Effective DIY Method for Removing Urine Stains and Smell [Recipe] (2024)

Modified: by Vanessa Beaty · This post may contain affiliate links · 64 Comments

Effective DIY Method for Removing Urine Stains and Smell [Recipe] (1)

Whether you have a pet or a toddler, chances are that you are going to have a urine stain on your mattress.

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  • DIY Solution to Remove Urine Stains

DIY Solution to Remove Urine Stains

Getting those stains off (and particularly getting the smell out) can be difficult.

There is however, a really effective and really inexpensive method for removing urine from mattresses, clothing, carpet and just about anything else that you may need.

You will need to mix these ingredients together:

Note that if you mix them together in a spray bottle, the baking soda may foam so it is best to mix them and then pour into the spray bottle once the foam has receded.

Using the mixture is really easy. You just have to spray the area that needs to be treated and let it sit for about an hour or so.

You may want to ventilate the room or turn a fan on so that the smell doesn’t get to you. When you come back, your stains should be completely gone and the best part is that they will take the smell with them.

Incidentally, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent blood stain remover so if you have blood on your clothing, carpeting or other fabric, you can just dab a bit of peroxide on it and it should lift off easily.

This particular recipe is also great for getting the skunk smell out of your pets. If you have rambunctious dogs that like to chase skunks, you know what smell we’re talking about. Just give him a bath in the baking soda mixture and the smell will go away.

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  1. George

    Removing urine stains and smell can be one heck of a chore. I know in my experience removing cat urine was a lot harder then human urine and the smells did not go completely away. I really enjoyed reading your post on home made recipes and I had actually written a blog post that I would like to share with you reader that do not have time to remove urine odors naturally as I feel there are a lot that might find some interest in this. I really hope that this will be ok with you if not please fell free to delete.


    • Mary Noonan



      • Kathleen

        Hi Mary,

        My spray bottle became clogged also. You can fix it by running the openning under very hot water for a few minutes and the spray some very hot water a few times.

        This works but not in a spray bottle! I had two areas of puppy pee on my mattress and I have been very upset about it and have been sleeping in another bed.

        This is what I did: I sprayed the peroxide directly on the stains, then mixed the baking soda and dish soap in a jar and shook very hard. I put the solution on a clean white rag and rubbed the stains (sprayed with peroxide) very hard. I set up a fan and in one hour I had a white, fresh smelling mattress again.

        THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

        Kathleen in California


        • Beth K

          Did you spray the whole 10oz of peroxide?


      • Lynn Barber

        Hi Mary. Question: I have black oriental rugs which have been doused with cat urine. Will the peroxide fade them? As expensive as they are, I am afraid to try without an opinion. Thank you. Lynn in FL labarb38@gmail.com


        • D. Walker

          No it will not. You are using medical grade peroxide. 3%


          • Deanna

            Yes there is a possibility of it lightening a black rug. That is something hydrogen peroxide does. We actually used it on my black lab when she was sprayed and her fur lightened to a reddish brown!

      • GENA

        Can I ask how much vinegar to how much baking soda?


      • Ermin Sallmen

        First: You must change the mixture of these three, It depends on the pee stain. Trial and error.
        Second: I have learned that cat, dog, human and other animals' pee takes a little different mixture.
        Third: Use a drop of essential oils to help the odor.
        Four: Expect there to be some staining, unless you mix the ingredients well.
        Five: Most spray bottles "WILL CLOG."
        Six: Teflon in the garment, couch, pillow, etc. will make removing stain "MORE DIFFICULT."
        Seven: Always remember, nothing is perfect, but this mixture has worked for me for SIXTY(60) YEARS.
        Eight: Please be positive and thankful that someone "TRIED."
        Nine: LIFE IS SHORT......Please be nice. We are all human and are trying to help one another.


        • Rhonda Ullrich

          I'm going to try this. I've bought several "store" cleaners with no luck. I don't want to have to replace our carpet so homemade cleaners here I come. I believe in homemade and old fashioned. Grandma knew best, just wish she was still here. I thank you for your post.


  2. Kbw

    My son had an accident on the very colorful rug in his bedroom. Will the peroxide in this solution discolor the rug? There isn't an inconspicuous spot to test first.


  3. Judy

    im 72 and having problems. If this works, I will love you forever. Sure hope it works!!


    • Stacey

      If I use this on Brown couch will it discolored the fabric. Please let me know because I can't take this smell. Thanks Stacey


      • lenae

        If you are worried about it staining the fabric use white distilled vinegar instead of peroxide. I use it on my green microfiber couch all the time and it works wonders!


