  • The only jurisdictions to see an increase in the number of students enrolled since 2010 are New Hampshire, Utah, Idaho, Delaware, and Texas, as well as the District of Columbia.
College Enrollment Trends Among States
StateCollege Enrollment%Change, 2010 to 2020
District of Columbia97,4815.97%
New Hampshire188,545149.6%
New Jersey392,343-11.7%
New Mexico110,095-32.3%
New York1,182,412-9.40%
North Carolina557,673-4.80%
North Dakota51,308-9.83%
Rhode Island77,087-9.43%
South Carolina235,009-8.58%
South Dakota50,849-12.9%
West Virginia137,742-9.64%

College Enrollment in Alabama

Among students enrolled full-time in Alabama post-secondary institutions, 69.8% are state residents and 22.5% are nonresidents.

  • 292,181 students are enrolled in Alabama colleges.
  • Enrollment in Alabama has declined 10.8% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment in Alabama increased by 215.2%.
  • 57.0% of full-time students in Alabama are female.
  • 84.1% of students enrolled in Alabama post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Alabama residents enrolled in college, 14.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Alaska

Among students enrolled full-time in Alaska post-secondary institutions, 91.8% are state residents and 8.19% are non-residents.

  • 22,106 students are enrolled in Alaska colleges.
  • Enrollment in Alaska has declined 36.5% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 267.4%.
  • 55.7% of full-time students in Alaska are female.
  • 95.6% of students enrolled in Alaska post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Alaska residents enrolled in college, 48.5% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Arizona

Among students enrolled full-time in Arizona post-secondary institutions, 61.0% are state residents and 39.0% are non-residents.

  • 600,103 students are enrolled in Arizona colleges.
  • Enrollment in Arizona has declined 24.4% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 624.2%.
  • 59.5% of full-time students in Arizona are female.
  • 62.0% of students enrolled in Arizona post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Arizona residents enrolled in college, 15.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Arkansas

Among students enrolled full-time in Arkansas post-secondary institutions, 76.9% are state residents and 23.1% are non-residents.

  • 149,294 students are enrolled in Arkansas colleges.
  • Enrollment in Arkansas has declined 15.1% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 237.9%.
  • 57.7% of full-time students in Arkansas are female.
  • 89.5% of students enrolled in Arkansas post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Arkansas residents enrolled in college, 16.4% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in California

Among students enrolled full-time in California post-secondary institutions, 89.3% are state residents and 10.7% are non-residents.

  • 2,579,991 students are enrolled in California colleges.
  • Enrollment in California has declined by 4.96% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 115.9%.
  • 55.9% of full-time students in California are female.
  • 82.8% of students enrolled in California post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all California residents enrolled in college, 12.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Colorado

Among students enrolled full-time in Colorado post-secondary institutions, 68.7% are state residents and 31.3% are non-residents.

  • 362,267 students are enrolled in Colorado colleges.
  • Enrollment in Colorado has declined by 1.94% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 199.4%.
  • 55.0% of full-time students in Colorado are female.
  • 77.0% of students enrolled in Colorado post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Colorado residents enrolled in college, 27.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Connecticut

Among students enrolled full-time in Connecticut post-secondary institutions, 62.3% are state residents and 37.7% are non-residents.

  • 186,717 students are enrolled in Connecticut colleges.
  • Enrollment in Connecticut has declined by 6.35% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 59.9%.
  • 55.6% of full-time students in Connecticut are female.
  • 57.1% of students enrolled in Connecticut post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Connecticut residents enrolled in college, 42.5% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Delaware

Among students enrolled full-time in Delaware post-secondary institutions, 57.6% are state residents and 42.4% are non-residents.

  • 58,678 students are enrolled in Delaware colleges.
  • Enrollment in Delaware has increased by 6.19% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 188.8%.
  • 58.2% of full-time students in Delaware are female.
  • 70.4% of students enrolled in Delaware post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Delaware residents enrolled in college, 34.9% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in the District of Columbia

Among students enrolled full-time in D.C. post-secondary institutions, 6.81% are D.C. residents and 93.2% are non-residents.

