How to relieve nettle stings in 3 ways – Cushelle (2024)

There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for those you love: freezing cold walkies in the rain, sneaky sausage treats under the table, even knee-deep ventures into thick, scratchy nettles to fetch your four-legged friend’s wayward ball. But with ankles riddled with itchy red bumps, you’re not really considering walking on, and ignoring them – are you? Take a (dock) leaf out of Kenny’s book and give yourself a moment to relieve your nettle sting. The dog can wait two minutes. Discover these home remedies for nettle sting relief.

If you’re experiencing difficulty breathing after a nettle sting, or if your nettle sting hasn’t disappeared in over 24 hours, call your emergency services immediately.

What causes nettle stings?

Stinging nettles, or to go by their official name, Urtica dioica, are grown widely across the UK and Europe, and most of the time, getting stung by one of these is not too serious, but it can be in rare cases.1 Before we dive into what nettle rash home remedies there are and how to create a stinging nettle treatment, it might help to know what causes the sting in the first place.

Like Kenny – our champion of all things selfishly soft – nettle plants are hairy creatures! Unlike Kenny, though, nettles have stinging hairs on their stem and the edges of their leaves; these hairs act like a needle that transfers histamine and formic acid onto the surface of your skin2, causing irritation that can feel quite annoying and itchy. According to studies, their stinging ‘hairs’ were developed as an adaptation to prevent herbivores from eating them – a layer of protection against predators2. Kenny doesn’t eat them either – he much prefers Eucalyptus leaves!

Nettle sting symptoms

It should be pretty clear when you’ve been stung due to the itching sensation you will feel. However, the "sting” can vary, ranging from a very brief and minor inconvenience to something that may last a bit longer. In these cases, you may feel a burning sensation, as well as see raised bumps or hives where you have been stung, which are often lighter than your skin colour and can be up to 1cm wide3. Nevertheless, please always check in with your GP or local doctor if you are worried at all about your symptoms or want a second opinion on nettle allergy relief options.

Symptoms are more or less severe depending on the total area of skin that has come into contact with the nettles. Some other nettle sting symptoms may be:

  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Numbness in the affected area.
  • Blisters.3

3 home remedies for nettle stings

The best thing for nettle stings is to resist touching the rash for the first 10 minutes. Nettle histamines are also easier to clean and treat when they’re dry.4 So, while we all know how keen you are to keep calm and carry on, and on, and on – we get it, you’re fine – you deserve to take a moment to tend to your wounds.

Here are a few home remedies that can help relieve nettle sting symptoms you may be experiencing:

  1. Dock leaves. The wilderness may have stung you, but it also provides a handy cure for nettle stings. Dock leaf sap contains an antihistamine that counteracts and soothes the nettle sting. You can identify them by their large, green, oval leaves. Rub them gently on the sting to get some nettle sting relief.5
  2. Baking soda. Baking soda is the simplest home remedy for nettle stings. It’s an alkaline which neutralises the nettle sting’s acid.5 Mix a few drops of cold water with some baking soda in a cup. Then, spread it over the sting using a gentle cloth.
  3. Wash it. Soap is also an alkaline.6 Run cold water over your sting, then use a soft tissue, cold water, and some diluted dish soap to clean the area. If you want to be thorough, try using sticky tape or a wax strip to remove any of the nettle’s hairs that might still be in your skin.

Most commonly, a stinging nettle rash should disappear within 24 hours, with the aid of these stinging nettle treatments. These home remedies for nettle stings are easy to make and the area should start to calm down in the next 30 minutes or so once administered. Claim this time for yourself: lock yourself away, pop your headphones in, listen to a podcast, audiobook, your favourite tunes. You – and your red little ankles – deserve it after everything you’ve given today.

In a world where all your efforts go to others, it’s important not to forget about number one. Luckily for you, it’s easy to take a moment for yourself once, twice, or maybe even three times a day. Stock up on Cushelle Quilted toilet paper for a soft and skin-loving* clean. Why? Because you – and your behind – deserve the best.

When does a nettle sting become an emergency?

As mentioned before, in rare cases, a nettle sting can have more severe repercussions, such as an allergic reaction. In these cases, medical attention should be sought immediately as a severe allergic reaction could be life-threatening.

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these nettle sting symptoms:

  • Tightness in your chest or throat.
  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing.
  • Swelling in the mouth.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • A rash in areas that haven’t come into contact with the nettles.

