Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (2024)

Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (1)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015









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Council Member Snelgrove, Chair, presided.

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Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore, Cottonwood Heights City, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

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Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake County Council meetings held on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, Thursday, June 18, 2015, and Tuesday, June 23, 2015. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (2)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

During the 2015 General Session, the Utah State Legislature enacted H.B. 362, which authorized counties to impose, if the voters approve, a 0.25% Local Option General Sales Tax dedicated to local transportation.

Mayor Tom Dolan, Sandy City, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. Fifteen of 16 cities within the County have submitted resolutions to the Council asking for this sales tax question to be put on the November 2015 general election ballot. West Valley City will be considering its resolution at its next meeting. This funding is critical. City roads are falling into disrepair and general fund money is being taken away from public safety, parks and recreation, fire, and other things in order to maintain them. Should this initiative pass, the tax would be divided three ways. Twenty percent would go to Salt Lake County, 40 percent to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), and 40 percent to local municipalities.

Mayor Bill Applegarth, Riverton City, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. The best way to have increases in taxes is to let the people decide. Government’s role is to give citizens good facts. This issue would be best put on the 2015 ballot because it is less expensive to maintain roads in the long run, rather than replace them. Riverton City has a young population involved in active transportation, such as walking, hiking, and bike trails. This tax would help fund those needs.

Mayor Troy K. Walker, Draper City, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. It is important for government leaders to give the voters a choice relating to this transportation sales tax.

Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore, Cottonwood Heights City, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. The matter before the Council is when to put the matter on the ballot. Several years ago, the County amended its ordinance to indicate that any ballot election to impose a new sales tax was to be presented in an even numbered year. However, consistent with that ordinance, a provision was made to allow for exceptions if approved by two-thirds of the County Council. He believed this is the very kind of exception that warrants a two-thirds majority vote by the Council.

The tax question should be put on the November 2015 ballot because funding is critically needed, momentum will be lost if another year goes by, and State legislators may change their minds between now and 2016. Also, 60 percent of municipal council members are up for election in November. Right now, there is a consensus among these leaders about this sales tax. That could change with the next election. The business community is also on board with this issue, and vote-by-mail will increase voter participation in this odd-numbered year.

Mayor Ted Eyre, Murray City, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. He presented a resolution from the Murray city council encouraging the County Council to submit the transportation sales tax question to the voters in November 2015. There is a unified effort by all 16 Salt Lake County cities to ask the Council to move forward with this measure.


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (3)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Mr. George Chapman spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in opposition to putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. He asked the Council to wait as long as possible to put this measure on the ballot. He did not think UTA was a good steward of taxpayer dollars. Last year’s vote-by-mail did not increase voter participation in some races.

Mr. Billy Hesterman, Vice President, Utah Taxpayers Association, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in opposition to putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. Several other tax increases are hitting Utah families this year. Waiting another year to put this on the ballot is one less stressor to families that are trying to make ends meet.

Ms. Erin Mendenhall, Salt Lake City Council Member, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. There is no better way to pass a tax increase than to put it before the voters on the ballot. Salt Lake City is unique in its transportation needs. The city population doubles during weekdays with students and those working in the city. Those individuals do not pay taxes to help with the roads. The longer the wait for tax dollars, the more the price of road repair increases.

Mr. Casey Jackson spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in opposition to putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. He encouraged the Council to wait until 2016 to put the sales tax question on the ballot. The lower voter turnout is, the less money is needed to change the outcome of an election. Increases in voter participation due to vote-by-mail are very varied. The County should wait for a presidential election year to put this to the voters for maximum participation.

Ms. Evelyn Everton, Americans for Prosperity, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in opposition to putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. Citizens have already experienced two major tax increases. Utah families are already struggling to adjust their budgets. Another tax increase would hit low income people the hardest. The Council has heard from city representatives. She asked them to consider the needs of Utah families, also.

Mr. Lynn Pace, Holiday City Council Member, and Vice President of the Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. The decision before the Council is not whether to put this on the ballot, but when. The Council should put the question on the 2015 ballot for two reasons. First, it will save money; the longer the wait, the more it costs to repair deteriorating roads. Second, when fewer items are on the ballot, the voters can be more informed. Putting the question on the ballot during a presidential election will bury the issue and draw attention away from the discussion.

Mr. Charles Henderson, Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Board of Trustees, spoke under “Citizen Public Input” in favor of putting the transportation sales tax question on the ballot. He represents Salt Lake County on the UTA board. UTA has been a very good steward of taxpayer money by getting over 42 million people to take public transportation each year. If this tax passes, economically disadvantaged people will benefit from additional UTA services. The


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (4)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

State Legislature may change this statute, if the County waits for another year. Voters need to speak about their destiny. He asked the Council to put this measure on the November 2015 ballot.

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Mr. Ron Faerber, Association of Community Councils Together (ACCT), spoke under “Citizen Public Input” stating he was speaking as a representative of the west side community councils. He asked that the following letter be made part of the record to express the different issues concerning community councils:

Honorable Chairman Snelgrove:

We come before you representing the West Side Community Councils, but we also stand strong in support of our sister Councils all across the Salt Lake Valley. All of the volunteer Community Council members have worked very hard for many years to preserve their communities and the services that Salt Lake County has so efficiently provided. We don’t have to tell you that one of the best financial portfolios in the State of Utah is governed by Salt Lake County. We know it…our residents of unincorporated County know it, because we feel it in our pocketbooks and see it in our services throughout our communities.

Approximately two years ago the Community Councils and all of its volunteer members observed a movement taking place that brought a lot of us great concern. This movement would change the very nature of how many envisioned their future governance. As volunteers, we have worked years, some even decades without pay to obtain Townships, a governance model that has served us proficiently amongst a sea of pricey metropolitan areas, many were alarmed, some even horrified by these proposed changes.

After realizing that powerful political forces were shifting and moving this forward regardless of our positions and statements, which is being referred to as a “train leaving the station,” we had no choice, but to hop on board and work out any solutions through concessions. This is how the Community Preservation came to be.

In those many, many meetings we had with members of the community and attorneys from both Districts and County Government, we derived a solution to protect our boundaries, maintain services to the residents, allow for self-governance, maintain identities of communities, preserve ACCT and its volunteer Community Councils, and finally let the voters decide. We came to a consensus with incorporators, anti-incorporators, ACCT, its Community Councils, and Salt Lake County. All of this came with a price…a price we were willing to concede to, in order to come to a compromised solution.

What we are seeing now is far from what we had agreed to. Promises are not being kept, intent and design of the Community Preservation Committee’s


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (5)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

consensus is being changed or modified. We are witnessing boundary changes before our eyes, services to residents in question, governance structures changing, identities of communities being torn apart, rumors of ACCT and Community Councils being dissolved, areas with no vote or say in their future. Everything we agreed to and came to a consensus on, before the passage of SB 199 is now being threatened or compromised.

