Keto Diet: 8 Health Benefits, What to Eat & Avoid (plus Meal Plan) (2024)

The ketodietconsists of prioritizing lean meats and healthy fats and drastically reducing carbohydrate intake. Patients following a keto diet are encouraged to foods like nuts, lean cuts of meats, fruits and veggies, and to avoid eating foods that are carb-heavy, like bread and rice. This triggers the body to use its own fat storesas a source of energy, instead of the carbohydrates that come from food.

This diet can be a great alternative for those wishing to lose weight, as long as it is supervised by a registered dietitian. It can also be prescribed to help with the management and prevention ofepileptic seizures. Studies are currently being done to support this dietas a complement to cancer treatment,as cancer cells have been studied to feed off ofcarbohydrates

It is important to highlight that this diet should be approved by your doctor and supervised by a registereddietitian. A health care professionalcan complete a thoroughnutritional assessment to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for this diet.

Keto Diet: 8 Health Benefits, What to Eat & Avoid (plus Meal Plan) (1)

Howit works

The ketogenic diet involvesa drastic reduction of carbohydrates, which will make up only 10 to 15% of total daily calories. However, this quantity may vary according to your health condition, how long the diet will last, and your dietary goals.

To compensate for the reduction in carbohydrates, you will need to significantlyincreaseyour intake of fat. This means eating foods likeavocado, coconut, seeds, olive oil, peanuts, chestnuts, walnuts, and almonds. The quantity of protein in your diet should also increase until it makes up 20% of daily calories. It is, therefore, necessary that you eat meat, chicken, or fish at lunch and dinner and that you have eggs and cheese for snacks.

When you start this diet, your body will go through an adaptation period which can last from several days to a few weeks and it happens because your body switches to producing energy through fat, instead of carbohydrates. So it is possible that in the first days you will have symptoms such as exhaustion, lethargy, and headaches. These will disappearonce the body has adapted.

Another similar diet to the keto diet is the low-carb diet, the major difference being that in the keto diet there is an evenhigher restriction of carbohydrates.

Health benefits

The main benefits of the ketogenic diet are:

1. Managing seizures and epilepsy

The ketogenic diet generates the production of ketone bodies, such as acetoacetate, acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate. Thesesubstances can reach the brain and exertan anticonvulsant effect.

Therefore, this diet improves how yourbrain usesenergy, and can increasethe production of some important neurotransmitters such as GABA. It can alsodecreaseneuronal excitability and improvecommunication between neurons.

The ketogenic diet isconsidered to be a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of refractory epilepsy and can help to significantly reduce the number of seizures in adults and children. Itshould always be recommended under the guidance of a neurologist.

2. Helpingwith cancer treatment

The ketogenic diet can help treat cancer, as it has been shown to be effective in reducing tumor size and cancer-related weight loss.This may be due to the fact that it blocks tumor growth by reducing its access to glucose.

For this reason, the ketogenic diet can be used as a complement to cancer treatment, under the guidance of an oncologist.

3. Promoting weight loss

The ketogenic diet helps to keep you fullbecause lipids and proteins generally take longer to digest, and remain in the stomach for a longer time.

In addition, it reduces appetite due to the beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone produce from this diet. This can also lead to weight loss.

4. Preventing and treating diabetes

The ketogenic diet can also help prevent and treat type 2diabetes.Ithelps to keep blood sugars within normal limits, promotesinsulin sensitivity and improves hemoglobin-A levels in the blood.

5. Preventing cardiovascular diseases

The ketogenic diet can help prevent cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis or heart attacks because it is based in a reduced intake of highcarbfoods and increasing protein intake. This can lead to lowertriglyceride levels and better HDLcholesterol in the blood, which is conducive to heart health.

6. Managingblood pressure

The ketogenic diet, especially when maintained for prolonged periods,can help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

This is because low-carb, high-protein diets correct abnormalities in glucose and insulin metabolism, reducing blood pressure.

7. Helping to treat neurodegenerative diseases

The ketogenic diet can also help in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, due to the increased production of ketone bodies that improve how thebrain uses energy. Its increasedantioxidant capacity also protects the brain from toxic substances, such as meperidine-derived MPP free radicals.

