How Consumers Are Cooking With Digital Recipes (2024)

Fusion isn’t just a culinary style. Increasingly, consumers are using the digital space to connect their home kitchen to their grocery store of choice.

According to a new report from New York City-based commerce advertising platform Chicory, 89% of consumers say they use digital recipes and 43% say they are using digital recipes more often. They aren’t just scrolling at home or work: Up to 75% of consumers look for recipes on their mobile device while they are at the grocery store. Organic search based on keyword is the most popular way that consumers find recipes online, followed by food blogs and websites and social media platforms Pinterest, Facebook and TikTok.

In 2022, recipes in Chicory’s network racked up more than two billion views. In addition, total add-to-carts in the company’s network rose 20% over the previous year, underscoring the fact that more consumers are shopping or making grocery lists through in-recipe ads.

The embrace of digital recipes can be attributed in large part to the shift to cooking more at home, a trend that started with the pandemic and continues through an era of high inflation. Chicory’s latest findings confirm that 55% of shoppers are cooking more at home.

Just because people are cooking at home, however, doesn’t mean they are would-be culinary professionals.For example, nearly 60% of consumers polled by Chicory said they are more likely to buy pre-packaged produce when buying groceries online. This past holiday season, 90% of shoppers said they would purchase some pre-made options.

"The growth of our network in 2022 reflects consumer demand for convenient and simple online grocery shopping experiences," said Yuni Sameshima, Chicory’s CEO and co-founder. "In 2023, we predict that online grocery activity will increase, as will industry competition, making it essential for brands to expand their digital footprint and adopt in-recipe commerce media."

As for what consumers have been cooking at home, Chicory also highlighted trending recipes. The most popular recipe of 2022 by total views was Green Bean Casserole, followed by Simple Taco Soup, The Ultimate Chicken Noodle Soup, Olive Garden Chicken Gnocchi Soup and Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana Soup. Top ingredients for the recently-concluded calendar year, based on total recipe views, were the staples of salt, butter, ground black pepper, eggs and fresh garlic.

Chicory’s recipe network now spans 5,200 recipe sites and the company has direct API integrations with more than 60 grocers across the United States.

How Consumers Are Cooking With Digital Recipes (2024)


How many people use online recipes? ›

Almost 88% of consumers use recipes from food blogs, recipe sites and social media or video platforms, according to the “2023 State of Online Recipes” report from contextual commerce advertising platform Chicory.

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Modern cooking techniques, backed by technological marvels, have revolutionized our kitchens. Devices like sous vide machines or immersion blenders have democratized gourmet cooking, allowing even amateurs to produce restaurant-quality meals.

Do 59% of 25 to 34 year olds head to the kitchen with either their smartphones or tablets? ›

Through research with mcgarrybowen and Kraft Foods, we found that, while people over 35 are more likely to print out a recipe,1 59% of 25- to 34-year-olds cook with either their smartphones or tablets handy.

How has social media influenced the way we cook? ›

Many online bloggers and social media stars have been known to provide fully-detailed, behind-the-science recipes so even first-time bakers can create professional-style results. In one recent poll, 77% of users claimed that social media was the reason behind their improved cooking and baking skills.

Do recipe websites make money? ›

Food blogs with a good amount of traffic can generate a decent stream of revenue through paid ads. There is a lot to explore on the topic of website ads, but there are some basics we need to cover. What are website ads? Just as the name indicates, they are forms of display advertising that appear on websites.

Can you make money selling recipes online? ›

9) Sell Recipes on Freelance Platforms

Another easier way to sell recipes online is to list yourself as a recipe writer on freelance platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, etc. You can easily make around $35 to $50 as a freelance recipe writer.

How does technology make cooking easier? ›

Meal kits, grocery delivery, quality recipe apps, nutrition planners and precision cooking tools all help eliminate the pain points that prevent people from cooking today. What is the number one benefit that a cook receives from using technology in the kitchen? Confidence.

How has technology such as cooking apps and online recipes changed the way we approach cooking? ›

The proliferation of cooking apps and smart kitchen technologies has transformed how we prepare food, making the process more efficient, enjoyable, and sustainable. From smart scales to Bluetooth thermometers, integrating technology into cooking routines unprecedentedly enhances our culinary experiences.

How does technology affect the way people eat? ›

From online ordering and delivery to automation, technology is transforming the way we order, prepare, and enjoy our meals. Restaurants that stay up to date with these technological advancements will be able to meet the changing needs of their customers and also stay competitive in the industry.

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Premature Aging

Using your cell phone too much can cause you to age faster. Too much visible light from devices can create inflammation and can lead to wrinkles. And squinting at small text all day can result in crow's feet around the eyes.

What age uses their phone the most? ›

Teenagers (12-17 years) lead in usage, with around 190 minutes.

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What is the ideal age for a first phone? Your children could be ready for a smartphone or similar device anywhere from 10 to 14, or during middle school. A sixth-grader (typically 10 to 11 years old) is a good age to start discussing a phone or a smartwatch.

How has technology changed being a chef? ›

Many of these AI chefs are churning out precise restaurant-quality meals in real-time due to enhanced AI technology and state-of-the-art optical cameras and sensors. One example from London-based startup Moley Robotics – its product has robotic arms installed above a home stove.

How does the media influence what I eat? ›

Several studies have focused on the impact of food and beverage-related advertisem*nts on eating behaviors, especially of children and adolescents. This is what researchers found: Exposure to content that centers on unhealthy food and beverages contribute to the adoption of habits that diminish health.

Does social media impact what food we eat? ›

Food and Social Media

Since it is an environment where visual and social cues overlap, users are more impressionable and more likely to copy the food they see online. Furthermore, research indicates that social media may be altering our relationship with food.

How often do people use recipes? ›

Morning Consult research shows that consumers frequently use recipes: Two-thirds of U.S. adults said they cooked with a recipe at least one day in the past week, and nearly 10% said it's a daily occurrence.

Are online recipes copyrighted? ›

Copyright law protects original works of authorship, and while a recipe may be original, it is not an "original work of authorship." This means that anyone can freely copy and use a recipe without fear of infringement.

What percentage of people cook their own meals? ›

Survey Reveals 81% of Consumers Cook More Than Half of Meals at Home. The National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Association reported its findings on Americans' changing grocery-shopping habits in its latest “Eating at Home” industry report.

How many recipes does the average person know? ›

Average Person Knows 15 Recipes By Heart And Travels For Food.


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.