Therefore, as members of Community Councils we ask you, the Salt Lake County Council, to please restore our boundaries. The West Side Councils voted at its monthly meeting for Salt Lake County to “Restore those Boundary changes of the unincorporated and Township areas.” We are also asking that Salt Lake County educate residents of the financial consequences of opting out of the District, maintain our Community Preservation Committees intent on the structure of governance of Metro Townships and Cities, thwart any efforts to split or destroy identities of our sister communities, retain the proven model of volunteer organizations such as ACCT and Community Councils, and allow areas to choose for themselves the destiny of their communities. These were promises made to residents, committee members, and volunteers for their support of SB 199.

Finally, we are so very grateful and thankful for the many years of support that Salt Lake County has offered the unincorporated residents. Please restore our historical communities.

Sincerely yours,

Ron Faerber

Ms. Paulina Flint spoke under “Citizen Public Input” regarding the use of the words “White City Planning Township” on the November ballot. Historically, “planning” was not part of the White City Township name, and is not included in any legal documents relating to the township. She asked the Council to keep the ballot clean and simple for the sake of the voters.

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Mayor Ben McAdams read the following proclamation declaring July 1-7, 2015 as Utah’s Independents Week:

P R O C L A M A T I O NIn Support of Local First Utah’s Independents Week

WHEREAS, Independents Week provides a time to celebrate the independence and entrepreneurial spirit represented at the core of local independent businesses; and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake County’s local independent businesses help preserve the uniqueness of the community and give us a sense of place; and


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (6)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

WHEREAS, the independently-owned businesses of Salt Lake County give back to this community in goods, services, time and talent; and

WHEREAS, the health of Salt Lake County’s economy depends on local support of businesses owned by our friends and neighbors; and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake County’s independent business owners and employees enrich community members’ shopping experiences with their knowledge & passion;

WHEREAS, as we celebrate Independents Week 2015, we acknowledge that the ability to choose the direction of Salt Lake County lies within each of us; and

WHEREAS, the decisions of each community member made today affects the future of Salt Lake County; and

WHEREAS, we salute our community members and locally owned independent businesses who are integral to the unique flavor of Salt Lake County, and honor their efforts to make Salt Lake County the place we want to live and work.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Ben McAdams, Mayor of Salt Lake County, do hereby proclaim the week of July 1-7, 2015 as Independents Week. SIGNED this 30 th day of June, 2015.

By /s/ BEN MCADAMS Mayor, Salt Lake County

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Mayor Ben McAdams read the following proclamation recognizing Kerry Bate upon his retirement from the Salt Lake County Housing Authority:


WHEREAS, after 12 years of dedicated service to SaltLake County and 31 years of exemplary service for the State of Utah, Kerry William Bate will retire from his position as Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake; and

WHEREAS, since named Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake in 2003, Kerry Bate has proven to be an extraordinary leader that respects and supports his staff of 100 employees, and truly honors the concept of teamwork; and

WHEREAS, Kerry’s efforts have impacted communities with great need by providing affordable housing for low-income households, housing for veterans, refugees, the disabled, the chronically mentally ill, homeless youth and homeless families, and by providing tenant services to promote self-sufficiency; and


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (7)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

WHEREAS, through true collaboration and partnerships, Kerry has been instrumental in working with federal, state and private foundations to fund major “Housing First” and other affordable projects, including: Grace Mary Manor, Kelly Benson Apartments, and the Bud Bailey Apartment Community

WHEREAS, Kerry’s passionate emphasis on housing highlights Salt Lake County as a national model for low-income and homeless housing, and has made Utah a national leader in homeless housing projects; and

WHEREAS, Kerry is known for his attentiveness, kindness, calm demeanor and incredible gift of the written word to help others understand issues, situations, problems and facts in order to come up with solutions to assist some of the most vulnerable citizens in Utah; and

WHEREAS, Kerry possesses empathy, compassion and understanding of low income individuals, and Salt Lake County is better because of his influence and his efforts.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Ben McAdams, Mayor of Salt Lake County, thank Kerry for his dedication and commitment to the people of Salt Lake County, and recognize his retirement on July 1st, 2015.

SIGNED this 30 th day of June, 2015.

By /s/ BEN MCADAMS Mayor, Salt Lake County

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the proclamations. The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mayor Ben McAdams submitted a letter requesting the Council’s advice and consent to the reappointments of Scott Brown, Paula Julander, and Jeffrey Ward as members of the Salt Lake County Board of Health to serve three-year terms. Their terms will begin July 1, 2015, and end June 30, 2018.

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Mayor Ben McAdams submitted a letter requesting the Council’s advice and consent to the appointment of Relda Sorensen as a member of the Salt Lake County Fair Board to serve a three-year term. Her term will begin July 1, 2015, and end June 30, 2018.

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Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (8)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Mayor Ben McAdams submitted a letter requesting the Council’s advice and consent to the reappointment of Ian Davis as a member of the Salt Lake County Career Service Council to serve a three-year term. His term will begin July 1, 2015, and end June 30, 2018.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member DeBry, moved to approve the appointments and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Gavin Anderson, Deputy District Attorney, submitted a letter requesting authorization to secure outside legal counsel for creating a Municipal Services District and negotiating an interlocal agreement.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Newton, moved to authorize securing outside counsel for the creation of the Municipal Services District, and to forward the matter to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Ms. Pat Iverson, Contracts Manager, Contracts and Procurement Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Sheriff’s Office and Taylorsville City – Prisoner Transportation Services. This amendment changes the fee schedule to require Taylorsville City to pay $42.48 per prisoner transported within Salt Lake County and extends the agreement for one year. This agreement ends June 30, 2016.




WHEREAS, Salt Lake County (the “County”) and Taylorsville City (the “City”) are public agencies as defined in the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Utah Code Ann. §§11-13-101 to 314 (1953 as amended) (the “Act”);


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (9)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

WHEREAS, the City and County are authorized by the Act to enter into agreements with each other, upon a resolution to do so by their respective governing bodies, for the purpose of enabling them to make the most efficient use of their resources;

WHEREAS, effective July 16, 2014, the City and County executed County Contract SHFTAYLORSVILLE TRANSPORT former CA0000000000075 (the “Agreement”) whereby the Sheriff’s Office provides prisoner transportation to the Taylorsville Municipal Justice Court (the “Justice Court”); and

WHEREAS, City has a continued need for the transportation of prisoners to and from its Justice Court; and

WHEREAS, City and County desire to amend the fee schedule, set forth in Exhibit 1 and paragraph 2.a. of their original Agreement and to extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2016, an additional eleven month period; and

WHEREAS, City and County may, by written amendment, modify or amend the Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the attached Amendment #1 to County Contract former CA0000000000075 SHFTAYLORSVILLE TRANSPORT is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of Salt Lake County.