8. Helping totreat PCOS

Some studies have shown that the ketogenic diet can help treat polycystic ovariansyndrome (PCOS), as it significantly improves weight and helps balance hormone and glucose levels.

PCOS is a frequent metabolic problem in women, characterized by insulin resistance, abdominal obesity and increased fat in the blood.

What to eat

The foods allowed in the ketogenic diet include:

  • Lean meats and proteins, such as turkey, chicken, lean cuts of beef and pork, and eggs;
  • Fish and shellfish, especially oily fish such as salmon, sardines and trout, squid and prawns;
  • Low-carb vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, onions, watercress, cucumbers, zucchinis, cauliflower, tomatoes, asparagus, red chicory, Brussels sprouts, pak choi, bell peppers, bamboo shoots or alfalfa sprouts;
  • Low-carb fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, coconut, avocado;
  • Sausages, such as pork ham or natural turkey;
  • Oils and fats, preferably healthy ones, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, grape oil, coconut oil and avocado oil, or butter or cream;
  • Nuts, such as peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, peanut butter, almond butter or cashew butter;
  • Seeds and oilseeds, such as linseed, chia, sesame, sunflower or olives;
  • Dairy products, such as plain and unsweetened yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese, brie, parmesan, feta, cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella and blue cheese;
  • Seasonings, such as pepper, oregano, curry or parsley.

In addition, natural coconut, almond or hazelnut drinks without sugar can also be added.

People with a history of high blood pressure or high cholesterol should reduce their intake of fattier goods, likebutter, creams and sausages.

What to avoid

Foods banned from the ketogenic diet are:

  • Cereals, such as corn, oats, cornstarch, wheat flour, bread, toast, cookies, rice or pasta;
  • Legumes, such as beans, chickpeas, lentils or soybeans;
  • Tubers, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes or cassava;
  • Foods prepared with sugar, such as cakes, filled cookies, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, pies, puddings or milkshakes;
  • Simple sugars, such as white sugar, brown sugar or honey;
  • Alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, gin, rum or cider.

Fruit in general (other than those mentioned above, like berries)are also not recommended in this diet, as most of them are very high in carbohydrates.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid consuming diet foods with sweeteners, as these can affect the acetone levels produced by this diet. They can also be highly processed.

Whenever processed food is consumed, it is very important to look at the nutritional information to check whether it contains carbohydrates and how much, so that you do not exceed the amount that has been calculated for each day.

3-day meal plan

The following table contains an example of a three-day keto diet meal plan:


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Eggs fried in butter + mozzarella cheese

Omelette made with 2 eggs and vegetable filling + 1 cup of strawberry juice with 1 teaspoon of flaxseeds

Smoothie made with avocado, almond milk and ½ tablespoon of chia seeds

Morning snack

Almonds + 3 slices of avocado

Strawberry smoothie with coconut milk + 5 walnuts

10 raspberries + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter



Salmon with asparagus + avocado + olive oil

Vegetable salad with lettuce, onion and chicken + 5 cashew nuts + olive-oil + Parmesan cheese

Meatballs with courgette noodles and Parmesan cheese

Afternoon snack

10 cashew nuts 2 tablespoons coconut chips + 10 strawberries

Eggs fried in butter + rennet cheese

Scrambled eggs with oregano and grated Parmesan

It's important to note that the ketogenic diet should be carried out under the guidance of a registered dietitian, who cancalculatethe grams of carbohydrates that should be consumed per day. Adietitian can also help identify which foods are best for you to consume to achieve your goals. Because this can be a restrictive diet, it is important for a dietitian to help ensure you aregetting adequate nutrients in your daily diet.

What is a cyclical ketodiet?

A cyclical ketogenic diet helps to maintain diet follow-through and good weight loss, as well as providing energy for physical exercise.

In this type of keto diet, you follow the keto diet meal plan for five consecutive days, and then you have two days when you can eat carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, and pasta. However, desserts, ice-creams, cakes, and other sugar-rich products should continue being off-limits.

Who should not be on this diet

The ketogenic diet is not advised for those over 65, children and teenagers, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. It should also be avoided by those who have an increased risk of ketoacidosis, such as type 1 diabetics, uncontrolled type 2 diabetics, people with low weight, or with a history of liver or kidneys diseases and cardiovascular alterations, such as a stroke. It is also not recommended for those with kidney stones or anyone taking medications that contain cortisone.

