Your Diet and Bunions: 8 Big Tips (2024)

Are you a bunion sufferer who loves food? Well, we’ve got some news for you – some of your favorite foods could be making your pain worse! Gasp!

That’s right, those delicious treats you’ve been indulging in might be sabotaging your foot health. But don’t fret just yet, because we’re here to help you navigate the tricky world of bunion-friendly foods.

So, put down that bag of chips and pay attention, because we’re about to reveal the top culprits that could be worsening your pain.

Get ready to make some dietary changes and say goodbye to that pesky bunion discomfort for good!

Let’s dive in and find out.

What Is A Bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of your big toe. It’s caused by the misalignment of the bones in your foot, which leads to the joint jutting out and causing pain and inflammation.

They can be genetic, but they can also be caused by wearing tight-fitting shoes or high heels for extended periods of time.

What Are The Symptoms?

Some common symptoms of bunions include pain and tenderness around the big toe joint, swelling, redness, and difficulty walking or finding comfortable shoes.

Bunion Removal: Is Surgery Painful?

If your bunion pain is severe and non-surgical treatments aren’t effective, your doctor may recommend bunion removal surgery.

While the procedure can be uncomfortable, most patients report minimal pain during and after the surgery. However, it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions to ensure a speedy and comfortable recovery.

At What Age Do Bunions Start?

Bunions can develop at any age, but they’re most common in adults over 40 years old. Women are also more likely to develop bunions than men due to the prevalence of tight-fitting shoes in women’s fashion.

What Happens When They Are Left Untreated?

If left untreated, bunions can lead to more serious problems such as hammertoes, bursitis, or even arthritis. That’s why it’s essential to seek medical attention if you’re experiencing persistent pain or discomfort.

What Problems Can Bunions Cause?

They may seem like a minor inconvenience, but they can cause many problems if left untreated.

Here are some of the potential issues you might face if you ignore your bunion:

· Pain and discomfort

Let’s start with the obvious – bunions can be painful! The bony bump on the side of your foot can rub against your shoes, causing irritation and soreness.

You might find it difficult to stand or walk for extended periods of time, or experience a dull ache in your foot that just won’t go away.

· Difficulty finding comfortable shoes

If you’ve ever had to try on a dozen pairs of shoes before finding one that doesn’t pinch or rub against your bunion, you know how frustrating it can be. They can make it challenging to find shoes that fit properly and don’t cause pain.

· Changes to your foot shape

Over time, bunions can cause your big toe to drift towards your other toes, leading to a condition called hammertoe. This can make it even harder to find shoes that fit, and can cause pain and discomfort in your other toes as well.

· Bursitis

When the bursa – a small fluid-filled sac that cushions your joints – becomes inflamed due to pressure from a bunion, you can develop a condition called bursitis. This can cause additional pain and swelling in your foot.

· Arthritis

In some cases, bunions can contribute to the development of arthritis in your foot. This can cause stiffness, swelling, and pain in your joints, and may require more extensive treatment to manage.

While these problems might sound daunting, the good news is that many of them can be prevented or managed with the right treatment.

Don’t wait until your bunions cause serious problems – Contact Bayshore Podiatry Center to learn how to take care of your feet and stay pain-free.

Non-Surgical Bunion Treatment: Ways to Ease Pain Without Surgery

If you’re experiencing bunion pain, don’t fret! There are many non-surgical options to alleviate your discomfort.

Here are some ways to ease your bunion pain without going under the knife:

· Ice packs

Applying an ice pack to your bunion for 15-20 minutes at a time can help reduce inflammation and numb the pain.

· Shoe inserts

Specialized shoe inserts can help distribute pressure evenly across your foot and reduce pain when walking.

· Foot exercises

Toe stretching exercises and foot massages can help improve flexibility and reduce tension in your feet.

· Pain relievers

Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can provide temporary relief from bunion pain.

Here Are Tips On What To Avoid And What To Include In Your Diet To Help Alleviate The Discomfort.

Foods to Avoid

1. High-Purine Foods

Purines are natural substances that are found in many foods. They break down into uric acid in the body, which can cause inflammation and pain in the joints.

If you have bunions, you’ll want to avoid high-purine foods like:

  • Red meat
  • Shellfish
  • Organ meats (liver, kidneys, etc.)
  • Certain types of fish (anchovies, sardines, herring)

2. Processed Foods

Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and salt. They can also contain artificial ingredients and preservatives that can worsen inflammation in the body.

