Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (2024)

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Looking for an easy homemade bread recipe? This one is easy and quick to put together, so look no further! This cloud bread recipe is a bread alternative that’s light, tasty and easy to make with just four ingredients.

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (1)

Make delicious cloud bread with just four ingredients!

What is cloud bread?

Cloud bread is a unique food, like nothing I’ve had before. It’s not a true bread since it doesn’t include flour nor water, but its versatility is like that of bread — the texture is fluffy, somewhat spongy and bread-like. And cloud bread can be enjoyed in both savory or sweet ways, just like bread!

I sometimes like to switch up my sandwiches using cloud bread. I find that it’s a greatgrab-and-go snack to keep around, especially when using some of the flavorful variations I’ve listed below (after the recipe).

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (2)Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (3)All Things BreadNew to baking bread? Start with our free guide,Bread Making Basics, to learn essential bread secrets from types of yeast to storage and everything in between!Download The FREE Guide

Cloud bread recipe

Makes 6-8 portions


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons cream cheese, softened at room temperature
  • ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar or honey
Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (5)

Step 1:

Preheat oven to 300 F. Separate the eggs — take extra care with doing so. Place yolks in a bowl with cream cheese and sugar.

Place egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer with the cream of tartar. There should be no trace of yolk in this bowl — otherwise it will not whip up nicely.

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (6)

Step 2:

Beat egg yolk mixture with a whisk or hand mixer until it’s smooth and cream cheese is completely incorporated. There should no longer be bits of cream cheese visible. Set aside.

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (7)

Step 3:

Using an electric mixer, whip egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. This will take about 4-5 minutes at high speed.

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (8)

Step 4:

Using a wide spatula, gently fold the yolk mixture into the egg white mixture.

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (9)

Step 5:

Spoon the mixture into even dollopson a parchment paper–lined cookie sheet. You can make either 6 or 8 buns, depending on how large you want them. The 6-piece size is a good sandwich size and is also wide enough to hold a standard burger patty. Bake for 25-35 minutes if making 6 clouds; 20-30 minutes if making 8 clouds.

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (10)

The tops should be golden when ready. Let cool for 10 minutes and lift off of the parchment paper. It’ll be easier to do so while warm.

The tasty buns can be served toasted or cold topped with fruit preserves or whipped cream and fresh fruits! Store in an airtight container or resealable bag for up to 3 days at room temperature or one week in the refrigerator.

Delicious cloud bread variations

Now that you’ve got the basics down for making this fluffy cloud bread, Here are some variations to try!

For all these variations, you’ll sprinkle theherbs and/or spices over the portions just before or just after baking. Don’t fold it in with everything else. An important part of this recipeis keeping the egg whites as fluffy as possible, and more folding will deflate them.

Sprinkle just before placing in the oven:

  • Sea salt and pepper
  • Chipotle powder
  • Smoked paprika and sea salt
  • Chopped rosemary
  • Minced onion

Sprinkle or brush just after baking:

  • Shredded cheeses (make mini pizzas!)
  • Butter and garlic (microwave melted butter and minced garlic for 45 seconds or until fragrant)
  • Cinnamon and sugar (brush with melted butter before sprinkling)
  • Caramelized onion

Get creative! I’d love to know how you eat your cloud bread — leave a comment below!

Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (11)

Impressive Breads in Half the Time

Learn time-saving techniques for making basic and specialty loaves in minutes, with guidance from best-selling cookbook author and instructor Zoë François! Watch in BluprintGet the Class

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Cloud Bread Recipe – Only 4 Ingredients! (2024)


Why isn't my cloud bread getting fluffy? ›

First, you might be over beating your egg whites, which prevents your cloud bread from having that fluffy texture. You'll know if you've overdone it if your egg whites look wet or grainy, she says. Spend With Pennies recommends beating the egg whites on high speed with a mixer just until they form stiff peaks.

What is cloud bread made of? ›

Cloud bread claims to be a high-protein bread alternative. It's made by whipping egg whites and cream of tartar to achieve the soft, fluffy texture of a meringue.

What do you do if your cloud bread is liquidy? ›

Cornstarch. You just need a tiny bit of cornstarch in your cloud bread, to help soak up any extra liquid in your meringue. Cornstarch also helps make your meringue shiny. Food coloring.