1APPROVED and ADOPTED this 30 th day of June, 2015.



By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk

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Ms. Pat Iverson, Contracts Manager, Contracts and Procurement Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Mayor’s Office and Sandy City – Transfer of Funds for Road Projects. Salt Lake County will transfer $3,880,000 of excise tax road revenue bond proceeds to Sandy City to pay for construction, reconstruction or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws. The agreement will terminate on the earlier of the completion of the improvements or January 6, 2017. If not completed, all unexpended bond proceeds will be returned to the County.



Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (10)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015



WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 41-1a-1222, Utah Code Ann., Salt Lake County (the “County”) has imposed a local option highway construction and transportation corridor preservation fee on each motor vehicle registration within the County; and

WHEREAS, fifty-percent of the revenue generated by said fee is deposited into the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann.; and

WHEREAS, during the 2013 General Session, the State legislature amended Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann., to provide a portion of the revenue in the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund be transferred to the legislative body of Salt Lake County to be used for certain purposes; and

WHEREAS, the County has issued Excise Tax Road Revenue Bonds pursuant to Salt Lake County Resolution No. 4752 and a General Indenture of Trust as amended and supplemented from time to time, which bonds are payable from the excise tax revenue transferred to the County from the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121(4)(f), Utah Code Ann., and

WHEREAS, the County desires to use the revenue bond proceeds to further regional development in Salt Lake County by financing all or a portion of the costs of road construction and reconstruction, capital improvement maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the County and Sandy City previously entered into an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement, dated June 13, 2014, providing for $3,000,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Sandy City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws; and

WHEREAS, the County and Sandy City now desire to enter into this Agreement to provide for an additional $3,880,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Sandy City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws.


NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Council of Salt


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (11)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Lake County that the attached Interlocal Cooperation Agreement is approved; and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1 and by this reference made a part of this Resolution.

1APPROVED and ADOPTED this 30 th day of June, 2015.



By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk

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Ms. Pat Iverson, Contracts Manager, Contracts and Procurement Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Mayor’s Office and Midvale City – Transfer of Funds for Road Projects. Salt Lake County will transfer $1,200,000 of excise tax road revenue bond proceeds to Midvale City to pay for construction, reconstruction or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws. The agreement will terminate on the earlier of the completion of the improvements or January 6, 2017. If not completed, all unexpended bond proceeds will be returned to the County.




WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 41-1a-1222, Utah Code Ann., Salt Lake County (the “County”) has imposed a local option highway construction and transportation corridor preservation fee on each motor vehicle registration within the County; and

WHEREAS, fifty-percent of the revenue generated by said fee is deposited into the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann.; and

WHEREAS, during the 2013 General Session, the State legislature amended Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann., to provide a portion of the revenue in the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund be transferred to the legislative body of Salt Lake County to


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (12)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

be used for certain purposes; and

WHEREAS, the County has issued Excise Tax Road Revenue Bonds pursuant to Salt Lake County Resolution No. 4752 and a General Indenture of Trust as amended and supplemented from time to time, which bonds are payable from the excise tax revenue transferred to the County from the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121(4)(f), Utah Code Ann., and

WHEREAS, the County desires to use the revenue bond proceeds to further regional development in Salt Lake County by financing all or a portion of the costs of road construction and reconstruction, capital improvement maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the County and Midvale City now desire to enter into this Agreement to provide for $1,200,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Midvale City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws.


NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Council of Salt Lake County that the attached Interlocal Cooperation Agreement is approved; and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1 and by this reference made a part of this Resolution.

1APPROVED and ADOPTED this 30 th day of June, 2015.



By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk

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Ms. Pat Iverson, Contracts Manager, Contracts and Procurement Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Mayor’s Office and Murray City – Transfer of Funds for Road Projects. Salt Lake County will transfer $1,200,000 of excise tax road revenue bond proceeds to Murray City to pay for construction, reconstruction or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws. The agreement will terminate on the earlier of the completion of the improvements or January 6, 2017. If not completed, all unexpended bond proceeds will be returned to the County.



Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (13)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015



WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 41-1a-1222, Utah Code Ann., Salt Lake County (the “County”) has imposed a local option highway construction and transportation corridor preservation fee on each motor vehicle registration within the County; and

WHEREAS, fifty-percent of the revenue generated by said fee is deposited into the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann.; and

WHEREAS, during the 2013 General Session, the State legislature amended Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann., to provide a portion of the revenue in the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund be transferred to the legislative body of Salt Lake County to be used for certain purposes; and

WHEREAS, the County has issued Excise Tax Road Revenue Bonds pursuant to Salt Lake County Resolution No. 4752 and a General Indenture of Trust as amended and supplemented from time to time, which bonds are payable from the excise tax revenue transferred to the County from the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121(4)(f), Utah Code Ann., and

WHEREAS, the County desires to use the revenue bond proceeds to further regional development in Salt Lake County by financing all or a portion of the costs of road construction and reconstruction, capital improvement maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the County and Murray City previously entered into an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement, dated June 13, 2014, providing for $200,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Murray City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws; and

WHEREAS, the County and Murray City now desire to enter into this Agreement to provide for an additional $1,200,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Murray City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws.


NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Council of Salt


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (14)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Lake County that the attached Interlocal Cooperation Agreement is approved; and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1 and by this reference made a part of this Resolution.

1APPROVED and ADOPTED this 30 th day of June, 2015.



By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk

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Ms. Pat Iverson, Contracts Manager, Contracts and Procurement Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Mayor’s Office and Draper City – Transfer of Funds for Road Projects. Salt Lake County will transfer $1,500,000 of excise tax road revenue bond proceeds to Draper City to pay for construction, reconstruction or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws. The agreement will terminate on the earlier of the completion of the improvements or January 6, 2017. If not completed, all unexpended bond proceeds will be returned to the County.




WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 41-1a-1222, Utah Code Ann., Salt Lake County (the “County”) has imposed a local option highway construction and transportation corridor preservation fee on each motor vehicle registration within the County; and

WHEREAS, fifty-percent of the revenue generated by said fee is deposited into the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann.; and

WHEREAS, during the 2013 General Session, the State legislature amended Section 72-2-121, Utah Code Ann., to provide a portion of the revenue in the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund be transferred to the legislative body of Salt Lake County to


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (15)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

be used for certain purposes; and

WHEREAS, the County has issued Excise Tax Road Revenue Bonds pursuant to Salt Lake County Resolution No. 4752 and a General Indenture of Trust as amended and supplemented from time to time, which bonds are payable from the excise tax revenue transferred to the County from the County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund pursuant to Section 72-2-121(4)(f), Utah Code Ann., and

WHEREAS, the County desires to use the revenue bond proceeds to further regional development in Salt Lake County by financing all or a portion of the costs of road construction and reconstruction, capital improvement maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the County and Draper City previously entered into an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement, dated October 1, 2014, providing for $1,000,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Draper City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws; and

WHEREAS, the County and Draper City now desire to enter into this Agreement to provide for an additional $1,500,000 of the bond proceeds to be transferred to Draper City to pay for highway construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects, or for the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws.


NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Council of Salt Lake County that the attached Interlocal Cooperation Agreement is approved; and the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1 and by this reference made a part of this Resolution.

1APPROVED and ADOPTED this 30 th day of June, 2015.



By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member DeBry, moved to approve the resolutions and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to execute the resolutions and


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (16)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mayor Ben McAdams submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that his wife is employed in the Office of General Counsel at the University of Utah, and that he has an interest in several real estate properties.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to accept the Disclosure Form and make it a matter of record. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Scott Tingley, County Auditor, submitted letters recommending reduction of taxes on the following properties, pursuant to an order of the Utah State Tax Commission. He also recommended that refunds in the amounts indicated, plus appropriate interest, be issued to the taxpayers.

Taxpayer Parcel No. Year Reduction Refund

Bastaki 27-17-151-088 2014 $ 1,24066 to $ 1,194.12 $ 46.54

Ronald & Lillian Taylor 28-18-102-001 2014 $ 2,227.88 to $ 2,172.97 $ 54.91

Rainer Huck 10-16-454-011 2014 $ 360.12 to $ 277.02 $ 83.1016-17-257-019 2014 $ 1,869.89 to $ 1,623.32 $ 246.57

Tonto Investments 27-03-254-019 2014 $ 2,548.96 to $ 2,434.21 $ 114.75

Alexander Derenzy 16-08-427-016 2014 $ 2,527.99 to $ 2,413.04 $ 114.95

Stuart & Peggy McCandless 16-26-281-003 2014 $ 1,978.15 to $ 1,822.65 $ 155.50

Michael Tilden 16-31-126-008 2014 $ 874.55 to $ 704.06 $ 170.49

Rick & Susan Trapp 22-11-331-009 2014 $ 3,282.93 to $ 3.068.82 $ 214.11

Lawrence & Tamara Hamilton 16-16-131-013 2014 $ 4,304.87 to $ 4,084.62 $ 220.25

Steven Jones 16-30-408-019 2014 $ 1,489.42 to $ 1,133.44 $ 355.98


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (17)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

David & Melodie Webb 16-34-201-050 2014 $ 4,009.84 to $ 3,436.51 $ 573.33

JLT Investments 27-01-178-009 2014 $ 25,978.26 to $ 25,340.64 $ 637.62

England Real Property 15-07-351-006 2013 $ 76,865.71 to $ 76,205.69 $ 660.02

Thomas & Denise Hayco*ck 22-15-379-018 2014 $ 3,919.53 to $ 3,164.46 $ 755.07

Michael & Keri Brown 28-12-426-019 2014 $ 6,935.75 to $ 6,127.57 $ 808.18

Stephen & Kristen Brendle 28-27-326-016 2014 $ 5,187.23 to $ 4,355.83 $ 831.40

Farrell & Karen Petersen 08-23-404-002 2014 $ 4,835.66 to $ 3,849.70 $ 985.96

JSM Murray Property 22-06-358-010 2014 $ 13,776.45 to $ 12,723.40 $ 1,053.05

Ray & Katherine Thom 16-17-232-002 2014 $ 6,354.64 to $ 5,173.56 $ 1,181.08

Bliss Parsons 16-17-377-037 2012 $ 2,935.31 to $ 1,515.68 $ 1,419.63

Reese Real Estate 21-31-201-006 2014 $ 11,128.80 to $ 9,179.52 $ 1,949.28

American Estate 16-17-481-008 2013 $ 16,199.12 to $ 14,214.59 $ 1,984.53

John & Nancy Gale 24-16-355-002 2014 $ 432.88 to $ 197.65 $ 235.23

Zebra Investments 15-01-151-018 2014 $ 10,287.14 to $ 8,118.99 $ 2,168.15

John & Kimberlee Robertson 22-15-402-001 2014 $ 18,015.03 to $ 14,624.60 $ 3,390.43

Soffe South Jordan 27-14-181-005 2014 $ 31,323.85 to $ 27,653.05 $ 3,670.8027-14-181-005 2013 $ 32,711.01 to $ 24,488.51 $ 8,222.50

Donna Stevens-Doxey 24-27-202-004 2013 $ 11,142.08 to $ 6,128.14 $ 5,013.94

Cougar Place 20-13-482-029 2014 $ 68,170.58 to $ 63,054.98 $ 5,115.60

Bienvenue 28-30-151-051 2013 $ 61,188.97 to $ 56,011.14 $ 5,177.83

Paul Gongaware 30-06-429-014 2013 $ 27,970.56 to $ 21,439.71 $ 6,530.85

BH American Plaza 15-01-280-034 2013 $ 96,967.65 to $ 90,039.60 $ 6,928.05


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (18)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Plaza 4700 21-06-476-039 2014 $ 33,600.70 to $ 24,842.98 $ 8,757.72

Utah Self Storage 14-32-402-004 2013 $ 75,179.21 to $ 66,418.16 $ 8,761.05

Superior View 30-05-152-005 2013 $ 28,791.51 to $ 19,678.19 $ 9,113.32

3065 15-16-101-002 2013 $ 97,859.71 to $ 78,367.80 $19,491.91

Clowder 21-25-276-034 2014 $154,436.32 to $129,354.54 $25,081.78

324 State Street Properties 16-06-301-032 2014 $278,470.69 to $251,937.59 $26,533.10

Pheasant Hollow Business 27-12-302-001 2014 $ 78,861.97 to $ 77,102.99 $ 1,758.98

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Mr. Scott Tingley, County Auditor, submitted letters recommending correction of the Assessment Roll for State Assessed properties (A & B Books), pursuant to an order by the Utah State Tax Commission on the following properties: He also recommended that a refund in the amount indicated, plus interest be issued to the taxpayers:

UNEV Pipeline 91258550001305 2013 $ 90,284.94 to $ 81,429.44 $ 8,855.5091258550001306 2013 $ 17,441,29 to $ 15,730.58 $ 1,710.7191258550002000 2013 $122,112.20 to $110,135.00 $11,977.2091258550002700 2013 $223,744.77 to $201,799.04 $21,945.7391258550001305 2014 $ 64,775.11 to $ 60,472.33 $ 4,302.7891258550001306 2014 $ 12,513.74 to $ 11,682.49 $ 831.2591258550002000 2014 $ 88,370.09 to $ 82,499.97 $ 5,870.1291258550002700 2014 $165,564.34 to $154,566.47 $10,997.87

Cricket Communications 91401210000106 2011 $ 1,669.57 to $ 1,419.12 $ 250.45

91401210001300 2011 $ 75,712.13 to $ 64,354.72 $11,357.4191401210001301 2011 $ 1,534.27 to $ 1,304.12 $ 230.1591401210001305 2011 $ 1,333.58 to $ 1,133.53 $ 200.0591401210001401 2011 $ 1,098.93 to $ 934.09 $ 164.8491401210001402 2011 $ 1,625.51 to $ 1,381.68 $ 243.8391401210001501 2011 $ 3,167.83 to $ 2,692.63 $ 475.2091401210001700 2011 $ 7,660.70 to $ 6,511.52 $ 1,149.1891401210001900 2011 $ 1,367.97 to $ 1,162.76 $ 205.2191401210001902 2011 $ 2,792.53 to $ 2,373.63 $ 418.9091401210002000 2011 $ 2,388.08 to $ 2,029.85 $ 358.2391401210002100 2011 $ 3,397.32 to $ 2,887.71 $ 509.6191401210002109 2011 $ 1,214.25 to $ 1,032.11 $ 182.14


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (19)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

91401210002125 2011 $ 994.49 to $ 845.30 $ 149.1991401210002126 2011 $ 989.49 to $ 841.06 $ 148.4391401210002203 2011 $ 1,668.09 to $ 1,417.85 $ 250.2491401210002305 2011 $ 2,412.74 to $ 2,050.82 $ 361.9291401210002400 2011 $235,103.45 to $199,836.29 $35,267.1691401210002412 2011 $ 1,001.28 to $ 851.52 $ 150.2891401210002500 2011 $ 1,331.71 to $ 1,131.93 $ 199.7891401210002600 2011 $ 2,586.88 to $ 2,198.83 $ 388.0591401210002900 2011 $ 7,582.32 to $ 6,444.93 $ 1,137.3991401210003001 2011 $ 1,649.58 to $ 1,402.12 $ 247.4691401210003005 2011 $ 1,561.10 to $ 1,326.92 $ 234.1891401210003400 2011 $ 1,271.82 to $ 1,081.04 $ 190.7891401210003500 2011 $ 5,909.71 to $ 5,023.23 $ 886.4891401210003502 2011 $ 1,195.01 to $ 1,015.75 $ 179.2691401210003505 2011 $ 2,887.34 to $ 2,454.21 $ 433.1391401210003516 2011 $ 1,866.86 to $ 1,586.83 $ 280.0391401210003604 2011 $ 1,479.75 to $ 1,257.77 $ 221.9891401210003700 2011 $ 9,867.29 to $ 8,387.13 $ 1,480.1691401210003718 2011 $ 1,226.90 to $ 1,042.86 $ 184.0491401210003800 2011 $ 9,264.82 to $ 7,875.06 $ 1,389.7691401210003907 2011 $ 1,535.43 to $ 1,305.11 $ 230.3291401210004103 2011 $ 731.82 to $ 622.05 $ 109.7791401210004200 2011 $ 1,300.95 to $ 1,105.28 $ 195.1591401210004500 2011 $ 1,084.54 to $ 921.85 $ 162.6991401210004600 2011 $ 1,166.92 to $ 991.87 $ 175.0591401210005500 2011 $ 3,836.81 to $ 3,261.26 $ 575.5591401210006100 2011 $ 6,986.47 to $ 5,938.44 $ 1,048.0391401210006301 2011 $ 89.54 to $ 76.10 $ 13.4491401210007000 2011 $ 1,462.11 to $ 1,271.77 $ 224.449140121008100 2011 $ 1,031.64 to $ 876.89 $ 54.7591401210008200 2011 $ 2,010.05 to $ 1,708.53 $ 301.5291401210010108 2011 $ 2,748.76 to $ 2,336.43 $ 412.3391401210010123 2011 $ 1,053.50 to $ 895.46 $ 158.049140121000106 2014 $ 475.56 to $ 390.46 $ 85.1091401210001300 2014 $ 13,705.16 to$11,252.87 $ 2,452.2991401210001301 2014 $ 422.64 to $ 347.02 $ 75.6291401210001305 2014 $ 350.11 to $ 287.46 $ 62.6591401210001402 2014 $ 975.37 to $ 800.84 $ 174.5391401210001501 2014 $ 757.81 to $ 622.21 $ 135.6091401210001700 2014 $ 2,809.51 to $ 2,306.81 $ 502.7091401210001902 2014 $ 933.04 to $ 766.09 $ 166.9591401210002000 2014 $ 579.50 to $ 475.81 $ 103.6991401210002100 2014 $ 1,183.67 to $ 971.86 $ 211.8191401210002109 2014 $ 283.91 to $ 233.11 $ 50.8091401210002125 2014 $ 296.70 to $ 243.62 $ 53.0891401210002126 2014 $ 316.27 to $ 259.68 $ 56.5991401210002203 2014 $ 609.47 to $ 500.43 $ 109.04


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (20)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

91401210002305 2014 $ 806.92 to $ 662.55 $ 144.3791401210002400 2014 $ 62,207.03 to $ 51,076.42 $11,130.6191401210002412 2014 $ 333.32 to $ 273.69 $ 59.6391401210002500 2014 $ 829.26 to $ 680.88 $ 148.3891401210002600 2014 $ 862.00 to $ 707.76 $ 154.2491401210002900 2014 $ 2,438.47 to $ 2,002.16 $ 436.3191401210003001 2014 $ 200.94 to $ 164.98 $ 35.9691401210003005 2014 $ 466.93 to $ 383.38 $ 83.5591401210003400 2014 $ 412.04 to $ 338.32 $ 73.7291401210003500 2014 $ 1,821.36 to $ 1,495.45 $ 325.9191401210003502 2014 $ 305.31 to $ 250.68 $ 54.6391401210003505 2014 $ 1,095.01 to $ 899.09 $ 195.9291401210003516 2014 $ 600.74 to $ 493.26 $ 107.4891401210003604 2014 $ 356.95 to $ 293.08 $ 63.8791401210003700 2014 $ 2,442.49 to $ 2,005.44 $ 437.0591401210003718 2014 $ 388.30 to $ 318.82 $ 69.4891401210003800 2014 $ 3,540.56 to $ 2,907.06 $ 633.5091401210003907 5014 $ 428.36 to $ 351.71 $ 76.6591401210004103 2014 $ 480.55 to $ 394.57 $ 85.9891401210004200 2014 $ 427.62 to $ 351.12 $ 76.5091401210004500 2014 $ 416.31 to $ 341.82 $ 74.4991401210005500 2014 $ 1,021.92 to $ 839.07 $ 182.8591401210006100 2014 $ 2,139.37 to $ 1,756.56 $ 382.8191401210006301 2014 $ 24.95 to $ 20.48 $ 4.4791401210007000 2014 $ 548.04 to $ 449.98 $ 98.0691401210008100 2014 $ 318.83 to $ 261.78 $ 57.0591401210008200 2014 $ 675.25 to $ 554.41 $ 120.8491401210010108 2014 $ 627.52 to $ 515.24 $ 112.28