      • Regina

        Depends on the fabric of the couch to clean microfiber couches you use peroxide and alcohol to clean it so it all depends


  4. Candice

    Not sure if I did something wrong, kind of hard to with 3 ingredients, however the baking soda did NOT dissolve in the peroxide even after shaking the bottle. I mixed it separately, then poured with a funnel into a spray bottle. It clogged the bottle. Found a larger one, and it seemed to work a little better, but still the baking soda did not completely dissolve. I sprayed some old spots my grandson had left and it lightened it a little but did not eliminate. Still smells unfortunately . Since the baking soda is not dissolving, I am basically just spraying Hydrogen Peroxide. Any tips ?


    • Lora

      Wet the stain with vinegar. Put a thick layer of baking soda on it , then allow it to dry. It should wick the stain up into the baking soda. sweep up the dry discolored baking soda that you can and then finish with a quick vacuum.


    • matthew

      This a dumb f*cking solution. whoever is patting themselves on the back for this one needs a good hard slap in the face.


      • John

        Really? Why be verbally abusive? What the pupose of the criticism? Feel better about yourself? If this so "dumb," why not just move on? Why? Why? Why?


        • judy

          EXACTLY, some people have to put their 2cents worth in even if it's bad mouth language, don't they.......... my mom used to call that "potty mouth"..... She obviously did something wrong cause I have used this before and it works fine for me...............


      • Susan L Walkup

        LOL I understand your frustration. Sometimes things and sometimes they don't. Especially with homemade solutions. Depends on how long that stain has been in there. I used almost a cup of baking soda and enough peroxide to wet the whole mess and let the bathrobe sit all night. Not hing had worked at all on the urine up to that point. I tries the Oxy - pre-stain plus the Osy Boost and zip after 6 washing. The Peroxide and the baking at least took the smell out, but I was able to put the item in the waster and remove the treatment products. At leas the small was gone.


        • Susan L Walkup

          Sorry for the typos - I can barely see this little box.


      • Meme

        How rude!!!


      • Kathleen Burbach

        No it’s not. It works great for my pet stains. And my dog has NOT returned to that spot.
        Take a it easy on your choice of words. Some people feel offended. Or are you mentally challenged and do not understand simple manners? Or maybe your a child?
        I use offensive language myself. But never ever do I use in public because I care about people.


    • judy

      did you stir it up.............. sounds like you didn't, you got to stir it to dissolve it up completely....


    • Joyce

      Don't mean to be condescending but I used this and it worked beautifully, so I wonder if you might have possibly picked up baking powder or corn starch or something. I've made that kind of mistake before when stressed and rushing to get rid of a stain before it sets. It just sounds so strange and different from my experience. Thanks to the writer for the tip, you saved a mattress, a lot of money, and my mind!


  5. Alice

    This homemade urine stain remover works very well. Just bought a brand new Poang chair from Ikea and of course the first thing that the cat does is pee on it. I was SO upset because the cushions on those chairs are practically impossible to get back in.

    I did this treatment once and it lightened the stain but did not remove it. Do not put items in the dryer unless you are 100% certain the stain is gone! I soaked it the next day with half vinegar and half water and then did the treatment again after that. It's finally gone and, though I've spent at least 4 hours getting the cushions back in, my chair is put back together. And kitty is in the dog house.


    • Laurie Ostrowski

      Hi so I started using this for dog urine on my carpet. The sprayed bottle gets clog. Can I pour the mixture right on the pee stain
      Thank you


    • Christopher M Thompson

      Why is the kitty in the dog house? It wasn't the kitty's fault. As the pet parent, YOU are responsible for the kitty's behavior. Is kitty ill? Does she have a UTI? Do you interact with the kitty in an appropriate fashion? Do you exercise kitty and clean it's litter box at appropriate times? Did you bring another cat into the house? If so, does each kitty have it's own cat box and are they located in a secure and private place for kitty? Do you have kids? How do they treat the kitty? There are a thousand reasons why kitty would "mark" your furniture and 99.99% of those reasons are directly in response to it's environment... which is 100% the responsibility of the pet parent...you.
      BTW, I am trying out this mixture tonight. I will comment later on how effective it is. Thank you.


      • Debra

        Actually we have a female cat who is just a little bit of a "BI***". She just goes through phases of peeing anywhere but in her litter box. She gets hateful about certain things like if she doesn't get her little bit of milk by a certain time in the morning.


