Is It Possible to Naturally Shrink Bunions? (2024)

Managing bunions without surgery is oftentimes possible with certain treatments and devices. Ways to shrink or prevent bunions from worsening include wearing supportive footwear, taking pain medications or using pain-relieving topical creams, doing bunion stretches and exercises, and using ice packs, warm soaks, and gentle massage.

This article will describe options for relieving bunion pain naturally and discuss which can help shrink, flatten, or reverse bunions. It will explain when bunion surgery may be necessary to correct a bunion and what to expect with bunion surgery outcome and recovery.

An Overview of Bunions

Is It Possible to Naturally Shrink Bunions? (1)

How to Relieve Bunion Pain Naturally

Bunion (hallux valgus) pain can make it difficult to walk or participate in everyday activities. Bunions are common in people as they become older. The following are all ways of relieving bunion pain without surgery.

Common Foot and Ankle Problems

Footwear That Fits

Shoes to prevent bunions are shoes with a wide toe box and supportive features for your heels, arch, and soles. Choose shoes with enough room for your toes, making sure that the big toe joint isn’t rubbing against the inside of the shoe.

In some cases, your healthcare provider may suggest prescription orthotics. These are shoe inserts that help take pressure off the affected joint and prevent minor bunions from worsening, but may not help larger ones.

The 23 Best Shoes for Bunions, Tested and Reviewed

Bunion Pads

Sometimes finding the right shoe fit for bunion pain is more difficult or takes a little more time than expected. In the interim, you can reduce the pressure on your big toe joint by using bunion pads.

Bunion pads are sometimes made from moleskin or are gel-filled. Bunion pads should allow enough room to comfortably accommodate your toes when wearing shoes. These pads can be found in drugstores and shoe stores and are designed to provide cushioning on the affected joint. They reduce pressure, which reduces pain.

Early Signs of Bunions: What to Do Once You See Them

Bunion Stretches

There are some exercises and stretches you can do to help reduce pain. Bunion stretches include doing big toe circles, spreading your toes, and doing heel raises. Experts say to perform stretches daily to reduce bunion pressure, increase foot muscle strength, and range of motion or mobility.

Common Causes of Foot Pain

Pain Relievers

Using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen), can help relieve pain and swelling. You can also consult with your healthcare provider about prescription-strength options to reduce pain.

Does Anything Shrink, Flatten, or Correct Bunions Naturally?

Orthotics and similar devices can correct bunions naturally. For example, toe splints and braces you wear overnight are aimed at reducing morning stiffness in the affected joint. However, the muscle tension may cause a bunion to over time.

Is There a Cure For Bunions?

While these bunion support devices may help bunions from getting worse, they have not been shown to actually shrink, flatten, or correct bunions. Talk to your podiatrist (foot doctor) or other healthcare provider treating you for bunions about all your options.The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons cautions that “inadequate ‘quick fixes’ can do more harm than good.”

Foot Problems People Mistake for a Bunion

Surgery: The Only Way to (Maybe) Shrink Bunions

Some people will need surgery to shrink bunions. Bunion surgery realigns by repositioning the toe bone and surrounding tendons, ligaments, and nerves.

Success Rate

Bunion surgery has a high success rate. There are some risk factors that influence surgery success, including bunion severity, a patient’s total body mass index (BMI), and whether or not the patient previously had bunion surgery.

The following are signs that someone may be a good candidate for surgery, although it will come down to a case-by-case basis:

  • Prescription NSAIDs are not working to relieve pain or inflammation related to bunions.
  • Your foot pain limits daily activities.
  • You have severe pain.
  • You’re experiencing foot deformity.

No Quick Fix

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says that after bunion surgery, most people experience less foot pain and are better able to participate in everyday activities, but it’s also important to be realistic about what’s possible. Remember that even with surgery, there is no quick fix to get rid of a bunion. Bunion surgery recovery takes up to six months, with follow-up visits sometimes necessary for up to a year.

What Causes Bunions?

Self-Care to Tackle Bunions Without Surgery

Bunion self-care may not shrink or flatten the bunion, but it will help with pain and prevent the bunion from getting larger, more painful, and causing more problems with walking. Some at-home natural methods of bunion self-care include:

  • Using ice pack cold therapy to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Using warm water soak to help ease symptoms of sore feet
  • Performing gentle foot massage
  • Doing bunion stretches and apply any topical ointments or creams as directed by your healthcare provider

These types of self-care activities can also be helpful for easing symptoms of bunionettes. Bunionettes are a type of bunion that occur on the little toe, specifically on the fifth metatarsal bone, where it meets the bone of the little toe.

Bunionettes Causes and How to Treat Them


Bunions can be managed at home and with the help of a medical professional such as a podiatrist to reduce symptoms. Options include changing footwear if necessary, using pain relievers, doing bunion stretches, and even using nighttime splints. However, bunions don’t shrink, dissolve, or reverse from these treatments.

Surgery can realign your toe joint to its correct position and reduce pain. Bunion surgery has a high success rate, and recovery time takes up to six months. Talk to your podiatrist about bunion treatment options that make sense for you.

5 Sources

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Harvard Health. What to do about bunions.