Leap Wireless 91401210000106 2012 $ 1,396.31 to $ 1,276.91 $ 319.2291401210001300 2012 $ 51,324.55 to $ 41,059.47 $10,265.0891401210001301 2012 $ 1,407.05 to $ 1,125.64 $ 281.4191401210001305 2012 $ 1,211.77 to $ 969.41 $ 242.3691401210001401 2012 $ 1,007.48 to $ 805.97 $ 201.5191401210001402 2012 $ 2,251.81 to $ 1,801.45 $ 450.3691401210001501 2012 $ 2,468.29 to $ 1,974.63 $ 493.6691401210001700 2012 $ 7,900.90 to $ 6,320.70 $ 1,580.2091401210001900 2012 $ -0- -0- $ -0-91401210001902 2012 $ 2,761.77 to $ 2,209.40 $ 552.3791401210002000 2012 $ 2,470.03 to $ 1,975.99 $ 494.0491401210002100 2012 $ 4,114.76 to $ 3,291.80 $ 822.9691401210002109 2012 $ 1,106.33 to $ 885.06 $ 221.2791401210002125 2012 $ 912.57 to $ 730.05 $ 182.5291401210002126 2012 $ 907.72 to $ 726.71 $ 81.5591401210002203 2012 $ 1,712.04 to $ 1,369.62 $ 342.4291401210002305 2012 $ 2,803.28 to $ 2,242.62 $ 560.6691401210002400 2012 $248,406.14 to $198,724.06 $49,682.08


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (21)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

91401210002412 2012 $ 947.52 to $ 758.02 $ 189.5091401210002500 2012 $ 1,960.90 to $ 1,568.70 $ 392.2091401210002600 2012 $ 3,029.12 to $ 2,423.30 $ 605.8291401210002900 2012 $ 7,084.75 to $ 5,667.78 $ 1,416.9791401210003001 2012 $ 1,761.19 to $ 1,408.94 $ 382.2591401210003400 2012 $ 1,202.60 to $ 962.06 $ 240.5491401210003500 2012 $ 6,150.06 to $ 4,920.02 $ 1,230.0491401210003502 2012 $ 1,199.74 to $ 959.79 $ 239.9591401210003505 2012 $ 2,220.01 to $ 1,776.11 $1,144.40491401210003516 2012 $ 1,808.31 to $ 1,446.65 $ 361.6691401210003604 2012 $ 1,309.56 to $ 1,047.65 $ 261.9191401210003700 2012 $ 9,327.83 to $ 7,462.25 $ 1,865.5891401210003718 2012 $ 1,223.23 to $ 978.60 $ 244.6391401210003800 2012 $ 6,506.50 to $ 5,205.16 $ 1,301.3491401210003907 2012 $ 1,370.51 to $ 1,096.40 $ 274.1191401210004103 2012 $ 949.42 to $ 759.52 $ 189.9091401210004200 2012 $ 1,192.78 to $ 954.21 $ 238.5791401210004500 2012 $ 568.99 to $ 455.18 $ 113.819140121004600 2012 $ -0- -0- -0-9140121000550 2012 $ 3,4598.98 to $ 2,767.96 $ 692.0291401210006100 2012 $ 7,026.495 to $ 5,621.20 $ 405.2991401210006301 2012 $ 84.13 to $ 67.30 $ 16.8391401210007000 2012 $ 1,527.15 to $ 1,221.71 $ 305.4491401210008100 2012 $ 944.95 to $ 755.95 $ 189.0091401210008200 2012 $ 1,937.01 to $ 1,549.6091401210010108 2012 $ 1,972.98 to $ 1,578.37 $ 394.6191401210010123 2012 $ 1,296.40 to $ 1,037.13 $ 259.2791401210000106 2013 $ 1,369.45 to $ 958.65 $ 410.8091401210001300 2013 $ 39,417.47 to $ 27,593.02 $11,824.4591401210001301 2013 $ 1,178.61 to $ 825.05 $ 353.5691401210001305 2013 $ 1,055.91 to $ 739.16 $ 316.7591401210001401 2013 $ -0- -0- -0-91401210001402 2013 $ 2,568.34 to $ 1,797.89 $ 770.4591401210001501 2013 $ 2,423.39 to $ 1,696.42 $ 726.9791401210001700 2013 $ 7,829.66 to $ 5,480.91 $ 2,348.7591401210001902 2013 $ 2,609.93 to $ 1,827.01 $ 782.92 91401210002000 2013 $ 1,663.44 to $ 1,164.44 $ 499.0091401210002100 2013 $ 3,377.78 to $ 2,364.51 $ 1,013.2791401210002109 2013 $ 872.07 to $ 610.47 $ 261.6091401210002125 2013 $ 823.42 to $ 576.41 $ 247.0191401210002126 2013 $ 882.94 to $ 618.07 $ 264.8791401210002203 2013 $ 1,708.94 to $ 1,196.29 $ 512.6591401210002305 2013 $ 2,045.07 to $ 1,431.57 $ 613.5091401210002400 2013 $176,800.38 to $123,763.59 $53,036.7991401210002412 2013 $ 942.03 to $ 659.44 $ 282.5991401210002500 2013 $ 2,323.23 to $ 1,626.31 $ 696.9291401210002600 2013 $ 2,833.12 to $ 1,983.23 $ 849.89


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (22)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