  6. Phyllis Quast

    There is one thing...I've used the solution for years. But I make only what I need for that one moment. It will not work if you let it sit. I also do not use it in a spray bottle. I pour tiny bits and saturate the area. The only time I've used a large amount, I made a bucket of the stuff. My cat got stuck in the bathroom by shutting the door for a weekend and peed EVERYWHERE on natural stone tile. I made a bucket at a time, and it took three times pouring it on the floor and swabbing it around and letting it dry.... but it is not no longer there!


  7. JoAnn

    My 16 yr old granddaughter just spent a week with me. She left 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was changing the bedding because another guest was coming, and to my horror, I could see where she had peed multiple times on my BRAND NEW MATTRESS!!! I had a thick padded mattress cover on it. If she had told me I would have done something immediately. I read this blog, and many others. The peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap was the one that came up most often. I had an unopened bottle of peroxide, but the use by date on the bottle was 2007. Yes, 2007. I fixed the mixture, it took 2 spray bottles full to treat the area. I kid you not, by the time I was finished spraying, the stain was gone. That was just unbelievable!!!!!


    • Debra

      Your 16 yr old granddaughter should be able to get up at night and go to the bathroom to pee. Unless there's something medical problem like over-active bladder or something, I would certainly let her know that I was not happy about the mattress.



    My husband tried steam cleaning with "distilled viniger, equal amount of water & some lavender oil" a recipe he got from Google! I came home 3 days later from out of town, not knowing he had done this and the smell was horrible when I walked in. Thought the dogs had pee'd and come to find out it was viniger!!!! We have white'ish Berber carpet in LR/DR....stains, well, still there! Is it because of the Berber? Does anyone have any other suggestions for me? The stains are because the dog is big, can't bathe him everyday!! Any suggestions would be graciously appreviated. Thanks in advance 😉


    • Mark

      Using stream cleaner is a bad idea. It will cause the stain to set and reeks something fierce. We've used the vinegar and baking soda mixture but you can also try Biokleen Bac-Out. It's an enzymatic cleaner. Our dog peed in our room and it stunk. Put this stuff on spot and it doesn't stink anymore. You can buy it at most health food stores and online are Amazon.

      Best of luck.


    • Deb

      Look for solutions to remove oil and or grease. Stains are usually from the oils in the dogs coat.


  9. Tatiana

    It did help me to remove the urine stains and a smell. However, it was awful chemical odor. I've checked on internet regarding the Peroxide toxicity...OMG, the vapor of Peroxide is toxic when inhaled. I tried to dry the mattress with a hair dryer and opened all the windows for a night and a day after to ventilate the room. But, still the smell did not go away completely. I wonder if this method of cleaning the surface is safe at all.


    • Dan

      You are probably fine the ppm would be very low


  10. Jean Frame

    There is no mention of clean up after you wait the hour. Should I assume you do nothing after it has set or do you blot it/clean it with a damp white cloth?


    • Kathleen

      Dry with a fan and when the item you are cleaning is dry, the stain is gone.


  11. Dog

    Vanessa Beaty, How is it a good idea to bathe a dog w/ peroxide? Why don't you try pouring peroxide on your skin to test your "magic" solution out before you spew garbage disguised as advise like this ?


    • Myra belle

      Well consider we clean our ears with peroxide and it can be used as a mouthwash. I don't know the research but on our ears and in mouths and with a skunk smell do you really have a laundry list of options?


  12. M

    is there an alternative? I'm babysitting and the little girl peed on a brown couch and I've mixed the soap and water but I can still smell the pee.. there isn't any baking soda, vinegar, or peroxide here at the house.


  13. Marie C.

    I did this and it worked!!! The spray bottle did get clogged. I suggest you swirl the liquid around while spraying.


  14. Dawn

    I used this on my Granddon's mattress and it worked beautifully!!! Absolutely no smell and I have strong sense of smell. It even removed a red juice stain from the mattress. I HIGHLY recommend this!!


  15. GENA



  16. Dd

    I had dog pee on couch cushions so I first used my green machine wet vac to do an initial clean and remove as much pee as possible and then used this solution where there were some lingering smells. It's working. I've very impressed! I did a test patch overnight and didn't notice any discoloration. I think the reason some people get discoloration and some don't is because they are using different strength peroxides. I plan on using this for a general freshening up of my other cushions as well. I will write back if the smell returns.


    • Dd

      Whoa! Quick update -- here's the importance of doing a test swatch and letting it sit. My couch is still completely fine, I did a test spot and let it sit for over 12 hours and there was no discoloration but some of the solution overflowed I nto my jute rug without me noticing and now there's a bleached spot where the solution drench it. So test test test before you use! You never know what will bleach and what won't. And don't seal it closed unless you're using it. Time to flip the rug...


