Do Bunion Correctors and Guards Really Work? - Specialty Surgical Center (2024)

Do Bunion Correctors and Guards Really Work? - Specialty Surgical Center (1)

Bunion correctors are a conservative treatment option for patients who suffer from bunions, a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe. While the most permanent and effective form of treatment for bunions is minimally invasive surgery, there are conservative techniques patients can practice to slow the progression of the condition and/or reduce pain symptoms.

A podiatrist, which is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions of the foot and ankle, may recommend changing your footwear, adding padding to your shoes, and taking pain relievers for discomfort. If some or all of these treatments do not provide adequate pain relief, then surgery will be advised. Still, patients usually like to exhaust all their options for care to avoid surgery, and we can understand this sentiment. Surgery is no fun for anyone.

So, patients often ask us questions about the safety and efficacy of bunion correctors and bunion guards – a type of over-the-counter orthotic that claims to correct the posture of the big toe. Other types of bunion correctors claim to relieve foot pain. Do these correctors have any merit? Our podiatrists provide their thoughts and professional opinions on these devices.

The Good

Bunion correctors and guards do have a place in the treatment of bunions, but it may not be what you think. Unfortunately, there is no medical research or data to support the claim that bunion correctors straighten the big toe. If your bunions are pretty severe, no plastic or elastic device is going to correct them. However, these correctors and splints may provide some pain relief to the big toe. They separate the big toe from the surrounding toes, which can help loosen the big toe’s tight muscles. This is about the extent of the a bunion corrector or guard.

The Bad

As we alluded to previously, there is no medical data to support the benefits of bunion correctors. They may offer pain relief and protection for the upper foot, but that’s about it. Ultimately, if your bunions are causing you a great deal of discomfort, it would be best for you to see a podiatrist at Specialty Surgical Center. Our team can walk you through the surgery and what to expect during the recovery phase. If you have any questions or concerns, call Specialty Surgical Center to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist today!

Specialty Surgical Center is located in Sparta, New Jersey and our staff consists of board certified surgeons and anesthesiologists performing procedures in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Spinal Care, Podiatry, Urology, Pain Management, ENT, Hand Surgery, Lithotripsy, Brachytherapy, GYN and Laser Surgery.

For more information about Specialty Surgical Center, call 973-940-3166 or visit ourContact Page.

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

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Do Bunion Correctors and Guards Really Work? - Specialty Surgical Center (2024)


Do Bunion Correctors and Guards Really Work? - Specialty Surgical Center? ›

Unfortunately, there is no medical research or data to support the claim that bunion correctors straighten the big toe. If your bunions are pretty severe, no plastic or elastic device is going to correct them. However, these correctors and splints may provide some pain relief to the big toe.

Is there a bunion corrector that actually works? ›

Perhaps the term of “bunion correctors” is slightly misleading as they do not actually correct bunions, rather prevents it from getting worse. The only way to really correct a bunion is by surgery. In most cases, this is a last resort for people who are in great pain and have severe deformity.

Do bunion protectors work? ›

Over-the-counter, at-home treatments and tools such as bunion correctors do not work to permanently relieve pain associated with bunions – the only way to ensure fast, effective, and long-term relief is by undergoing surgery. Don't continue to ask yourself, “do bunion correctors work”!

How long does it take to see results from bunion corrector? ›

This means that bunion correctors are going to need a longer time to help. You are going to need to persist with them for months to get any good affect. There is not going to be an overnight improvement. Persistence is the key here.

Do tailor's bunion correctors work? ›

Will orthotics for tailor's bunion help? Orthotics can be useful in reducing the load at the site of the tailor's bunion to reduce symptoms and progression of the deformity. Orthotics will not correct the existing deformity this can only be achieved through surgery.

What is the best bunion corrector on the market? ›

Caretras Bunion Corrector

If you're looking to help temporarily realign your bunion, consider using this corrector recommended by Sharkey. It helps relieve discomfort, pressure, and inflammation by constantly applying gentle pressure when on.

