SCOBY care + making a SCOBY hotel | You Brew Kombucha (2024)

If you’re familiar with making kombucha, you know that

nearly every time you make a new batch, your SCOBY

(symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) replicates itself.

The mama SCOBYmakes a baby SCOBY, which becomes a

mother SCOBY, which makes a baby SCOBY, which becomes

a mother SCOBY... and thus the circle of kombucha life


If you have no idea what I’m talking about and want to

learn more about what a SCOBY is, you can go here.

But in this article, we’ll talk about how to take care of your

SCOBYs and create a home or a “hotel” for your SCOBYs

where they can live when:

  • You want to take a break from making kombucha.

  • You want a place to store extra SCOBYs. (It’s always a good idea to have backups in case something goes wrong!)

  • You want to make a “factory” for super-charged starter tea that you can use for future batches of kombucha.

We’ll cover a lot of ground here, but it’s really important to take good care of your

cultures since they’re the source of all your kombucha. They’re the critical linchpin

to this whole operation.

You can click on any of these links to jump to a specific section below, or just

keep scrolling down to read it all:

  • Do’s and don’ts of SCOBY care

  • How flavorings can harm your SCOBY

  • A note on breaking the “rules” or experimenting

  • SCOBYhotel tips + instructions

  • SCOBY hotel: a source for super potent starter tea

  • Other uses forSCOBYhotels

So what are some do’s and don’ts of SCOBYcare?
  • Do keep your extra SCOBYs in a container with some sweet tea/fermented kombucha to keep them moist. This is commonly called a SCOBY hotel. (See below for tipson maintaining a SCOBY hotel.)

  • Do keep the brown stringy yeasty bits on your SCOBY. Don’t try to “clean” them off. Those yeasts help create carbonation. If you have yeast overgrowth (if it’s covering most of your SCOBY), you can remove some of it, but don’t get rid of it all!

  • Do use your (clean!) hands or scissors to trim SCOBYs or separate them from each other. This is fine if they’re getting too large orif you’d like to split them up to move some to a SCOBY hotel/share with a friend. You can’t hurt your SCOBY by ripping it or cutting it. Its shape doesn’t matter since new ones will always take the shape of the surface of whatever container you place it in.

  • Do re-use your SCOBYs. They can be used several times before they “get old.” Mine turn a darker brown as they age, but you can honestly keep re-using them until they look too dark, too dry orstart to lose firmness.

  • Do put excess SCOBYs in the trash, compost, or feed to chickens/horses if you have enough backups stockpiled.

How flavorings can negatively impact your SCOBY

This is a bit of a controversial topic with the home brewing community, but I believe that you should keep flavorings, oils and extracts away from your kombucha SCOBY. This means no flavored or herbal teas during first fermentation or in your SCOBY hotel. (After all, there are limitless opportunities to flavor during second fermentation anyhow!)

So why should you keep flavorings away from your SCOBY? In general, flavorings (even if they’re “natural”) can degrade and weaken your SCOBY over time. This is why in my Ingredients 101: Tea post, I talk about making sure that you use “real” tea in your first fermentation and don’t use flavored or herbal teas.

Using flavored teas may work just fine for a few batches, but often times, problems won’t show up until several SCOBY “generations” later. People use flavored brews and wonder why they develop mold later on. It’s a pretty common way to weaken your SCOBY and create an imbalance in the culture.

It’s because SCOBY feed on three things: plain “real” tea (not herbal teas or infusions), cane sugar and water. If you add other ingredients into the mix, you’re feeding your SCOBY things it may not be able to digest. And it could throw off the symbiosis of the bacteria and yeast. It could make it harder for the sweet tea to acidify and become kombucha — especially if the flavorings are essential oils which have an anti-bacterial effect and kill your kombucha bacteria. (And ingredient labels often don’t go into detail about what “natural flavors” actually means.)