Why did my cloud bread flatten? ›

If you don't beat the egg whites sufficiently to stiff peaks, your cloud bread will spread and be flat. The peaks are stiff when they “stand up” when you hold the beaters up.

What is the trick to fluffy bread? ›

Potato Flakes or Potato Water

Starch helps the dough by trapping the gas from the yeast in the dough and makes the bubbles stronger. This helps the bread to rise and be lighter and fluffier.

What ingredient makes bread more fluffy? ›

Add Sugar

Adding sugar weakens the gluten structure, absorbs water, and eventually makes the bread lighter and softer. As a result, sugar improves the bread's taste, structure and texture. Yeast also eats up sugar to produce carbon dioxide, which raises the dough and makes bread fluffy.

How to make cloud dough ingredients? ›

This easy no-cook dough requires just 2 ingredients: cornstarch and hair conditioner. Easy enough! Mix equal parts together in a bowl. There is no cooking required and students can get their hands messy while helping to make it.

What flour do you use for cloud dough? ›

If you don't have scented conditioner you can also add in a few drops of essential oils. Instead of cornstarch, you can use regular all-purpose flour as well.

Does flour work for cloud dough? ›

Cloud dough can be made in any quantity, but this recipe will make enough for one child. Add 3 cups of flour to a bowl. Slowly add in 1 tablespoon of baby oil and incorporate with your fingers. Continue to add baby oil one tablespoon at a time until the dough is moldable.

Does cloud dough go bad? ›

Store the cloud dough for future play in an airtight container. Really, this stuff doesn't go bad. You know you'll need to toss it when it gets impossible debris in it.

Does Aldi have cloud bread? ›

You have to be relatively familiar with the kitchen, as it requires baking with separated egg yolks and whites, cream cheese, and other ingredients. Luckily for those without the skills (or the time!) to bake cloud bread every time you want a sandwich, Aldi has its own version that comes pre-made!

What does cream of tartar do? ›

Cream of tartar stabilizes the tiny bubbles in the egg whites, by precluding the egg proteins from sticking together. It thus speeds up the egg white whipping process and contributes to a stable, billowy, glossy meringue, perfect for cookies, topping pies, and folding into cake.

Why does cloud bread taste bad? ›

Sadly, the awful taste will bring you right back down to Earth. Sweet cloud bread is meringue. It's not like meringue, it is meringue, rebranded. Both recipes call for whipped egg whites with sugar, and sometimes a stabilizer, like an acid or a starch.

What can be used instead of cream of tartar? ›

The 6 Best Things to Use If You Don't Have Cream of Tartar
  • Lemon juice.
  • White vinegar.
  • Baking powder.
  • Buttermilk.
  • Yogurt.
  • Copper bowl.
  • No substitute.

Is plain Greek yogurt low carb? ›

Is Greek Yogurt Keto? Yes! Especially for those of us who struggle to meet protein needs, Greek yogurt is an excellent choice on the keto diet. A 3/4 cup serving of full fat Greek yogurt has 5g of carbs, 9g of fat, and 15g of protein, making it my favorite choice for the keto diet.

Is cloud bread good for you? ›

Cloud bread is a great option for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease because it's gluten-free. According to The Healthy, people who are following a keto or low-carb diet might love cloud bread because there are very few carbs (if you don't add sugar).

Where does cloud bread come from? ›

Cloud bread is the latest food craze to dominate our TikTok feeds. And it requires just three ingredients to make: egg whites, sugar, and cornstarch. It appears the cloud bread trend was first launched by TikTok user @linqanaaa, who posted a video demonstrating the recipe.

Can you eat cloud dough? ›

(It won't taste great, but it is safe-to-eat). Here's how to make it! To make your cloud dough, first measure out 8 cups of flour. If you do think your child may consume it, you may want to bake the flour on a cookie sheet for around 5 minutes at 350 in order to reduce the risk of salmonella.

What is keto cloud bread made of? ›

It's made using just a few simple ingredients—eggs, cream cheese, and cream of tartar—but when mixed up in just the right way and baked in a low heat oven, you get pillowy, bread-like rounds that are gluten-free and keto-friendly.


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