Easy Freezer Fudge (2024)

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge with butterscotch chips and marshmallows. This fudge is so easy and so good!
Easy Freezer Fudge (1)
The very first recipe ever shared here on NoBiggie, was this freezer fudge. We are sharing it again with new photos and a quick video. We call it freezer fudge because the freezer helps it set quick so you can eat it quicker. We like to cut it into squares and keep it in the freezer for when you need a little chocolate fix. This recipe will always be a favorite. The first photos of this recipe were BAD…so a little recipe redo was in order, especially because this recipe is so good.

What you need to make Freezer Fudge:

  • peanut butter
  • butterscotch chips
  • semisweet chocolate chips
  • butter
  • mini marshmallows

How to make Freezer Fudge:

  • Prepare pan: Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
  • Melt butter:In a medium sauce pan on medium heat start to melt the butter.
  • Add PB: Add in the peanut butter and mix well.
  • Combine with chips: Add in the chocolate chips and the butterscotch chips, continue to stir with a rubber scraper until well combined.
  • Stir in marshmallow: Add in the marshmallows, stir until marshmallows are coated and thoroughly dispersed, but not completely melted in.
  • Pour into pan: Remove pan from the heat and pour fudge onto the parchment lined sheet pan. Take another piece of parchment and press the warm fudge down into the pan so that it is even in thickness.
  • Freeze to set: Move the pan to the freezer to speed up the set time.
  • Cut and enjoy: After 30 minutes in the freezer cut the fudge into squares. Enjoy!

Storing Freezer Fudge:

You can keep this fudge stored covered at room temp, or if you like it cold keep it in the fridge or the freezer. It will last about a week if you don’t eat it all before then!

Easy Freezer Fudge (2)


  • there are a few different ways to make this fudge, you can press it thin into a sheet pan, or you can have it thicker (like the photos show) in an 8×8 inch pan. Lately I prefer this fudge in a more thin state. It’s more fun to eat right out of the freezer.
  • you can either add the marshmallows in and let them completely melt and blend into the fudge.
  • or you can add them in right before removing the pan from the heat to leave them in more of a solid state. We love how it looks when you leave the marshmallows more solid.

Quick and easy Freezer Fudge:

chocolate, and peanut butter, and butterscotch and marshmallows…you guys…don’t hate me when you learn how easy it is to get your chocolate fix anytime of the day. This fudge comes together so quick and is addicting!

Easy Freezer Fudge (3)

Gifting Easy Freezer Fudge:

This fudge makes the perfect gift for family, friends, and neighbors. My sister in law loves to make a big batch and deliver it in little tins to her neighbors at Christmas time. You’ll have to buy double the ingredients so you can keep some for yourself. Be careful who you give it to because they will most likely come back to you for more… It’s that good!

How long does it take for Freezer Fudge to set?

We like to set this fudge in the freezer to make it quicker! Once you add the fudge to your pan it will need just 30 minutes in the freezer to set.

Easy Freezer Fudge

Chocolate peanut butter fudge with butterscotch and mini marshmallows. We love this fudge right out of the freezer.

Author Kami - NoBiggie.net


  • 1/2Cpeanut butter
  • 1pkg butterscotch chips
  • 1pkg semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2Cbutter
  • 1pkg mini marshmallows


  1. Line an 8x8 pan with parchment paper.

  2. In a medium sauce pan on medium heat start to melt the butter.

  3. Add in the peanut butter and mix well.

  4. Add in the chocolate chips and the butterscotch chips, continue to stir with a rubber scraper until well combined.

  5. Add in the marshmallows, stir until marshmallows are coated and thoroughly dispersed, but not completely melted in.

  6. Remove pan from the heat and pour fudge onto the parchment lined sheet pan. Take another piece of parchment and press the warm fudge down into the pan so that it is even in thickness.

  7. Move the pan to the freezer to speed up the set time.

  8. After 30 minutes in the freezer cut the fudge into squares. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

*There are two ways you can make this freezer fudge, you can either add the marshmallows in and let them completely melt and blend into the fudge, or you can add them in right before removing the pan from the heat to leave them in more of a solid state. We love how it looks when you leave the marshmallows more solid.

Making This Recipe? Tag us on Instagram: @NoBiggie using the hashtag #NoBiggieRecipes, so we can see what you are making in the kitchen!

More CHOCOLATE recipes we LOVE!

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Easy Freezer Fudge (6)
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Easy Freezer Fudge (8)

That’s it! I can’t wait for you to make this, you’re going to love it. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Easy Freezer Fudge (15)

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Easy Freezer Fudge (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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