I think a lot of people think it’s fine to use flavorings because a flavored batch of first fermented kombucha can often yield good kombucha at least a few times. But it’s the long-term that’s a problem. Sometimes problems won’t manifest immediately. You might be able to make a successful batch of kombucha using peppermint or chamomile tea, for example. You might even be able to make 3 or 4 batches, but at some point down the line, your SCOBY may finally show signs of it being weakened over time and you might start to have problems like lack of fizz, too much yeast or worse: mold. Sometimes problems don’t show up until several SCOBY “generations” later.

So I prefer to stick to plain tea and cane sugar for first ferment (especially because it’s much easier and more effective to flavor during second ferment). But these are all general guidelines to be on the safe side. You’re more than welcome to experiment! After all, your variables will always be different than my unique variables. (Just make sure you have backup SCOBYs on hand. Hint hint: Learn how to make a SCOBY hotel below.)

And just be aware that depending on the flavor you use, if you allow certain flavorings to come in contact with your SCOBY (in your first fermentation brew or in your SCOBY hotel), you put yourself at risk for creating a weakened SCOBY over time. I will admit that many brewers use a variety of different flavored teas during their first ferment, and many have had varying degrees of success. But many home brewers also run into a lot of problems with doing this.

Of course, everyone has an anecdote that can “prove” to be the exception to the rule. And yes, since SCOBYs are all unique, some of them may be less sensitive than other SCOBYs. And flavorings vary so greatly that it’s hard to get a consensus on what works or doesn’t work for all SCOBYs. That’s totally fine! But I’ve found that I’ve been able to create the most flavorful, consistent kombucha by using my method of only using “real” tea during first fermentation. I especially don’t feel the need to risk weakening my SCOBYs because I get the most flavor out of my kombucha from the second fermentation process, when I add fruit and bottle my brews.

If you've already let flavorings come in contact with your SCOBY, find my tips/recommendations here.

But what if I want to “break the rules” or experiment?

You totally can! You do what you’ve gotta do for your bucha! I support you. Like I said, many home brewers have tried flavored teas or alternate ingredients during first fermentation. But when you experiment, make sure that you have plenty of backup SCOBYs on hand (hint, hint: in a SCOBY hotel) — just in case something goes wrong with your experimental or flavored first fermentation brews. Make sure those backup SCOBYs only come in contact with real tea (black tea is best), water and sugar.

Alright, alright, I’m convinced. I’ll make a SCOBY hotel. How do I do that?

It’s easy. All you have to do is put all your extra SCOBYs in a glass container along with some room temp sweet tea or some finished, unflavored kombucha. An extra brewing vessel like a 1 gallon glass jar works perfectly as a SCOBY hotel.

  • You can add your SCOBYs over time as you accumulate them.

  • Cover your SCOBY hotel with a tight-weave, breathable cloth cover to allow airflow, but keep dust + insects out. Some people like to cover their SCOBY hotels with an airtight lid to prevent evaporation. That’s OK too.

  • Keep your SCOBY hotel at room temperature. Between 65 - 85 degrees works, but mid- to high-70s is ideal for the healthiest cultures. Too cold, and it could go dormant. Too hot, and they could die.

  • Don’t keep your SCOBYs or your SCOBYhotel in the fridge. There’s absolutely no need for it when they do just fine at room temp. Cold temperatures make SCOBYs go dormant and put it at risk for mold. If you keep your SCOBYs in the fridge, then take them back out, it may be difficult for your bacteria and yeast to wake back up and start acidifying. That puts your brews at risk for developing mold as well.

  • SCOBY hotels can go untouched at room temperature for months on end. I’ve even heard instances of people forgetting theirs for a year (or longer) without any issues. (I’d still recommend at least checking on your hotel every few months or so, though!)

  • If the liquid ever looks like it’s fully drying up, you should “feed” your SCOBY hotel with sweet tea or unflavored kombucha.