Tips for preventing nettle stings in the future

If you love to take walks in nature, it’s likely you won’t be able to avoid nettle stings completely, forever. But there are some tips you can follow for the next time you’re out and about:

  • If you enjoy going on long walks through natural areas, it’s a good idea to avoid overgrown paths or venturing into long grass when out for walks.
  • If it’s unavoidable (i.e., if your favourite furry friend fails to fetch his toy from the bushes in favour of a brand-new stick, and it’s up to you to retrieve it), try wearing long clothing that protects your arms and legs.

And while getting stung is best avoided, stinging nettles aren’t all bad – they can be used in recipes or as a natural remedy for aches and pains. If you’re planning on picking nettles for a recipe or remedy, take note of where the hairs are on the leaves, and always keep your hands near the top of the plant. Use these tips to safely pick nettles:

  • You should grab the leaf with haste from the direction the hairs are growing, then twist and pluck the plant out of the ground.
  • Remember to wear thick gloves.

Now you know everything you need to know about stinging nettles, from causes and symptoms of nettle sting, to what can you do to stop itching from nettles. You've now also got some handy tips for preventing the irritation that comes along with coming into contact with the plants with our stinging nettle remedy tips.

So, remember, when you’re stung by a nettle, you deserve to take a moment for you.

*To verify claims, please email for full verification details.


1 Stinging nettle | Description & Uses | Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica
2 Investigating leaf adaptations – why do nettles sting?, SAPS (Science & Plants for Schools)
3 Stinging Nettles, Ministry of Health
4 Nettle Stings – Symptoms & Treatment – Advice, St John Ambulance
5 Why do nettles sting? And do dock leaves really help?, The Woodland Trust
6 Evaluation of pH of Bathing Soaps and Shampoos for Skin and Hair Care, National Institutes of Health

How to relieve nettle stings in 3 ways – Cushelle (2024)


How to relieve nettle stings in 3 ways – Cushelle? ›

If the irritation is severe, cooling the skin with a damp cloth or ice pac (a pack of frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel) may be useful. A pharmacist will be able to advise regarding the use of antihistamines and creams to relieve the irritation.

How to relieve nettle stings? ›

If the irritation is severe, cooling the skin with a damp cloth or ice pac (a pack of frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel) may be useful. A pharmacist will be able to advise regarding the use of antihistamines and creams to relieve the irritation.

What is the fastest way to get rid of stinging nettles? ›

Hoe beds regularly to kill stinging nettle seedlings, or dig up individual seedlings with a hand fork. To remove stinging nettles in lawns, mow regularly. Chopped nettle stems and leaves can be added to compost heaps and will help to speed up the decomposition process.

Does toothpaste help nettle stings? ›

Anecdotally, several “treatments” are thought to lessen the pain of nettle stings. These include rubbing dock leaves (Rumex obtusifolius), sage (Salvia officinalis), peppermint (Mentha x piperita), mud, or even toothpaste on the site of the sting.

How do you treat stinging nettles for kids? ›

A dose of antihistamine (such as Piriton) will relieve the itching. Topical creams like calamine lotion or hydrocortisone can also be applied to reduce redness and itching (but be careful to gently dab the cream instead of rubbing).

How to handle stinging nettles? ›

Burning and stinging nettles can be controlled by removing plants by hand. However, it is important to wear gloves to protect skin from the stinging hairs. For stinging nettle, ensure that the underground portion called rhizomes are removed or the plants will regrow.

Can you put vinegar on nettle stings? ›

You could use vinegar, but a paste made from bicarbonate of soda and water is even better.

Does milk help nettle stings? ›

How to treat stinging nettle stings. If you really want to neutralise the effect of the nettle sting's acid and dock leaves don't work for you, try treating it with soap, milk or a dilute solution of baking soda, all of which are alkaline.

Why is a nettle sting so painful? ›

Stinging nettle has fine hairs on the leaves and stems that contain irritating chemicals, which are released when the plant comes in contact with the skin. The hairs, or spines, of the stinging nettle are normally very painful to the touch.

What soothes nettles? ›

Baking soda.

Baking soda is the simplest home remedy for nettle stings. It's an alkaline which neutralises the nettle sting's acid. Mix a few drops of cold water with some baking soda in a cup.