91401210002900 2013 $ 6,893.83 to $ 4,825.79 $ 2,068.0491401210003001 2013 $ 615.50 to $ 430.87 $ 184.6391401210003005 2013 $ 1,308.98 to $ 916.31 $ 392.6791401210003400 2013 $ 1,162.02 to $ 813.43 $ 348.5991401210003500 2013 $ 4,877.28 to $ 3,414.21 $ 1,463.0791401210003502 2013 $ 920.24 to $ 644.18 $ 276.0691401210003505 2013 $ 2,788.73 to $ 1,952.17 $ 836.5691401210003516 2013 $ 1,698.75 to $ 1,189.15 $ 509.6091401210003604 2013 $ 1,050.46 to $ 735.35 $ 315.1191401210003700 2013 $ 7,602.93 to $ 5,322.20 $ 2,280.7391401210003718 2013 $ 1,136.52 to $ 795.58 $ 340.9491401210003800 2013 $ 10,916.61 to $ 7,641.83 $ 3,274.7891401210003907 2013 $ 1,224.83 to $ 857.40 $ 367.4391401210004103 2013 $ 1,357.56 to $ 950.32 $ 407.2491401210004200 2013 $ 1,223.49 to $ 856.45 $ 367.0491401210004500 2013 $ 1,176.01 to $ 823.23 $ 352.7891401210005500 2013 $ 2,931.13 to $ 2,051.85 $ 879.2891401210006100 2013 $ 5,914.97 to $ 4,140.59 $ 1,774.3891401210006301 2013 $ 66.65 to $ 46.65 $ 20.0091401210007000 2013 $ 1,473.78 to $ 1,031.67 $ 442.1191401210008100 2013 $ 896.57 to $ 627.62 $ 268.9591401210008200 2013 $ 1,842.90 to $ 1,290.06 $ 552.8491401210010108 2013 $ 1,759.54 to $ 1,231.70 $ 527.8491401210010123 2013 $ -0- -0- -0-

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Mr. Scott Tingley, County Auditor, submitted a letter recommending reduction of property taxes on the following properties, pursuant to an order of the Utah State Tax Commission. He also recommended adjustment of penalties and interest, and that a refund be issued to the taxpayers:

Taxpayer Parcel No. Year Adjustment

Eric & Peggy Schanz 22-22-227-008 2014 $ 7,201.38 to $ 5,785.44AJ’S Kwik Mart 15-01-280-064 2013 $15,500.15 to $13,994.55

− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted letters recommending that refunds in the amounts indicated be issued to the following taxpayers for overpayment of vehicle taxes:

Taxpayer Refund

Kyle R. Platts $150.00Alison L. Farr $153.00


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (23)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Nate Wade Subaru $150.00

− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending that the taxes plus accrued interest, penalties ,and fees be written off on the following properties. These accounts are uncollectible:

Taxpayer Account No. Year

Coldwater Creek 01N137451 2014

Perks Espresso 17 127599 2011

La Herradura De Oro 32B124538 2014

Normandie Café/Bakery 82A123990 201482A123990 201382A123990 2012

Phoenix Ink 13 701143 2013

A Plus Sewer & Water 13 162842 2014

Mountain Corals 38 146200 2014

Sarges Truck & Auto 30 085075 2014

Voltiac Construction 24 166855 2014

Guardian Management AAD164610 2014

La Familia Broadcasting 13 153496 2014

− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending that refunds in the amounts indicated be issued to the following taxpayers for overpayment of personal property taxes:

Taxpayer Account No. Amount

Oak Wood Fire Kitchen 55 169029 $ 195.38IHT Intnl Health 24 165823 $ 960.67GoWireless #370 38G162127 $ 203.86GoWireless #371 17 162139 $ 120.88GoWireless #252 63C152564 $ 35.26


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (24)

D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

Debra Platts 15A039653 $ 222.93Automotive Solutions 13 161932 $ 245.85JoJo Leasing 55 129747 $ 903.50Laser Quest 30A110978 $ 792.65Womens Health Services AAD135346 $ 19.93Integrated Airline Services 13 163338 $1,363.57Beans & Brew Coffee 35 151741/4 $ 24.63Sports Stalker Snowbird 40P080150 $ 379.91Alside Supply Center 14A003861 $ 173.08Jeff Newman & Son Const 42 073120 $1,367.32Bronson Medical 13 167839 $ 41.94Western Corrections 35 090309 $ 57.95Ricos Custom Upholstery 38 104486 $ 109.68Midwest Mechanical 42 104224 $ 33.17Sharp Electronics 61 701157/4 $ 8.12Tanners Place 29 099807 $ 97.21Spedelli’s 13 154314 $ 24.57

− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending abatement of 2014 delinquent property taxes in the amount of $343.06 on the Birkhill Community Association property identified as Parcel No. 21-01-229-049. This property is considered common area and should be 100 percent exempt.

− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending reduction of 2014 property taxes from $74.46 to $.02 on the Salt Lake County property identified as Parcel No. 16-27-201-032. Salt Lake County acquired this property by warranty deed on January 7, 2014, and it should be 98 percent exempt.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to approve the recommendations. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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THIS BEING THE TIME heretofore set for a public hearing to receive comments regarding renaming Valley Regional Park to the Gary C. Swensen Valley Regional Park.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to open the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

Mr. Wayne Johnson, Associate Director, Parks & Recreation Division, stated there was some concern about the length of the proposed name of the park. The County would


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D A T E T U E S D A Y J U N E 30, 2015

like to see “Valley Regional Park” included in the new name. The park has existed for 30 to 40 years with the same name, and the County would like to see the continuity.

Mr. Brent Overson spoke in favor of the name change. He submitted this request for a name change earlier in the year. A public hearing was held in the Taylorsville Recreation Center about this proposal and everyone spoke in favor of it. Mr. Swensen served as the Superintendent (now the Director position) of the Parks & Recreation Division, and was instrumental in the acquisition of this property. During his tenure as Superintendent, significant inroads were made to expand recreational services to the citizens of Salt Lake County.

Mr. Bart Barker spoke in favor of the name change. Mr. Swensen is most responsible for the growth and success of the County Parks & Recreation programs and facilities. Mr. Swensen negotiated an agreement with all school districts within the County to make their facilities available to County residents. He wholeheartedly endorsed this proposal.

Mr. Richard Bay, General Manager, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, spoke in favor of the name change. Mr. Swensen provided irrigation water for decades as an operator and on the board of North Jordan Irrigation Company. For many years he served on boards that provided drinking water to Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, and waste water treatment through Taylorsville-Bennion and Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility. He is a great community leader and this would be an appropriate action.

Mr. Mike Peterson, Chair, Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, spoke in favor of the name change. The board received a letter requesting the name change in May 2015. As per policy, public input was given at the public hearing at the Taylorsville Recreation Center. All were in favor of the name change. That information was taken to the advisory board, and it unanimously approved the recommendation, which was then forwarded to the County Council.

Mr. Kelly Maxfield spoke in favor of the name change. He was speaking on behalf of the many men who were coached by Mr. Swensen. Mr. Swensen always taught the value of hard work, that it was more important to be concerned about the feelings of others than ones self, being honest, having integrity, and being fair was more important than winning. No one is more deserving of this honor.