    • SCOBY hotel food recipe (a.k.a. A small batch of sweet tea): Steep 1 tsp. black tea in 2 cups of water and add 2 tbsp. cane sugar. Let cool to room temp and strain all tea out before putting in SCOBY hotel.

  • Or better yet, you can feed your SCOBYhotel with tea from “finished” batches of kombucha right after you finish a first fermentation cycle. That way your hotel is always getting a good amount of kombucha tea to keep the SCOBYs moist and you’re essentially creating a well of super-charged starter tea you can use for all your future batches of kombucha.

  • Don’t keep your SCOBY hotel in a moist cupboard that could harbor mold.

  • It’s unlikely that your SCOBY hotel will get moldy because the SCOBYs make it very acidic and inhospitable to mold. But if something goes wrong and it gets moldy, you’ll have to throw it all out. There’s no salvaging something moldy. But no biggie, just start over!

  • If a SCOBYturns black or has black patches, that means it’s died. You should toss that too.

Tell me more about how my SCOBY hotel can be a source for “super-charged” starter tea...

This is my favorite thing my SCOBY hotel does. So, like I mention above, every time I finish a first fermentation cycle, I take 1-2 cups of that unflavored kombucha tea and put it into my SCOBY hotel. This way I never really have to make a separate batch of sweet tea to “feed” my hotel. My hotel is just getting fed from the finished kombucha batches that are always in my rotation.

And every time I have extra SCOBYs, those go into the SCOBY hotel as well. So at any given moment, my 1 gallon jar is often half filled with a stack of SCOBYs and half filled with plain, unflavored kombucha tea that is acidifying at a really rapid pace because of the sheer volume of all those SCOBYs. Oftentimes, the kombucha in my SCOBY hotel will taste like vinegar and smell really acidic...which is perfect for using as super strong, bacteria-rich and yeast-rich starter tea in my future batches of kombucha.

So whenever I want to brew a new batch of kombucha, I steep my tea with sugar as I usually would. And once I add water and once the temperature is right, I take a SCOBY from my hotel along with 1-2 cups of my super acidic starter tea from my SCOBY hotel. And it acidifies my brew perfectly. I’ve always had perfect batches of delicious kombucha with beautiful, healthy SCOBYs ever since I’ve maintained my SCOBY hotel this way.

What else can I do with my SCOBY hotel?

My SCOBY hotel also gives me the flexibility to pause and start my brews on my schedule, even if I’m going on vacation or taking a 'bucha break for a few months. With a SCOBY hotel, I’ll always have SCOBYs handy and a good stock of starter tea that’s just getting stronger and stronger the longer I let it sit. And I can just leave it alone and come back to it whenever I’m ready.

And of course, SCOBY hotels give you a good stockpile of SCOBYs to share with others or try some experimental batches. Spare SCOBYs are great for trying batches with flavored teas in first fermentation (or break other rules of kombucha!) because if something goes wrong with a batch, you won’t feel bad about wasting a SCOBY because you can always just toss it!

SCOBY care + making a SCOBY hotel | You Brew Kombucha (2024)


Will SCOBY grow in SCOBY hotels? ›

Your SCOBY hotel will grow a SCOBY on the surface. Even though the directions below say to fully submerge SCOBY in the liquid, you will want to leave this new SCOBY where it's at because it seals the hotel. If the SCOBY grows really thick you can push that baby down into the liquid and another will grow in its place.

What to do with SCOBY after making kombucha? ›

Once you've finished fermenting your kombucha, simply recuperate the scoby and store it to start a new kombucha recipe. The easiest way to store a kombucha scoby is to start a new fermentation just after bottling. However, you can space out two fermentations if you keep the scoby at room temperature or in the fridge.

How to care for a kombucha SCOBY? ›

SCOBY Maintenance
  1. Store in clean glass jars to help keep them safe.
  2. Never refrigerate SCOBY. ...
  3. If SCOBY gets too big, cut into smaller pieces to use separately.
  4. Don't remove the stringy yeast unless there is excess build up. ...
  5. Peel off top layers (and dispose the oldest) for best SCOBY health.