How to get rid of stinging nettle on skin? ›

How to Treat a Stinging Nettle Rash at Home
  1. Wash the area with soap and water.
  2. Apply an over-the-counter cortisone cream to reduce inflammation.
  3. Avoid scratching or rubbing the rash.
  4. Cool the skin with a cool compress or ice pack, which may help with symptoms.
Apr 5, 2024

Can you eat stinging nettle? ›

Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America are all home to stinging nettle. It is a plant that's edible and has nutritional and medicinal properties. Young leaves can be used to make curries, herb soups, and sour soups.

What's the best thing to put on nettle stings? ›

10 minutes after the sting occurs, use soap and water with a clean washcloth on the affected area - this should help to relieve the pain, itching, and swelling from the sting.

Does baking soda help stinging nettle? ›

Applying the crushed stem of this plant to the affected area soothes the irritated skin. Another method for alleviating the pain is to apply a mixture of baking soda and water. Rubbing human saliva on the stung area can lessen the pain as well.

Does rubbing alcohol help stinging nettle? ›

The chemicals in the stinging hairs that cause the irritation are acetylcholine, histamine, and serotonin. Some suggest that applying rubbing alcohol to the affected area can relieve irritation. Large doses of these chemicals can cause respiratory distress and irregular heartbeat.

What is the best killer for stinging nettles? ›

If the nettles are appearing in areas you don't want any plant growth, you could use a glyphosate based product such as Roundup Pro Active or Gallup Home & Garden. Consider mixing this with Paradise to ensure that the area is weed free for the growing season (5 months).

How do you permanently get rid of stinging nettles? ›

Cut regularly – use a strimmer, brushcutter or mower to control large areas of common stinging nettles. Cutting back new growth regularly will weaken and eventually kill plants. This is likely to take more than one growing season but is better for soil health as it limits disturbance.

How long does it take to get rid of nettle stings? ›

Small exposures to nettles can cause local symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, swelling (occasionally small blisters will form) and local numbness. Symptoms are usually self-limiting and resolve within a few days.

Is aloe vera good for nettle stings? ›

You can also try aloe vera and a paste made from baking soda and water. Anything that you put on the skin should be dabbed, not rubbed.

Is it OK to touch stinging nettle? ›

Special Precautions and Warnings

When applied to the skin: Stinging nettle is possibly safe. Touching the stinging nettle plant can cause skin irritation.

Can you eat nettles all year? ›

They are most tasty to eat in spring and autumn (avoid eating the leaves in summer as they contain gritty particles).

Is apple cider vinegar good for stings? ›

Like baking soda and toothpaste, apple cider vinegar has been known to help neutralize bee venom and ease the swelling and pain. Pour apple cider vinegar into a basin and soak the affected area for at least 15 minutes. You can also use a piece of cloth: soak it in the basin and then dab it onto the affected area.

Is white vinegar good for stings? ›

The theory is that the acidity of vinegar can help neutralize the alkalinity of wasp stings. The opposite is true of bee stings, which are more acidic. To use vinegar on wasp stings, soak a cotton ball with apple cider or white vinegar and place it on top of the affected area of skin.

What not to take with stinging nettle? ›

Antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (blood-thinners) -- Stinging nettle may affect the blood's ability to clot, and could interfere with any blood-thinning drugs you are taking, including: Warfarin (Coumadin) Clopidogrel (Plavix)

How long does stinging nettle pain last? ›

A Quick Review

Stinging nettle rashes can occur if you come into contact with a stinging nettle plant. You may experience a painful, burning, or itching sensation where your body made contact with the plant. The symptoms should resolve within a day or so.

What leaves do you rub on nettle stings? ›

Dock leaves don't just relieve stings – they're also a food plant for the small copper butterfly. Dock leaves and stinging nettles grow in similar habitats. There are a few theories as to why dock leaves appear to help nettle stings.

How do you fix stinging nettle tea? ›

In a pot, boil some water. Once boiling, turn off the heat and add in your Nettle leaf, taking care to stir it in. Cover with a lid and let steep for a few minutes. I like to let mine steep for ~5 minutes, so it will have a stronger flavor.

Does boiling nettles get rid of the sting? ›

At this point, it's best to think of stinging nettles in a similar fashion to spinach in terms of cooking the leaves. Quickly blanching them in a pot of boiling water will deaden the sting.


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