  • 97,481 students are enrolled in D.C. colleges.
  • Enrollment in D.C. has declined by 5.97% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 19.2%.
  • 60.5% of full-time students in D.C. are female.
  • 4.50% of students enrolled in D.C. post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all D.C. residents enrolled in college, 79.4% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Florida

Among students enrolled full-time in Florida post-secondary institutions, 82.8% are state residents and 17.2% are non-residents.

  • 1,027,331 students are enrolled in Florida colleges.
  • Enrollment in Florida has declined 8.66% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 377.6%.
  • 57.6% of full-time students in Florida are female.
  • 75.6% of students enrolled in Florida post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Florida residents enrolled in college, 14.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Georgia

Among students enrolled full-time in Georgia post-secondary institutions, 83.4% are state residents and 16.6% are non-residents.

  • 547,389 students are enrolled in Georgia colleges.
  • Enrollment in Georgia has declined by 3.78% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 349.7%.
  • 58.3% of full-time students in Georgia are female.
  • 80.3% of students enrolled in Georgia post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Georgia residents enrolled in college, 20.0% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Hawaii

Among students enrolled full-time in Hawaii post-secondary institutions, 72.0% are state residents and 28.0% are non-residents.

  • 59,693 students are enrolled in Hawaii colleges.
  • Enrollment in Hawaii has declined 23.5% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 113.5%.
  • 60.1% of full-time students in Hawaii are female.
  • 82.7% of students enrolled in Hawaii post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Hawaii residents enrolled in college, 39.3% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Idaho

Among students enrolled full-time in Idaho post-secondary institutions, 59.0% are state residents and 41.0% are non-residents.

  • 122,997 students are enrolled in Idaho colleges.
  • Enrollment in Idaho has declined by 44.4% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 146.5%.
  • 54.5% of full-time students in Idaho are female.
  • 64.6% of students enrolled in Idaho post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Idaho residents enrolled in college, 26.8% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Illinois

Among students enrolled full-time in Illinois post-secondary institutions, 82.1% are state residents and 17.9% are non-residents.

  • 681,988 students are enrolled in Illinois colleges.
  • Enrollment in Illinois has declined 24.8% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 100.6%.
  • 54.7% of full-time students in Illinois are female.
  • 63.0% of students enrolled in Illinois post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Illinois residents enrolled in college, 32.8% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Indiana

Among students enrolled full-time in Indiana post-secondary institutions, 69.9% are state residents and 30.1% are non-residents.

  • 410,949 students are enrolled in Indiana colleges.
  • Enrollment in Indiana has declined 10.6% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 138.5%.
  • 55.1% of full-time students in Indiana are female.
  • 78.7% of students enrolled in Indiana post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Indiana residents enrolled in college, 15.4% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Iowa

Among students enrolled full-time in Iowa post-secondary institutions, 66.7% are state residents and 33.3% are nonresidents.

  • 208,220 students are enrolled in Iowa colleges.
  • Enrollment in Iowa has declined 45.5% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 250.7%.
  • 51.6% of full-time students in Iowa are female.
  • 75.2% of students enrolled in Iowa post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Iowa residents enrolled in college, 13.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Kansas

Among students enrolled full-time in Kansas post-secondary institutions, 70.4% are state residents and 29.6% are non-residents.

  • 193,119 students are enrolled in Kansas colleges.
  • Enrollment in Kansas has declined by 10.1% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 109.6%.
  • 52.5% of full-time students in Kansas are female.
  • 85.0% of students enrolled in Kansas post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Kansas residents enrolled in college, 18.0% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Kentucky

Among students enrolled full-time in Kentucky post-secondary institutions, 78.1% are state residents and 21.9% are non-residents.

  • 261,413 students are enrolled in Kentucky colleges.
  • Enrollment in Kentucky has declined 10.2% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 195.3%.
  • 57.4% of full-time students in Kentucky are female.
  • 74.9% of students enrolled in Kentucky post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Kentucky residents enrolled in college, 15.3% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Louisiana

Among students enrolled full-time in Louisiana post-secondary institutions, 82.3% are state residents and 17.7% are non-residents.

