How long should you wear a bunion corrector for? | (2024)

We know from the evidence that using a bunion corrector regularly over a few months can lead to an improvement in the angle of the big toe of a few degrees. That particular study did not go beyond 3 months, so we have no good evidence of the long term affects. We also know that bunion correctors are also helpful for some of the symptoms that you can get inside the joint of you have a bunion.

So, how long should you wear a bunion corrector for? The aim of the bunion corrector is to change bones and that is not an easy task as you get older. Things about it this way, how long do kids need to wear braces on their teeth when the aim is to change the alignment of teeth in the bone? It can takes months and months to get the desired improvement in the alignment of the teeth, and the bones of kids are much more malleable than those of adults. Adults who have braces on their teeth need a longer period of time to get any alignment changes in their teeth. This means that bunion correctors are going to need a longer time to help. You are going to need to persist with them for months to get any good affect. There is not going to be an overnight improvement.

Persistence is the key here. Use the bunion corrector at night and the Bunion Assassin during the day.

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How long should you wear a bunion corrector for? | (2024)


How long should you wear a bunion corrector for? |? ›

We know from the evidence that using a bunion corrector regularly over a few months can lead to an improvement in the angle of the big toe of a few degrees.

How long should I wear bunion correctors? ›

Some bunion correctors are designed to be worn underneath socks and shoes, so you can wear these specific bunion correctors most of the day while you are on your feet. We would recommend taking these bunion correctors off in the evening and ensuring you don't sleep with them on.

Is it okay to sleep with bunion corrector? ›

To answer your question, yes, you can wear a bunion corrector at night. With its heat moldable reinforcements, the bunion splint for night* perfectly fits the shape of your foot and limits night pain. It also protects from contact pain between the bunion and the sheets, mattress, etc.

Do bunion correctors really work? ›

While they can offer pain relief, it's important to know that bunion correctors can't permanently heal a bunion. It won't align the bones, muscles and ligaments inside your foot. Bunion toe spacers fit between the big toe and the second toe, and can keep them from crowding and rubbing each other.

Do bunion correctors work over time? ›

Perhaps the term of “bunion correctors” is slightly misleading as they do not actually correct bunions, rather prevents it from getting worse. The only way to really correct a bunion is by surgery. In most cases, this is a last resort for people who are in great pain and have severe deformity.

Can you really correct a bunion without surgery? ›

In most cases, bunions can be treated nonsurgically. One of the podiatrists from our team can examine your bunion(s) and recommend a conservative treatment which includes one or more of the following: Custom shoe orthotics (inserts) that relieve pressure on the joint and align your weight in a more beneficial way.

What worsens bunions? ›

Wearing tight, narrow shoes might cause bunions or make them worse. Bunions can also develop as a result of the shape of your foot, a foot deformity or a medical condition, such as arthritis. Smaller bunions (bunionettes) can develop on the joint of your little toe.

What is the best bunion corrector for podiatrists? ›

Caretras Bunion Corrector

If you're looking to help temporarily realign your bunion, consider using this corrector recommended by Sharkey. It helps relieve discomfort, pressure, and inflammation by constantly applying gentle pressure when on.

How to dissolve bunions naturally? ›

Our 10 top tips on treating bunions without surgery:
  1. Massage and exercise your feet.
  2. Take a paracetamol.
  3. Soak your feet in a foot bath.
  4. Ice your feet.
  5. Put your feet up!
  6. Try castor oil.
  7. Try bunion pads.
  8. Try bunion splints.
Jul 20, 2022

Is walking barefoot good for bunions? ›

Going barefoot is ideal in the beginning stages of bunions. When barefoot, the joints of the toes will get stronger, an important part of good foot health.

How do you shrink a bunion without surgery? ›

Bunions can be managed at home and with the help of a medical professional such as a podiatrist to reduce symptoms. Options include changing footwear if necessary, using pain relievers, doing bunion stretches, and even using nighttime splints. However, bunions don't shrink, dissolve, or reverse from these treatments.

How do you stop a bunion from getting bigger? ›

Invest in orthotics

Custom orthotics are special shoe inserts designed for your foot shape and needs. Orthotics redistribute your weight, relieve pressure on your bunions, and offer extra padding and support. Orthotics are available for all types of footwear, including dress shoes and athletic shoes.

When is the best time to wear a bunion corrector? ›

You are going to need to persist with them for months to get any good affect. There is not going to be an overnight improvement. Persistence is the key here. Use the bunion corrector at night and the Bunion Assassin during the day.

Why don t bunion correctors work? ›

The splints may appear to work while you have them on and may even feel good, but your toe does not stay that way after you remove them. The bunion is caused by something happening further back in your foot, which is why a bunion splint will NOT 'cure' or 'fix' your bunion.

Why do people get bunions? ›

Bunion. Bunions are usually caused by prolonged pressure put on the feet that compresses the big toe and pushes it toward the second toe. Over time, the condition may become painful as extra bone grows where the base of the big toe meets the foot.

Is it okay to wear toe separators all night? ›

You can even wear toe spacers at night when you go to sleep, however, it is advisable to allow your feet and toes to adjust to the product for shorter periods of time before wearing them overnight.

How long to wear a toe corrector? ›

Wear the item for 10-15 minutes at a time. Gradually increase the wearing time to an hour or more. Some people wear toe spacers all day but to be most effective, they should not be worn with shoes. It is important to listen to your body and adjust the amount of time you wear the spacers based on your comfort level.

How do you relieve bunion pain at night? ›

Utilizing a splint while you sleep can keep your bunion toe straight to alleviate some of the throbbing discomforts. Also, using a brace or splint can reduce friction and unwanted rubbing against your protruding bunion.


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