To help alleviate bunion pain, avoid:

  • Packaged snacks (chips, crackers, etc.)
  • Fast food
  • Frozen meals
  • Processed meats (hot dogs, bacon, etc.)

3. Sugary Foods

Sugar is known to cause inflammation in the body, which can worsen pain and discomfort. If you have bunions, try to avoid sugary foods like:

  • Candy
  • Soda
  • Sweet baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc.)
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals

Foods to Include

1. Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Foods that are high in anti-inflammatory compounds can help reduce pain and inflammation in the body. Try to include these foods in your diet:

  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, etc.)
  • Leafy greens (kale, spinach, etc.)
  • Berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc.)
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, etc.)
  • Olive oil

2. Low-Purine Foods

If you have bunions, it’s important to limit your intake of high-purine foods. Instead, focus on incorporating low-purine options into your diet, such as:

  • Low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)
  • Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)
  • Fruits (apples, oranges, etc.)
  • Grains (rice, bread, etc.)
  • Eggs

3. Nutrient-Rich Foods

Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help support overall foot health. Try to include these foods in your diet:

  • Lean protein (chicken, turkey, etc.)
  • Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc.)
  • Colorful vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, etc.)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, etc.)
  • Water

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Specialist Doctor And Bunion Treatment In Tampa, Florida.

Have you been suffering from bunions and looking for a specialist doctor in Tampa, Florida, to provide personalized treatment?

Choosing the right healthcare provider can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to something as crucial as your foot health.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of factors to consider when selecting a specialist doctor for bunion treatment in Tampa.

Here You Go!

· Experience and Qualifications

When it comes to bunion treatment, experience and qualifications are essential. You want a specialist who has a proven track record of success and the proper certifications to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest treatment options.

Bayshore Podiatry Center’s team of doctors have years of experience and are board-certified in podiatry, providing the highest level of care to their patients.

· Range of Treatment Options

Not all bunions are the same, and neither should the treatment options. A specialist doctor who offers a range of treatment options can provide personalized care that addresses your unique needs.

Bayshore Podiatry Center offers various treatment options, from conservative treatments like shoe modifications and custom orthotics to surgical intervention, ensuring you receive the best treatment for your condition.

· Patient-Centered Care

A good specialist doctor should make you feel comfortable and heard during your appointment. They should listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide you with clear information about your diagnosis and treatment options.

· Positive Patient Feedback

The opinions of past patients can be a valuable tool when choosing a specialist doctor for bunion treatment.

It is always best to look for a specialist with positive patient feedback, indicating they provide exceptional care and have a track record of successful outcomes.

Bonus Session

Here Are Three Recipes That May Help Reduce Bunion Pain:

Turmeric Ginger Tea

  • Boil water in a saucepan and add grated ginger and turmeric powder.
  • Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes.
  • Strain the tea and add honey to taste.
  • Drink the tea twice a day to reduce inflammation.

Salmon with Vegetables

  • Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  • Season salmon filets with salt, pepper, and lemon juice.
  • Cut vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, and zucchini into bite-sized pieces and season with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Arrange the salmon and vegetables on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Enjoy the dish as a nutritious and anti-inflammatory meal.

Greek Yogurt with Berries

  • Mix Greek yogurt with honey and vanilla extract.
  • Top with antioxidant-rich berries such as blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries.

Enjoy the snack as a healthy alternative to sugary desserts that can worsen inflammation.

PS: It’s important to note that while these recipes may help alleviate bunion pain, they are not a substitute for medical treatment.


Selecting a specialist doctor for bunion treatment in Tampa, Florida, is an important decision, and you shouldn’t settle for anything less than exceptional care.

At Bayshore Podiatry Center, we offer all of the above and more.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards pain-free feet.

Your Diet and Bunions: 8 Big Tips (2024)


Is there a bunion corrector that actually works? ›

Unfortunately, there is no medical research or data to support the claim that bunion correctors straighten the big toe. If your bunions are pretty severe, no plastic or elastic device is going to correct them. However, these correctors and splints may provide some pain relief to the big toe.