  • 243,507 students are enrolled in Louisiana colleges.
  • Enrollment in Louisiana has declined by 7.65% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 118.4%.
  • 59.8% of full-time students in Louisiana are female.
  • 87.4% of students enrolled in Louisiana post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Louisiana residents enrolled in college, 13.8% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Maine

Among students enrolled full-time in Maine post-secondary institutions, 63.0% are state residents and 47.0% are non-residents.

  • 69,838 students are enrolled in Maine colleges.
  • Enrollment in Maine has declined by 3.55% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 112.1%.
  • 55.5% of full-time students in Maine are female.
  • 67.4% of students enrolled in Maine post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Maine residents enrolled in college, 28.3% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Maryland

Among students enrolled full-time in Maryland post-secondary institutions, 79.3% are state residents and 20.7% are non-residents.

  • 348,054 students are enrolled in Maryland colleges.
  • Enrollment in Maryland has declined 7.91% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 152.6%.
  • 54.5% of full-time students in Maryland are female.
  • 83.0% of students enrolled in Maryland post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Maryland residents enrolled in college, 34.9% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Massachusetts

Among students enrolled full-time in Massachusetts post-secondary institutions, 59.0% are state residents and 41.0% are non-residents.

  • 473,731 students are enrolled in Massachusetts colleges.
  • Enrollment in Massachusetts has declined by 6.70% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 67.1%.
  • 54.9% of full-time students in Massachusetts are female.
  • 41.1% of students enrolled in Massachusetts post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Massachusetts residents enrolled in college, 35.1% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Michigan

Among students enrolled full-time in Michigan post-secondary institutions, 85,9% are state residents and 14.1% are nonresidents.

  • 490,081 students are enrolled in Michigan colleges.
  • Enrollment in Michigan has declined 29.8% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 77.7%.
  • 53.8% of full-time students in Michigan are female.
  • 86.6% of students enrolled in Michigan post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Michigan residents enrolled in college, 12.9% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Minnesota

Among students enrolled full-time in Minnesota post-secondary institutions, 79.2% are state residents and 20.8% are non-residents.

  • 395,705 students are enrolled in Minnesota colleges.
  • Enrollment in Minnesota has declined 15.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 189.5%.
  • 58.3% of full-time students in Minnesota are female.
  • 60.0% of students enrolled in Minnesota post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Minnesota residents enrolled in college, 31.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Mississippi

Among students enrolled full-time in Mississippi post-secondary institutions, 77.7% are state residents and 22.3% are non-residents.

  • 163,054 students are enrolled in Mississippi colleges.
  • Enrollment in Mississippi has declined by 9.41% since 2010.
  • Enrollment has declined by 7.2% since 2010.
  • 59.1% of full-time students in Mississippi are female.
  • 88.9% of students enrolled in Mississippi post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Mississippi residents enrolled in college, 12.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Missouri

Among students enrolled full-time in Missouri post-secondary institutions, 75.6% are state residents and 24.4% are non-residents.

  • 342,618 students are enrolled in Missouri colleges.
  • Enrollment in Missouri has declined 23.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 141.8%.
  • 55.8% of full-time students in Missouri are female.
  • 62.3% of students enrolled in Missouri post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Missouri residents enrolled in college, 21.0% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Montana

Among students enrolled full-time in Montana post-secondary institutions, 61.3% are state residents and 38.7% are non-residents.

  • 45,461 students are enrolled in Montana colleges.
  • Enrollment in Montana has declined 14.7% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 77.2%.
  • 51.8% of full-time students in Montana are female.
  • 92.4% of students enrolled in Montana post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Montana residents enrolled in college, 25.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Nebraska

Among students enrolled full-time in Nebraska post-secondary institutions, 75.6% are state residents and 24.4% are non-residents.

  • 135,026 students are enrolled in Nebraska colleges.
  • Enrollment in Nebraska has declined 6.68% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 116.2%.
  • 54.9% of full-time students in Nebraska are female.
  • 73.4% of students enrolled in Nebraska post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Nebraska residents enrolled in college, 18.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Nevada

Among students enrolled full-time in Nevada post-secondary institutions, 88.3% are state residents and 11.7% are nonresidents.