  17. Eunice

    Do u wipe it off or just leave it after spraying


  18. Denise Brown

    Has anyone tried it on a microfiber couch, mine is brown. Does anyone have any other suggestions?


  19. lori

    Can this be used on hardwood floors?


  20. karen johnson

    I had a stench that I could not get removed from dog urine in carpets. I bought Tide Odor Rescue and mixed it with hot water in a Gallon bucket. I used a $1 store scrub brush to scrub the carpet with the solution. The smell left immediately. I'm not sure how long it will last but just to be safe I sprayed the spots with The Amazing Whip It to ensure the smell doesn't return. Whip it works perfectly but costs quite a bit compared to the Tide. I recommend either product to remove the stench. I also used a towel to blot up any excess products. Oh yeah, the stain went away immediately too. They were old stains. Whip is so good you can just spray the stains and walk away. Try either one and give a response. You won't be disappointed


  21. CJ

    Can this solution be used on pillow top latex mattresses?


    • Boch

      Sure it is.
      I usually just mix some detergent and disinfectant and scrub it lightly into the surface. This is something i learned on my trip to Spain.


  22. Andrew Smith


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  23. Cheryl F

    Can anyone tell me how to get the smell of baby powder out of bedsheets and pajamas and nightgowns? Our daughter is 14 and a bedwetter and wears cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed every night.I use baby powder on her when i put the diapers and plastic pants on her at bedtime and then sprinkle some on the front and back of the plastic pants to keep them soft.Her pjs and nightgowns and bed sheets all smell like babypowder.Can anyone tell me how to eliminate the smell?


    • Gloria J

      To Cheryl F.- When our daughter started bedwetting upon entering puberty just past 12,we put her into cloth diapers and rubberpants also and i found unscented baby powder by J&J at Target and used that on her every night when i put the diapers and rubberpants on her.No oder or nothing! When she made her First Communion at 13,i used the unscented baby powder on her with the rubberpants she had to wear under her communion dress.


  24. Jonathan w

    When I have get to togethers, parties etc., I allow intoxicated guests to sleep over. I would have never guessed a grown man would piss the bed like a 3 month old baby and wallow in it. One even defecated all over the bed and had the gall to throw a comforter over the disgusting mess and slipped away in a taxi. I threw that in the trash but learned vinegar and bed wetter sheets work best for the former. My wife uses about one cup to a gallon of water. She nicknamed one of my relatives "ole faithful" for obvious reasons and eventually started mailing him a cleaning bill and diapers as joke and he paid the bill. lol


  25. Nicole

    I have used this solution quite a few times as I have young kids that still wet the bed on occasion, and every time I have used it I've always been amazed at how well and how fast it works. We even had a blood stain on a mattress and it took that out completely. I have had issues with it clogging my spray bottle, but I found that if I leave it in the measuring cup where I mix it together, let it sit for about 10 - 15 minutes stirring occasionally, the baking soda seems to dissolve in to the peroxide. Once I started doing that, I didn't have problems with clogging. Also, when my spray bottle was clogged, I took the long plastic straw off the sprayer, flipped the sprayer upside down and let hot water run directly in to where the straw connects. While the water is running I occasionally pump the sprayer, and eventually it unclogs.


  26. Annette

    I had high hopes for this solution, but it did nothing for the three stains we have on our carpet.

    One is a urine stain which still smells. Maybe I will try another round on the urine this to see if it does the trick.

    The other two stains are yellow, from dog vomit (bile). They are still yellow.

    Any other suggestions on approach or a new solution to try?


  27. Suzanne

    It is worth noting the absolute most magic way to effortlessly remove fresh blood is simply with salt water or contact lens saline. The salt shrivels the blood cells, preventing them from popping. Just blot with the salt-water dampened cloth until it is all out. Regular water causes blood cells to quickly swell and rupture, spilling their stain payload everywhere. My child has had the occasional random bloody nose drip onto her favorite plushy and the salt trick saves the day every time.


Effective DIY Method for Removing Urine Stains and Smell [Recipe] (2024)


Effective DIY Method for Removing Urine Stains and Smell [Recipe]? ›

Old urine stains

What is the best homemade urine stain remover? ›

In a clean spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Shake it up to mix the ingredients, and then spray on the stain.