What foods should be avoided with bunions? ›

If you have bunions, you'll want to avoid high-purine foods like:
  • Red meat.
  • Shellfish.
  • Organ meats (liver, kidneys, etc.)
  • Certain types of fish (anchovies, sardines, herring)
Apr 12, 2023

How can I shrink my bunions naturally? ›

  1. Massage and Exercise Your Feet. One of the simplest ways to treat your bunions without surgery is to, in fact, exercise your feet. ...
  2. Take a Paracetamol. ...
  3. Soak Your Feet in a Foot Bath. ...
  4. Ice Your Feet. ...
  5. Put Your Feet Up! ...
  6. Try Castor Oil. ...
  7. Try Bunion Pads. ...
  8. Try Bunion Splints.
Jul 20, 2022

What foods are good for anti-inflammatory bunion? ›

Foods known for their anti-inflammatory properties include:

Onions and garlic. Berries (including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries) Cherries (tart cherries are 10 times better than aspirin!); 2 tbsp per day. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish such as salmon, sardines, oysters and herring, to name a few)

Can anything reverse a bunion? ›

Bunions can't be reversed, and unfortunately, they don't go away on their own. Once you have a bunion, it will likely continue to grow over time. Luckily, many people don't need to have surgery to treat their bunions. It's possible to find pain relief through home remedies, orthotics and other treatments.

Can you straighten a bunion without surgery? ›

In most cases, bunions can be treated nonsurgically. One of the podiatrists from our team can examine your bunion(s) and recommend a conservative treatment which includes one or more of the following: Custom shoe orthotics (inserts) that relieve pressure on the joint and align your weight in a more beneficial way.

What vitamin is good for bunions? ›

A person develops a bunion for various reasons but an overwhelming reason is the individual's foot bone structure. Vitamin D is a very interesting subject. There is more being learned about it all the time. Vitamin D is essential in the development of strong bones.

What does Epsom salt do for bunions? ›

Soaking your feet in the water a few times a week can help reduce pain and inflammation. You can also add Epsom salt in warm water. The magnesium in salt can help stave off soreness and soothe your bunion.

Does walking a lot make bunions worse? ›

A sure-fire way to exacerbate your bunion is to stand on your feet all day. Walking or running a marathon is the worst thing you can do for your bunion, and if you have a job that keeps you on your toes, you may need to take some time off to heal.

Is walking barefoot good for bunions? ›

Going barefoot is ideal in the beginning stages of bunions. When barefoot, the joints of the toes will get stronger, an important part of good foot health.

Is Vicks VapoRub good for bunions? ›

Vicks VapoRub

Sounds crazy, right? But, according to the NIH, menthol and camphor — two of the active ingredients in Vicks VapoRub — may help soothe inflamed joints and muscles by acting as a topical anesthetic. Treating bunions with Vicks may provide temporary, superficial pain relief.

What makes bunions grow bigger? ›

Wearing tight, narrow shoes might cause bunions or make them worse. Bunions can also develop as a result of the shape of your foot, a foot deformity or a medical condition, such as arthritis. Smaller bunions (bunionettes) can develop on the joint of your little toe.

What aggravates bunion pain? ›

You may experience bunion pain when you wear tight fitting shoes, as this places more pressure on the toes. Since the bunion causes inflammation of the big toe joint, you may have pain while walking because each step involves this joint.

What is the fastest way to heal a bunion? ›

Nonsurgical treatments that may relieve the pain and pressure of a bunion include:
  1. Changing shoes. Wear roomy, comfortable shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes.
  2. Padding. Over-the-counter, nonmedicated bunion pads or cushions may be helpful. ...
  3. Medications. ...
  4. Shoe inserts. ...
  5. Applying ice.

How do you stop a bunion from getting worse? ›

Invest in orthotics

Custom orthotics are special shoe inserts designed for your foot shape and needs. Orthotics redistribute your weight, relieve pressure on your bunions, and offer extra padding and support. Orthotics are available for all types of footwear, including dress shoes and athletic shoes.

Is it worth getting a bunion corrector? ›

Perhaps the term of “bunion correctors” is slightly misleading as they do not actually correct bunions, rather prevents it from getting worse. The only way to really correct a bunion is by surgery. In most cases, this is a last resort for people who are in great pain and have severe deformity.

What is the new technology to remove bunions? ›

Lapiplasty has been called a “paradigm shift ” in bunion correction surgery. The surgeon no longer has to cut freehand. A patented instrument holds the metatarsal bone in correct position in all three dimensions at the same time before the surgeon makes any cuts.

How do you permanently fix bunions? ›

Surgical options

Surgical procedures for bunions can be done as single procedures or in combination. They might involve: Removing the swollen tissue from around your big toe joint. Straightening your big toe by removing part of the bone.

Does anything work for bunions? ›

You can also wear a splint at night to hold the toe straight and ease discomfort. When the bunion is irritated and painful, warm soaks, ice packs, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen may help. Whirlpool, ultrasound, and massage may also provide some relief.


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