  • 116,660 students are enrolled in Nevada colleges.
  • Enrollment in Nevada has declined by 9.82% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 846.4%.
  • 58.2% of full-time students in Nevada are female.
  • 92.3% of students enrolled in Nevada post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Nevada residents enrolled in college, 25.3% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in New Hampshire

Among students enrolled full-time in New Hampshire post-secondary institutions, 23.5% are state residents and 76.5% are nonresidents.

  • 188,545 students are enrolled in New Hampshire colleges.
  • Enrollment in New Hampshire has declined 149.6% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 156.9%.
  • 58.1% of full-time students in New Hampshire are female.
  • 22.0% of students enrolled in New Hampshire post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all New Hampshire residents enrolled in college, 43.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in New Jersey

Among students enrolled full-time in New Jersey post-secondary institutions, 90.2% are state residents and 9.84% are non-residents.

  • 392,343 students are enrolled in New Jersey colleges.
  • Enrollment in New Jersey has declined 11.7% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 105.5%.
  • 52.5% of full-time students in New Jersey are female.
  • 79.2% of students enrolled in New Jersey post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all New Jersey residents enrolled in college, 39.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in New Mexico

Among students enrolled full-time in New Mexico post-secondary institutions, 83.3% are state residents and 16.7% are non-residents.

  • 110,095 students are enrolled in New Mexico colleges.
  • Enrollment in New Mexico has declined 32.3% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 265.6%.
  • 57.3% of full-time students in New Mexico are female.
  • 97.0% of students enrolled in New Mexico post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all New Mexico residents enrolled in college, 19.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in New York

Among students enrolled full-time in New York post-secondary institutions, 76.7% are state residents and 23.3% are non-residents.

  • 1,182,412 students are enrolled in New York colleges.
  • Enrollment in New York has declined by 9.40% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 61.8%.
  • 55.3% of full-time students in New York are female.
  • 54.9% of students enrolled in New York post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all New York residents enrolled in college, 20.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in North Carolina

Among students enrolled full-time in North Carolina post-secondary institutions, 81.4% are state residents and 18.6% are non-residents.

  • 557,673 students are enrolled in North Carolina colleges.
  • Enrollment in North Carolina has declined by 4.80% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 240.7%.
  • 57.3% of full-time students in North Carolina are female.
  • 81.4% of students enrolled in North Carolina post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all North Carolina residents enrolled in college, 14.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in North Dakota

Among students enrolled full-time in North Dakota post-secondary institutions, 51.5% are state residents and 48.5% are nonresidents.

  • 51,308 students are enrolled in North Dakota colleges.
  • Enrollment in North Dakota has declined by 9.83% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 80.7%.
  • 50.3% of full-time students in North Dakota are female.
  • 87.0% of students enrolled in North Dakota post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all North Dakota residents enrolled in college, 26.5% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Ohio

Among students enrolled full-time in Ohio post-secondary institutions, 73.6% are state residents and 26.4% are nonresidents.

  • 654,555 students are enrolled in Ohio colleges.
  • Enrollment in Ohio has declined 12.2% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 98.0%.
  • 54.2% of full-time students in Ohio are female.
  • 78.0% of students enrolled in Ohio post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Ohio residents enrolled in college, 16.3% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Oklahoma

Among students enrolled full-time in Oklahoma post-secondary institutions, 77.2% are state residents and 22.8% are non-residents.

  • 189,214 students are enrolled in Oklahoma colleges.
  • Enrollment in Oklahoma has declined 17.9% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 109.3%.
  • 55.4% of full-time students in Oklahoma are female.
  • 87.2% of students enrolled in Oklahoma post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Oklahoma residents enrolled in college, 14.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Oregon

Among students enrolled full-time in Oregon post-secondary institutions, 71,8% are state residents and 28.2% are nonresidents.

  • 203,759 students are enrolled in Oregon colleges.
  • Enrollment in Oregon has declined 19.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 106.0%.
  • 56.0% of full-time students in Oregon are female.
  • 84.2% of students enrolled in Oregon post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Oregon residents enrolled in college, 21.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Pennsylvania

Among students enrolled full-time in Pennsylvania post-secondary institutions, 69.2% are state residents and 30.8% are non-residents.