How do you make homemade urine eliminator? ›

Mix 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 2 tablespoons of warm water. Combine in a spray bottle with several drops of dish soap (any kind will do). Spray this solution on the stain and repeat as needed. Once this is done, lightly rinse the area with water, dry it with a towel, and vacuum up the leftover moisture.

Is vinegar or baking soda better for urine smell? ›

For a more resilient urine stain:

Step 2 - If the stain persists, pour a bit of the vinegar and water solution directly on the stain, scrub with a scrub brush and blot dry. Sprinkle a bit of extra baking soda onto the pee stain to neutralize both the pee smell and the vinegar smell.

What removes urine stains and odor? ›

Mix 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with 2 cups of cold water in a small bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar (to disinfect the area and break down the acid) to the solution and gently stir. Dip a clean microfiber cloth into the solution.

Is bleach or vinegar better for urine? ›

Dog pee contains ammonia, so you should never use an ammonia-based solution. Instead, choose vinegar: it neutralizes ammonia, and it has natural odor-busting properties. Find an empty spray bottle and make up a solution of 1:1 white vinegar mixed with water.

What do nursing homes use to get rid of urine smell? ›

Hospitals, nursing homes, health care clinics, and other facilities have relied on ZORBX® as the guaranteed odor remover for urine, bile, human waste and other body fluids. Try it and Start Enjoying The Sweet Smell of... Nothing. Join the many hospitals and other healthcare facilities that are already using ZORBX®.

What chemical kills the smell of urine? ›

Combat Urine with Hydrogen Peroxide and Surfactants Together

The hydrogen peroxide in Clorox® Urine Remover breaks down the odor at its source through oxidization and removes uric acid crystals. Surfactants, solvent and a low pH work together to clean urine stains from porous grout and other difficult surfaces.

What is the best homemade odor eliminator? ›

Baking Soda, Peroxide, & Dish Soap

In a spray bottle, mix 8 ounces of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of dish soap. Spray this homemade odor eliminator mixture onto the affected area and allow it to penetrate for up to 20 minutes.

What breaks down urine smell? ›

Aside from using bleach or white vinegar, you can actually make very powerful odor eliminators at home. Try mixing a cup of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a couple drops of dish detergent. Spray the area, allow it to sit for about 20 minutes, and rub the area until the foul smell is eliminated.

What is the best pet urine odor remover? ›

Overall, we recommend Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover for its versatility on multiple surfaces and effectiveness in treating fresh and set-in stains. It is also safe for pets, according to Dr.

What kills human urine smell on clothes? ›

Ammonia, for instance, is effective at removing odors. Add this potent chemical compound to the wash along with the detergent. Borax is equally effective in removing urine odors from garments.

How long does it take for vinegar to remove urine smell? ›

Urine smells like ammonia, and this is neutralized with white vinegar. After blotting the area dry, pour the vinegar solution on the affected area, and let the solution soak for 10 minutes to reach the deepest fibers in the rug.

What home remedy can I use for smelly urine? ›

Strategies for reducing the smell
  • avoiding eating foods that cause urine to smell, especially asparagus.
  • switching supplements if high levels of thiamin or choline are likely culprits.
  • drinking plenty of water to support hydration and kidney and urinary tract health.
  • visiting the bathroom as soon as the urge strikes.

How long does it take for baking soda to absorb urine smell? ›

What Neutralizes Urine? Because urine has a high pH and is naturally acidic, the low pH of baking soda can neutralize urine smell. To neutralize urine with baking soda, simply pour baking soda over the affected area and let sit overnight or for a minimum of five hours.

What breaks down urine stains? ›

Mildly acidic pH of 3-4 helps dissolve uric acid crystals and yellow stains. Hydrogen peroxide in the range of 2-4% destroys odor causing bacteria. Surfactants allow deep penetration into thick soft surfaces like mattresses, upholstery, and carpet. Hydrogen peroxide helps safely remove stains from soft surfaces.

Will Dawn dish soap remove urine stains? ›

Fully mix one-part hydrogen peroxide and one-part Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area with the mixture. Let the solution sit on the stain for one minute. Begin scrubbing, making sure to work bristle brushes deep into the carpet or rug to remove any waste that had previously soaked into the fibers.

What is the best cleaner for dried urine? ›

An enzymatic cleaner, like OxiClean Carpet & Area Rug Stain Remover, will be more effective specifically against pet stains, because it breaks down the proteins found in urine, feces, and vomit.

Can hydrogen peroxide remove old urine stains? ›

hydrogen peroxide, 3 tbsp baking soda, 1 tsp dish soap in a spray bottle - this solution will remove urine stains on its own, just wait until the spots are gone.


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.