  2. Bunion: Strengthening foot muscles to reduce pain and improve mobility.J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016;46(7):606-606. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0504

  3. Houston Methodist. Bunion pain: How to get relief and when to consider surgery.

  4. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). Bunions.

  5. Wang B, Manchanda K,Lalli L,Wukich DK, Liu GT,Raspovic K, VanPelt M,Nakonezny PA, Johnson MJ. Identifying risk factors for nonunion of the modified lapidus procedure for the correction of hallux valgus. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2022;61(5):1001-1006. doi:10.1053/j.jfas.2022.01.001

Is It Possible to Naturally Shrink Bunions? (2)

By Michelle Pugle
Pulge is a freelance health writer focused on mental health content. She is certified in mental health first aid.

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Is It Possible to Naturally Shrink Bunions? (2024)


Is It Possible to Naturally Shrink Bunions? ›

Bunions can be managed at home and with the help of a medical professional such as a podiatrist to reduce symptoms. Options include changing footwear if necessary, using pain relievers, doing bunion stretches, and even using nighttime splints. However, bunions don't shrink, dissolve, or reverse from these treatments.

Has anyone ever reversed a bunion? ›

Bunions can't be reversed, and unfortunately, they don't go away on their own. Once you have a bunion, it will likely continue to grow over time. Luckily, many people don't need to have surgery to treat their bunions. It's possible to find pain relief through home remedies, orthotics and other treatments.

Has anyone corrected a bunion without surgery? ›

Other non-surgical treatments for bunions include injections of cortisone or oral anti-inflammatory medication and wearing custom-made shoes that accommodate the bunion deformity. Both help provides comfort and relieve pain, but do not reduce the abnormal angles that underlie the bunion deformity.

Do bunions ever get better on their own? ›

No, bunions don't just go away and you can't fix bunions on your own. See a healthcare provider or podiatrist if you have a bunion. They'll diagnose it and suggest treatments to relieve your symptoms.

Can castor oil dissolve bunions? ›

Then, the bunion can slowly begin to resolve. Another home remedy is a foot wrap in warm castor oil. Claims of castor oil bunion treatment are based on its anti-inflammatory ingredients (alkaloids, tannins, and flavonoids). It is said castor oil can help relieve bunion pain and swelling and stimulate blood circulation.

How to dissolve bunions naturally? ›

Our 10 top tips on treating bunions without surgery:
  1. Massage and exercise your feet.
  2. Take a paracetamol.
  3. Soak your feet in a foot bath.
  4. Ice your feet.
  5. Put your feet up!
  6. Try castor oil.
  7. Try bunion pads.
  8. Try bunion splints.
Jul 20, 2022

When is it too late to fix a bunion? ›

Patients commonly ask if they are too old for bunion surgery. The answer to this complex question is largely based on individual risk factor assessment. Advanced age alone does not preclude bunion surgery but certain age-related conditions can increase the likelihood of compromised healing and poor outcome.

Is walking barefoot good for bunions? ›

Going barefoot is ideal in the beginning stages of bunions. When barefoot, the joints of the toes will get stronger, an important part of good foot health.

What happens if you never get bunion surgery? ›

If left untreated, a bunion can cause arthritis, especially if the joint in the big toe has sustained extensive, long-term damage.

Is there a nonsurgical way to fix a bunion? ›

Bunion splints and toe spacers.

These help to reposition the toe in better alignment. Toe spacers are designed to be worn inside your shoes while walking, and splints are worn overnight while sleeping.

Can you stop a bunion once it starts? ›

Once a bunion starts to form, it can't be reversed. But the right shoes can help relieve foot pain so you can live your life. The right shoes can also help alleviate pressure on your toe joint.

Does walking a lot make bunions worse? ›

A sure-fire way to exacerbate your bunion is to stand on your feet all day. Walking or running a marathon is the worst thing you can do for your bunion, and if you have a job that keeps you on your toes, you may need to take some time off to heal.

Do bunion correctors really work? ›

Do bunion correctors really work? Research suggests that bunion correctors aren't effective at realigning your big toe or at getting rid of bunions. But they may help provide some temporary pain relief, while you wear them.

Can anything reverse a bunion? ›

So, can bunions be reversed? The short answer is no. While there are numerous tools and treatments available over the counter to help relief pain associated with bunions, the only way to get rid of a bunion for good is by treating it at the source, which must be done through surgery.

What does Epsom salt do for bunions? ›

Soaking your feet in the water a few times a week can help reduce pain and inflammation. You can also add Epsom salt in warm water. The magnesium in salt can help stave off soreness and soothe your bunion.

What worsens bunions? ›

Wearing tight, narrow shoes might cause bunions or make them worse. Bunions can also develop as a result of the shape of your foot, a foot deformity or a medical condition, such as arthritis. Smaller bunions (bunionettes) can develop on the joint of your little toe.

Can a bunion reverse itself? ›

Bunions that are left untreated cannot be reversed, and are likely to get worse with time.

Can you reshape a bunion? ›

Bunion surgery is done to reduce the pain and correct the deformity caused by a bunion. A bunion (hallux valgus) is an enlargement of the bone or tissue around a joint at the base of the big toe or at the base of the little toe.

Can you really correct a bunion? ›

You cannot get rid of bunions or stop them getting worse yourself, but there are things you can do to ease any pain.


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