  • 667,515 students are enrolled in Pennsylvania colleges.
  • Enrollment in Pennsylvania has declined 17.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 95.8%.
  • 54.4% of full-time students in Pennsylvania are female.
  • 56.2% of students enrolled in Pennsylvania post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Pennsylvania residents enrolled in college, 21.4% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Puerto Rico

Among students enrolled full-time in Puerto Rico post-secondary institutions, 95.9% are residents and 4.12% are nonresidents.

  • 185,682 students are enrolled in Puerto Rico colleges.
  • Enrollment in Puerto Rico has declined 25.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 292.8%.
  • 58.9% of full-time students in Puerto Rico are female.
  • 1.11% of students enrolled in Puerto Rico post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Puerto Rico residents enrolled in college, 4.16% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Rhode Island

Among students enrolled full-time in Rhode Island post-secondary institutions, 41.8% are state residents and 58.2% are nonresidents.

  • 77.087 students are enrolled in Rhode Island colleges.
  • Enrollment in Rhode Island has declined by 9.43% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 85.4%.
  • 55.3% of full-time students in Rhode Island are female.
  • 49.6% of students enrolled in Rhode Island post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Rhode Island residents enrolled in college, 31.1% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in South Carolina

Among students enrolled full-time in South Carolina post-secondary institutions, 74.4% are state residents and 25.6% are non-residents.

  • 235,009 students are enrolled in South Carolina colleges.
  • Enrollment in South Carolina has declined by 8.58% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 269.8%.
  • 56.9% of full-time students in South Carolina are female.
  • 81.9% of students enrolled in South Carolina post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all South Carolina residents enrolled in college, 15.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in South Dakota

Among students enrolled full-time in South Dakota post-secondary institutions, 62.0% are state residents and 38.0% are non-residents.

  • 50,849 students are enrolled in South Dakota colleges.
  • Enrollment in South Dakota has declined 12.9% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 90.5%.
  • 51.5% of full-time students in South Dakota are female.
  • 83.7% of students enrolled in South Dakota post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all South Dakota residents enrolled in college, 24.7% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Tennessee

Among students enrolled full-time in Tennessee post-secondary institutions, 77.3% are state residents and 22.7% are nonresidents.

  • 316,270 students are enrolled in Tennessee colleges.
  • Enrollment in Tennessee has declined 10.1% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 160.4%.
  • 57.6% of full-time students in Tennessee are female.
  • 69.7% of students enrolled in Tennessee post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Tennessee residents enrolled in college, 18.4% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Texas

Among students enrolled full-time in Texas post-secondary institutions, 93.2% are state residents and 6.81% are nonresidents.

  • 1,601,399 students are enrolled in Texas colleges.
  • Enrollment in Texas has declined by 4.27% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 247.3%.
  • 55.5% of full-time students in Texas are female.
  • 89.1% of students enrolled in Texas post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Texas residents enrolled in college, 13.8% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Utah

Among students enrolled full-time in Utah post-secondary institutions, 65.4% are state residents and 34.6% are nonresidents.

  • 395,572 students are enrolled in Utah colleges.
  • Enrollment in Utah has declined 54.7% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 213.0%.
  • 59.2% of full-time students in Utah are female.
  • 49.7% of students enrolled in Utah post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Utah residents enrolled in college, 9.79% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Vermont

Among students enrolled full-time in Vermont post-secondary institutions, 30.4% are state residents and 69.6% are nonresidents.

  • 39,646 students are enrolled in Vermont colleges.
  • Enrollment in Vermont has declined 13.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 105.2%.
  • 52.6% of full-time students in Vermont are female.
  • 61.0% of students enrolled in Vermont post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Vermont residents enrolled in college, 49.8% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Virginia

Among students enrolled full-time in Virginia post-secondary institutions, 76.9% are state residents and 23.1% are non-residents.

  • 555,755 students are enrolled in Virginia colleges.
  • Enrollment in Virginia has declined by 3.84% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 280.4%.
  • 56.0% of full-time students in Virginia are female.
  • 69.0% of students enrolled in Virginia post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Virginia residents enrolled in college, 19.8% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Washington

Among students enrolled full-time in Washington post-secondary institutions, 82.5% are state residents and 17.5% are non-residents.