Does a SCOBY hotel need to breathe? ›

To create a scoby hotel, you can use a large glass jar or container and add the scobys to it, along with some of the kombucha liquid that they were growing in. Cover the jar with a breathable cloth or coffee filter to keep dust and other contaminants out, but allow the scobys to breathe.

How long can you keep a SCOBY in a SCOBY hotel? ›

SCOBY hotels can go untouched at room temperature for months on end. I've even heard instances of people forgetting theirs for a year (or longer) without any issues. (I'd still recommend at least checking on your hotel every few months or so, though!)

Can I put a lid on my SCOBY hotel? ›

Once the tea is at room temperature, pour it into your clean glass jar. Place all your SCOBY friends inside the jar. Use a woven cloth to cover the top of the jar and secure it with a rubber band or the band on the jar's lid—but do not put the full lid on because your SCOBY needs air!

When should you throw out an old SCOBY? ›

With proper care, SCOBYs can last many generations. But when you see excessive, dark yeast growth on a SCOBY layer, or if it starts producing Kombucha that tastes bad or overly acidic, it's time to get a new one. New kombucha recipes can be made.

How long can a SCOBY sit on the counter? ›

There is nothing perishable in a scoby so there is no need for it to ever be refrigerated. Simply store your scoby at room temperature for up to 4 weeks.

Can I cut my SCOBY in half? ›

If you still want to make a gallon, then yes, SCOBYs can be cut in half. Make sure to clean a clean/sterile cutting instrument to avoid contamination.

How many times can you reuse SCOBY? ›

Put simply, kombucha SCOBYs can be reused for many years. Realistically, however, you simply won't need it to last that long. Your SCOBY grows and divides with each batch of kombucha, so you will constantly be growing new SCOBYs. Simply remove the older layers and transfer the new layers to your next batch.

Can I put two SCOBYs in my kombucha? ›

This is the simplest option – you can brew a normal batch of kombucha with multiple SCOBYs in the one jar. Normally they will fuse together into a mega SCOBY over time. Depending on what sort of jar you are using, this can make them difficult to get in and out when harvesting your fresh kombucha brew.

What does an unhealthy kombucha SCOBY look like? ›

If there are any growths that look fuzzy – either white, green, brown or black, then you have mould contamination. Mould problems are usually the result of not following instructions, and allowing the pH to become too neutral. Use these pH strips to test your brew and avoid losing your kombucha and your SCOBY.

How big should you let your SCOBY get? ›

Scoby is ready when it's ¼ an inch thick, but it's fine to let it grow thicker if you like. Don't refrigerate or freeze SCOBYs. Instead, store them in a SCOBY hotel, as described in this post. Remove shaggy strings, tea residue, and yeast strands from SCOBYs.

Do I need to feed a SCOBY hotel? ›

Upkeep for Your SCOBY Hotel

Every 4 to 6 weeks, discard some of the liquid and add either fresh sweet tea (up to 80% of the jar) or sugar (¼ cup per quart of liquid). Stir to combine. Fresh sugar tea is preferable as it provides all the nutrients the SCOBY needs to survive and thrive during the break.

How do you replenish a SCOBY hotel? ›

In short, you'll just put your extra SCOBYs into a clean glass jar and cover with sweet tea + starter kombucha (in the same ratios of sugar / tea / starter as with the first fermentation).

Can you grow a SCOBY from store bought kombucha? ›

Kombucha: You can use homemade kombucha from a friend or store-bought kombucha, but make sure it's a raw, unflavored variety. It also helps if you can see one of those little blobby things floating at the top or bottom of the bottle. Black tea: Plain black tea is the best and most nutritious tea for scoby growth.

Does new SCOBY grow on top or bottom? ›

By day 4-5 you'll likely see a new, thin layer of SCOBY grow across the top. It'll take the shape of whatever vessel you put your liquid in.


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