Has anyone corrected a bunion without surgery? ›

Other non-surgical treatments for bunions include injections of cortisone or oral anti-inflammatory medication and wearing custom-made shoes that accommodate the bunion deformity. Both help provides comfort and relieve pain, but do not reduce the abnormal angles that underlie the bunion deformity.

How do you shrink a bunion without surgery? ›

Bunions can be managed at home and with the help of a medical professional such as a podiatrist to reduce symptoms. Options include changing footwear if necessary, using pain relievers, doing bunion stretches, and even using nighttime splints. However, bunions don't shrink, dissolve, or reverse from these treatments.

How did I cured my bunions naturally? ›

  1. Massage and Exercise Your Feet. One of the simplest ways to treat your bunions without surgery is to, in fact, exercise your feet. ...
  2. Take a Paracetamol. ...
  3. Soak Your Feet in a Foot Bath. ...
  4. Ice Your Feet. ...
  5. Put Your Feet Up! ...
  6. Try Castor Oil. ...
  7. Try Bunion Pads. ...
  8. Try Bunion Splints.
Jul 20, 2022

How long should you wear bunion protectors? ›

During the first 10 days, wear it progressively (1 hour per day, 2 hours per day, then a few hours, etc.) and pull it backwards little by little to gently correct the big toe deformity. It can be worn as a preventive tool or over longer periods of treatment for hallux valgus.

When is the best time to wear bunion corrector? ›

Most bunion splints are to be worn while you are sleeping or lounging around the house, mainly because they are difficult to walk around in, and nearly impossible to fit inside a shoe! Nearly all podiatrists will agree that a bunion splint cannot stop you from forming bunions and it certainly will not cure them.

How long does it take to fix bunions without surgery? ›

Remember to be patient with natural bunion treatment. It likely took decades for your bunion to develop and that change will not be reversed overnight. While some people may notice relief from pain right away, it could take weeks or even months to see the difference.

Can you reverse bunion damage? ›

Bunions can be uncomfortable, and when left untreated, can become extremely painful and can prevent people from resuming daily activities such as walking, driving, or sleeping comfortably. Bunions that are left untreated cannot be reversed, and are likely to get worse with time.

How I cured my tailor's bunion? ›

“The first step to treating a tailor's bunion doesn't involve surgery,” Dr. Rottman said. “Non-surgical treatment involves wearing shoes that are very wide, wearing supportive shoes and/or inserts, placing padding over the area like moleskin or silicone and stretches to release tight calf muscles.”

How do you shrink tailor's bunions naturally? ›

How to Shrink Bunions Naturally: A Step-By-Step Process
  1. Step 1: Assess Your Footwear. ...
  2. Step 2: Use Bunion Pads and Splints. ...
  3. Step 3: Incorporate Toe Exercises and Stretches. ...
  4. Step 4: Apply Ice and Heat Therapy. ...
  5. Step 5: Consider Custom Orthotics. ...
  6. Step 6: Embrace Foot Soaks and Massages. ...
  7. Step 7: Maintain a Healthy Weight.
Feb 15, 2024

What can be mistaken for tailor's bunion? ›

Is It a Bunion or Something Else? 6 Health Problems You Might Mistake for Bunions
  • Gout. ...
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. ...
  • Osteoarthritis. ...
  • Bursitis. ...
  • Ganglion cyst. ...
  • Sesamoiditis.
Jul 2, 2019

How can I straighten my bunions without surgery? ›

Other tips for bunion relief
  1. Wear well-fitting, comfortable footwear that provide sufficient toe room.
  2. Avoid flip-flops, high heels, and pointed, narrow, or tight shoes.
  3. Use padded shoe inserts to enhance comfort, alignment, and arch support.
  4. Wear a brace to hold the toe straight.
Aug 5, 2021

What is the new technology to remove bunions? ›

Lapiplasty has been called a “paradigm shift ” in bunion correction surgery. The surgeon no longer has to cut freehand. A patented instrument holds the metatarsal bone in correct position in all three dimensions at the same time before the surgeon makes any cuts.


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