  • 334,059 students are enrolled in Washington colleges.
  • Enrollment in Washington has declined 13.9% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 111.5%.
  • 55.6% of full-time students in Washington are female.
  • 87.0% of students enrolled in Washington post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Washington residents enrolled in college, 25.9% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in West Virginia

Among students enrolled full-time in West Virginia post-secondary institutions, 57.8% are state residents and 42.2% are non-residents.

  • 137,742 students are enrolled in West Virginia colleges.
  • Enrollment in West Virginia has declined by 9.64% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 141.4%.
  • 54.9% of full-time students in West Virginia are female.
  • 58.8% of students enrolled in West Virginia post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all West Virginia residents enrolled in college, 15.0% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Wisconsin

Among students enrolled full-time in Wisconsin post-secondary institutions, 74.7% are state residents and 25.3% are non-residents.

  • 318,858 students are enrolled in Wisconsin colleges.
  • Enrollment in Wisconsin has declined 17.0% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased by 90.1%.
  • 54.9% of full-time students in Wisconsin are female.
  • 82.5% of students enrolled in Wisconsin post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Wisconsin residents enrolled in college, 19.6% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment in Wyoming

Among students enrolled full-time in Wyoming post-secondary institutions, 67.5% are state residents and 32.5% are non-residents.

  • 30,943 students are enrolled in Wyoming colleges.
  • Enrollment in Wyoming has declined 19.2% since 2010.
  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 151.6%.
  • 53.0% of full-time students in Wyoming are female.
  • 99.2% of students enrolled in Wyoming post-secondary institutions attend public schools.
  • Among all Wyoming residents enrolled in college, 25.2% leave the state to attend school.

College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (6)

International Student Population & Enrollment Statistics

International enrollment for 2020 declined significantly due to COVID-related travel restrictions.

  • In the 2020-2021 academic year, 914,095 international students enrolled in U.S. post-secondary institutions.
  • 70.6% of international students studying in U.S. post-secondary institutions were from Asia.
  • Among Asian international students, 49.1% were from China and 25.9% were from India.
  • Since 1980, enrollment numbers among Asian international students increased by 700.9%.
  • 6.2% of international students were from the Middle East or North Africa.
  • The number of Middle Eastern and North African students attending U.S. schools declined 18.5% since the 1980-81 academic year.
  • 0.29% of international students came from Central Africa; the number of these students increased 171.8% since 1980.
  • International students from more than 30 countries studied in the U.S. in 2019-2020.
    • 7.4% of international students were from Europe.
    • 7.9% of international students were from Latin America.
    • 5.3% of international students came from Southeast Asia (including Indonesia).
    • 4.2% of international students were Sub-Saharan African.
    • 2.7% of international students were Canadian.
    • 0.39% of international students were Australian.

Study Abroad Enrollment Statistics

Nearly 350,000 students studied abroad in the 2018-2019 academic year; students are most likely to study abroad over a summer, and women are more than twice as likely to study abroad compared to men.

  • In 2019-2020, 162,633 U.S. college students studied overseas, 67.4% of them were women.
  • 42.7%of study-abroad students travel overseas during their junior year.
  • 0.9%of study abroad students travel during a summer term.
  • 62.5%of study abroad students study overseas for one (1) semester.
  • 5.9% of study abroad students stay for a term of eight (8) weeks or less; 0.2% remain for a full calendar year.
  • 57.9% of all study-abroad students travel to Europe.
  • American students are more than four (4) timesas likely to study in Europe as they are in any other host region.
  • 13.4% of study-abroad students travel to Latin America; 9.1% travel to Asia.
  • In 10 years, the number of students studying abroad decreased 39%.
  • 70%of study abroad students identify as white.
  • 10.6% of study abroad students identify as Hispanic; 8.6%identify as Asian or Pacific Islander.
  • 0.5%of study abroad students remain in North America (i.e. Canada).


  1. United States Census Bureau, Current Population Survey
  2. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Digest of Education Statistics
  3. National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Current Term Enrollment Estimates
  4. NCES, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
College Enrollment Statistics [2023]: Total + by Demographic (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.