Mr. Peter Corroon, former Salt Lake County Mayor, spoke in favor of the name change. Mr. Swensen came to him when he was first elected Mayor to explain why Parks & Recreation was so important to the County. He was committed to his community. He was also instrumental in preserving a lot of land for future parks.

Council Member Newton, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to close the public hearing, and approve the following resolution:


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WHEREAS, Gary C. Swensen was born and raised in Taylorsville, Utah, the son of a sugar beet and onion farmer;

WHEREAS, Gary C. Swensen has lived almost his entire life in Taylorsville and it remains his home to this day;

WHEREAS, Gary C. Swensen grew up playing sports and has played in dozens of volleyball, basketball and softball leagues sponsored by Salt Lake County Recreation Department;

WHEREAS, in his twenties, Gary C. Swensen accepted a position as the acquisition director for the Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation Department;

WHEREAS, few years later, Gary C. Swensen was appointed the superintendent of the Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation Department and held that position for twenty years;

WHEREAS, during his time at the County, Gary directed the construction and development of several parks and recreation centers that continue to serve the public today and bring beauty and open space to our neighborhoods;

WHEREAS, Gary C. Swensen also spent 16 years on the Granite School Board and worked closely with the County to ensure cooperation between the County and the Granite School District;

WHEREAS, Gary C. Swensen has coached youth volleyball and has spent countless hours teaching and coaching youth volleyball, while emphasizing the value of competition, sportsmanship and fair play;

WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee has held a public hearing and has submitted a unanimous recommendation that the Salt Lake County Council rename Valley Regional Park to the Gary C. Swensen Valley Regional Park; and

WHEREAS, the Salt Lake County Council has also held a public hearing where it considered public comment and the factors set forth under Salt Lake County Code § 2.48.040.



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NOW THEREFORE, for the reasons set forth herein, the Salt Lake County Council hereby renames the “Valley Regional Park” located at 5100 South 2799 West in Taylorsville, Utah to the “Gary C. Swensen Valley Regional Park.”

1APPROVED and ADOPTED this 30 th day of June, 2015.



By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk

The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to execute the resolution and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye

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Ms. Nichole Dunn, Chair, Steering Committee, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following Countywide Policy and Procedure:

#1155 – Community Development Areas

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member DeBry, seconded by Council Member Newton, moved to adopt Countywide Policy and Procedure #1155 with the additional changes as proposed by Council Member Newton and to forward the matter to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. Council Member Bradley amended the motion that the Council hold a public hearing when considering a CDA with a 24-hour notice requirement based on the Open Meetings Act. Council Member DeBry accepted the amendment. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to sign the policy and procedure, directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, and authorizing the Mayor’s Office to distribute the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, submitted a letter requesting the Council’s approval of recommendations for the Mid-Valley Regional Cultural Facility.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member DeBry, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the Mayor’s recommendation and hold off on funding a Mid-Valley Regional Cultural Facility until the right fit is found, and to forward the matter to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed


Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (28)

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unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. David Delquadro, Chief Financial Manager, Council Office, submitted a letter requesting approval for an interim budget adjustment of $30,484 for a new Council Administrative Coordinator FTE position.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed 5 to 3, with Council Members Snelgrove, Newton, and DeBry voting in opposition.] The Council motion passed 5 to 3, showing that Council Members Snelgrove, Newton, and DeBry voted “Nay.”

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Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, submitted a letter requesting approval for an interim budget adjustment to transfer $500,000 of the County’s Excise Tax Revenue to the Unincorporated Excise Tax Road Bond project budget.

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Mr. Daniel Hayes, General Manager, Salt Palace Convention Center, submitted a letter requesting approval for an interim budget adjustment of $45,000 to add a cooling system into the main electrical vault at the Salt Palace Convention Center.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member DeBry, moved to approve the requests and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to effect the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Spencer Hymas, Planning & Development Services Division, reviewed the following rezone application:

Application #29237 – Scott Gailey to remove a zoning condition on property located at 2802 South 7200 West.

Mr. Hymas stated this property has come before the council two separate times. Now, an additional parcel has been added to the property. Removing this zoning condition would allow for duplexes on the property. The Magna Community Council and Magna


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Township Planning Commission both gave favorable recommendations to this application. The general plan also supports this change.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to open the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

No one appeared in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to close the public hearing, approve Application #29237, and forward it to the July 14, 2015, Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Spencer Hymas, Planning & Development Services Division, reviewed the following rezone application:

Application #29241 – Jose Rodriguez to rezone property located at 2660 South 7200 West from a C-2 to a C-3 zone.

Mr. Hymas stated the Magna Town Council, Magna Community Council, and the Magna Township Planning Commission all gave favorable recommendations for this application. The rezone is also supported by the general plan.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to open the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

Council Member Bradley stated the report indicated that the Magna Planning Commission was concerned that the property would be used to dismantle automobiles, yet it gave a favorable recommendation. He asked if the planning commission had included any stipulations with the recommendation.

Mr. Hymas stated the planning commission did not add any specific stipulations. There was one dissenting vote because of that concern. However, the applicant has indicated they are proposing to use the property for used cars, which is the main catalyst for this rezone to take place. He did not find anything within the C-3 zone that allowed for the dismantling of cars.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to close the public hearing, approve Application #29241 and forward it to the July 14, 2015, Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (30)

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Mr. Todd Draper, Planning & Development Services Division, reviewed the following rezone application:

Application #29328 – John Kruger to rezone property located at 3671 South 2300 East from R-1-10 to R-2-10 zone.

Mr. Draper stated the properties in the application are currently split zoned. The East Millcreek Community Council and the Millcreek Township Planning Commission both gave favorable recommendations for this application. They felt it would make better use of the property, and there were no observable or immediate negative impacts to other neighbors.

Council Member Wilson, seconded by Council Member Bradshaw, moved to open the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

No one appeared in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to close the public hearing, approve Application #29328 and forward it to the July 14, 2015, Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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Mr. Max Johnson, Planning & Development Services Division, requested that the following application be continued until July 14, 2015:

Application #29385 – Salt Lake County Township Services is requesting to adopt the Millcreek/Meadowbrook Small Area Plan as a component of the Salt Lake County General Plan.

Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to continue this application to the Tuesday, July 14, 2015, Council meeting. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”

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THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m. until Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.


By ________________________________ Deputy Clerk


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__________________________________ CHAIR, SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL

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Web viewthe salt lake county council, state of utah, met on tuesday, june 30, 2015, pursuant to adjournment on tuesday, june 23, 2015, at the hour of 4:05:30 p.m - [DOCX Document] (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.