In these cases, the ketogenic diet will need to be approved by a doctor and followed-up by a dietitian.

Keto Diet: 8 Health Benefits, What to Eat & Avoid (plus Meal Plan) (2024)


Keto Diet: 8 Health Benefits, What to Eat & Avoid (plus Meal Plan)? ›

The keto diet consists of prioritizing lean meats and healthy fats and drastically reducing carbohydrate intake. Patients following a keto diet are encouraged to foods like nuts, lean cuts of meats, fruits and veggies, and to avoid eating foods that are carb-heavy, like bread and rice.

What foods can you eat unlimited amounts of on keto? ›

Foods you can eat on the keto diet include fish and seafood, meat and poultry, non-starchy vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini, avocados, berries, nuts and seeds, eggs, high-fat dairy products, olive oil and other oils, and high-cocoa chocolate.

What can you eat for breakfast lunch and dinner on a keto diet? ›

A sample keto menu for 1 week
  • Breakfast: two eggs fried in butter served with sauteed greens.
  • Lunch: a bunless burger topped with cheese, mushrooms, and avocado atop a bed of greens.
  • Dinner: pork chops with green beans sauteed in olive oil.

What vegetables can you not eat on keto? ›

Vegetables to avoid in a keto diet
VegetableCarbs per 100 g
sweet potatoes16.82 g
beets9.56 g
parsnips16.47 g
peas14.45 g
3 more rows
Apr 28, 2021

What is forbidden in the keto diet? ›

- Grains: Rice, wheat, oats, barley, rye, quinoa, buckwheat, etc. - Starchy Vegetables: Potatoes, peas, sweet potatoes, yams, corn, cassava, artichoke, etc. - Refined Carbs: Bread, pasta, pastries, tortilla, sandwich, etc. Due to the high-carb content of these food items, they are not keto-friendly.

Can I eat salads on keto? ›

You can eat a variety of salads on keto, as long as they contain healthy fats and proteins and are low in carbs. Egg salad, grilled chicken salad, shrimp salad, cauliflower salad, arugula salad, cucumber salad, antipasto salad, Greek salad, Caprese salad, and spinach salad are just a few keto-friendly salads to enjoy.

What is the best first meal for keto? ›

What to eat in the first week of your keto diet
  • Breakfast: You can fry two eggs in butter and serve them with sauteed greens of your choice.
  • Lunch: Go with a bunless burger and top it with vegetables of your choice (mushrooms, tomatoes, or peppers) and some cheese and avocado.
Jun 15, 2022

What are the top 10 keto foods? ›

These are the top 10 keto foods you should include if you're on...
  • Salmon. Whether wild or farm-raised, salmon is rich in fat, making it an essential ketogenic diet staple. ...
  • Eggs. This affordable protein and fat source is highly versatile. ...
  • Cauliflower. ...
  • Greens. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Olive oil. ...
  • Zucchini.

How many eggs a day on a keto diet? ›

It's totally fine and safe to eat up to 6 eggs a day while on the keto diet. You can consume even more eggs per day occasionally, as long as you make sure that you eat your greens, healthy fats and proteins from other sources.

Are cucumbers keto-friendly? ›

Cucumbers are keto, therefore, an excellent vegetable choice for a low-carb diet. They contain low net-carb counts and can be eaten frequently without worry. Add them to your favorite fresh recipes or enjoy them sliced with a low-carb dipping sauce like my jalapeno ranch dip.

Which beans are keto-friendly? ›

Keto-friendly beans

On a strict keto diet, your best bet for beans is to choose either green beans or black soybeans. While green beans are typically prepared more like a vegetable than a bean, black soybeans are a great alternative to other, starchier beans in soups, bean dips, refried beans, or other recipes.

What are big mistakes on keto? ›

Eating too much protein and not enough fats

Proteins as well can cause insulin spikes when over-consumed. The only macronutrient that doesn't spike insulin is pure fat. For this reason, you need to be adhering to very specific fat/carb/protein ratios when following a Keto Diet.

What are the golden rules of keto? ›

The basic rules of keto are eating few carbohydrates and emphasizing fat with a moderate intake of protein. In order to be in a state of ketosis, you will likely have to track the amount of carbohydrates you eat by weighing out your food.


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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.